Mai 2022

Turkey Weekly 30 – 31 May 2022

Turkey Today – 31 May 2022

Turkish Armed Forces started a military offensive in Batman’s Kozluk district. 
Police raids were conducted in Batman against members of the HDP and the Free Women’s Movement. At least 15 women were detained. 
5 people were detained during police raids in Siirt’s Erih district. 
It was stated that Mehmet Kültür and Feyyaz Başak, who are held in Van High Security Prison, were beaten by the guards because they protested the change of their ward, and it was learned that all three prisoners were transferred elsewhere against their will.
The 16th hearing of the trial in which journalist Can Dündar faces “publishing or distributing the publications of terrorist organizations” charges wss held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against journalist Can Dündar. Trial adjourned until October.
The 6th hearing of the trial in which journalist Derya Okatan faces “insult” charge was held in İstanbul. Citing the pandemic, the court did not allow any audience in the courtroom. Reasoning that Okatan had no intent or negligence regarding the crime she was charged with, the court ruled to acquit Okatan. 
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which since-shuttered Azadiya Welat’s reporter Velat Öztekin faces “insulting the president” charge was held in Diyarbakır. The court decided to wait for the response to subpoena issued so that Öztekin’s statement can be taken and adjourned the trial until November. 
Engin Açar, a reporter for TELE 1 TV was detained yesterday while reporting on the damage on Hagia Sophia.
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 975 new infections and 4 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 30.05.2022
The cutting down of trees for the establishment of new police stations and military bases in the Şenyayla region of Muş province continues since March. 

Journalists’ Federation warns that the Presidency Communications Directorate will become the sole authority for news media if the new bill passes. 
The 9th hearing of the trial in which the proprietor of the since-shuttered Azadiya Welat newspaper Ramazan Ölçen faces “membership of a terrorist organization” charge was held in Diyarbakır. The court adjourned the trial until October to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against Ölçen.
Fifty-seven bar associations have released a joint statement about the recent bans on concerts, festivals and other cultural events across the country. 
Greece has announced that it will extend the border wall with Turkey in Alexandroupoli (Dedeağaç) to prevent refugees from crossing into the country by walking. 

Turkey has lifted the wearing of mandatory Covid-19 masks except for hospitals.

Covid-19: 908 new infections and 4 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 17 – 22 May 2022

Turkey Today – 22.05.2022

PACE rapporteurs have warned about a possible expulsion of Turkey from the Strasbourg-based body over the country’s refusal to release philantrophist Osman Kavala.
Yesterday hundreds of thousands of people gathered for a rally in Istanbul to protest the conviction of İstanbul CHP Chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu, for “insulting” the president and the state.
The Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 440. The sit-in was launched on March 9, 2021 by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attack carried out by AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguards and relatives in Urfa. 
Regarding the phone records of the hitman Altun, the killer of the Dedeoğulları family, HDP Group Chairperson Meral Danış Beştaş said “It is seen that such massacres were caused by the words, actions and attitudes of the law enforcement.”
Covid-19: Yesterday 1,264 new infections and 3 deaths were registered

Turkey Today – 21.05.2022
Lawyers of Asrın Law Office called for “urgent action” by referring the ban on family and lawyer visits for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, to the UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
One of the “terrorists” that Turkey says Sweden refuses to extradite has turned out to be Mehmet Sıraç Bilgin, a Kurdish author who died in Sweden in 2015. 
5 people, including two habitants of Tuteqel village, lost their lives in the airstrike carried out by Turkey in Çemcemal, in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
A vehicle in the Maxmur refugee camp in North Iraq which is under UNHCR protection was targeted by a Turkish drone. 
Saturday Mothers came together in week 895 to ask those responsible for the death of Hasan Ocak, who disappeared after being detained on 19 May 1995. 
Yesterday police entered the Boğaziçi University campus and broke up the annual LGBTI pride march. Dozens of students were beaten and detained.
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 20.05.2022
Emphasized that the hitman Mehmet Altun, who murdered the Dedeoğulları family, was encouraged, CHP MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu said, “The audio recordings confirm once again that the murderer did not act alone.”
While there are intense clashes on Mount Cudi in Şırnak, air activity started in the region. 
The 29th hearing of the trial in which 67 people including since-shuttered DİHA former reporter Engin Eren face multiple charges was held in Batman. The prosecution who was supposed to present his final opinion at today’s hearing failed to do so. The court decided to send the case file to the prosecution once again so that the final opinion can be prepared. Trial adjourned until June.

Turkey’s interior minister has announced that some 502,000 refugees from Syria have returned to their country. 
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 19.05.2022
President Erdoğan repeated that Turkey will oppose Sweden and Finland from joining NATO.

Police raided the house of Halise Aksoy, mother of HPG fighter Agit Ipek, whose remains were delivered by post in April 2020. 
A woman’s dead body was found near a dam about 300 meters away from the military guard post in the Özalp district of Van province. 
The Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB) has filed an application with the top administrative court of the country, demanding the annulment of the midnight music ban. 
Covid-19: 1,485 new infections and 4 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 18.05.2022
The images of the torture of 55 people 3 years ago in Halfeti is under investigation in Istanbul ATK for two years. İHD Urfa Branch Co-chair Mustafa Vefa pointed out that the long review period is the continuation of the policy of impunity.
The 1st hearing of the trial in which 16 people who were taken into custody before the February 3, 2022 “Freedom for the ill prisoners watch” face “defying the Law no. 2911” charge was held in İstanbul. The court decided to exempt those defendants who’d given their statements from future hearings and to have those who have not yet given their statements be brought to the next hearing. Trial adjourned until October. 
The hearing of the trial in which 17 Peace Mothers face “defying the Law no. 2911” charge was held in İstanbul. In his final opinion, the prosecutor requested that all the defendants be acquitted. The court ruled to acquit all the defendants on the grounds that the elements of the offense they were charged with did not occur. 
One of Saturday Mothers, Hanife Yıldız, was detained during yesterday’s joint press statement of Human Rights Association and Human Rights Foundation. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 1,433 new infections and 3 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 17.05.2022
Court of Cassation ruled that the search made by the special security officers is unlawful and that the evidence obtained from this search cannot be taken as a basis for the verdict. 

Party members gathered for HDP Diyarbakır Regional Conference blocked the road to traffic in response to the police who set up a search point in front of the hall where the conference would take place.
The co-chair of Human Rights Association provincial branch in Hakkari received deaths threats. 

The first hearing of the trial in which journalist Nurcan Yalçın faces “aiding an organization knowingly and willingly” charge was held in Diyarbakır. In his final opinion submitted to the court at the first hearing, the prosecutor requested that Yalçın be sentenced for the offense she’s been charged with. Trial adjourned until July. 
The 14th hearing of the trial in which nine people including ETHA reporter Ali Sönmez Kayar face “membership in an armed terrorist organization” charge was held in İstanbul. The court decided to evaluate the joinder requests after hearing the anonymous witness and to request the merging of cases for defendants who stand trial on the same charges in a case heard by İstanbul 11th High Criminal Court. Trial adjourned until October. 
A drone attack was carried out on a house in the Til Rifet district of Shehba Canton in Northern Syria. 
Erdoğan insists Turkey won’t agree to the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland while Stoltenberg says Ankara’s security concerns should be addressed. 
Covid-19: 1,608 new infections and 7 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 16.05.2022

The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey and the Human Rights Association have released a joint statement to condemn CHP İstanbul Chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu’s prison sentence. 

The Court of Cassation has upheld the life sentence of Fedai Varan, who killed Emine Bulut. The prosecutor had appealed against the verdict, alleging that the defendant’s sentence should be reduced due to “good conduct” and “unjust provocation.” 

Women who have become unable to continue their daily lives in the Mergan hamlet of Çukurca, on the border line where pressure has increased with the attacks against Zap, Avaşîn and Metîna, stated that they are imprisoned in their homes.

The court has refused to arrest the police officer who is facing 25 years in prison for killing a waste worker in Diyarbakır. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 1,254 new infections and 4 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 9 – 15 May 2022

Turkey Today – 15.05.2022
CHP Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu yesterday visited the headquarters of SADAT, a private military contractor with close ties to the government, in Beylikdüzü, İstanbul.

The military operations launched in the Besta region of Şırnak and in the Cudi and Gabar mountains continue. The soldiers are cutting the trees within the scope of the operation. Access to three villages was blocked. 
35 families have left the village of Şikeftan in Şemdinli due to the massive deployment of soldiers. 
The Kurdish singer’s concert planned for 20 May in Kocaeli was banned by the AKP-led municipality. 
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 14.05.2022
Ill prisoner Abdullah Ece died in Çiğli State Hospital, where he was being treated for Coronavirus. 
Being held in Yozgat No. 2 Type T Closed Prison, Murat Yıldırım stated that he and 16 other prisoners have been held in cells for months without any justification. 
Subjected to police violence during house raids in Istanbul two days ago, Vedat Özdemir said that he is having difficulty in breathing.
Police attacked the funeral of Kurdish politician Aysel Doğan who died in exile where she was being treated for cancer. 
Saturday Mothers came together in week 894 to ask those responsible for the death of Mehmet Selim, Hasan Örhan who disappeared after being detained on 24 May 1994 in Diyarbakır’s Kulp district. 
Turkey continues its attacks on villages of Kobane. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 1,407 new infections and 5 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Kurdish politician #AyselDogan died in exile and is about to be buried in her home town Dêrsim, Bakur. But Turkish police are attacking the mourners with water cannons. 
We won’t see these pictures in western media because the aggressor is #Turkey. There will be no outrage!

Turkey Today – 13.05.2022
The General Assembly of the Constitutional Court completed the examination of the additional evidence in the case filed for the closure of the HDP. 
There is intense helicopter activity in Yüksekova district of Hakkari. It has been stated that the helicopters departing from the Gendarmerie Command are heading towards the Şemdinli and Dağlıca regions.
The cities of Kobanê and Manbij in Northern and Eastern Syria were bombed by Turkish Armed Forces. 
Facing up to 35 years in prison for “espionage,” Metin Gürcan, a founding member of DEVA Party has been arrested again after being released 2 days ago.
Covid-19: 1,534 new infections and 7 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 12.05.2022
According to local sources preparations for an operation were made in the areas to the north of Diyarbakır’s Lice district.
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which journalists Olaf Koens and Pepijn Nagtzaam face “defying the Law no. 2565 on Military Forbidden Zones and Security Zones” is being held in the Edirne 5th Criminal Court of First Instance. They were acquitted. 
The third hearing of the retrial in which since shuttered Azadiya Welat newspaper reporter Çetin Kurşun faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in Mardin. After having notified Kurşun and his lawyer that the panel of judges in this hearing is temporary, the court adjourned the trial until October so that the case file can be evaluated by the competent judge.
An appeals court has ordered the arrest of Metin Gürcan, an academic and politician who was released yesterday after five months under arrest on “espionage” charges. 
Turkey’s attacks on the villages of Shehba and Eyn Isa in Northern Syria continue. 
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 11.05.2022
The first hearing of the trial in which the Co-Chair of Human Rights Association Öztürk Türkdoğan faces “insulting a public official” charge upon complaint by the Minister of Internal Affairs Süleyman Soylu, was held in Ankara. In his final opinion, the prosecutor requested that Öztürk Türkdoğan be sentenced for the offense he’s been charged with. Giving additional time for the defense to prepare their statements against the final opinion. Trial adjourned until June.
RTÜK fines four TV outlets for broadcasting opposition MPs’ comments on Gezi trial. 

In Besta, where the preparations for the operation continue, the rangers who were sent to the front started cutting trees under the supervision of the soldiers.
Erdoğan says no one can send refugees back as long as he is in power. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 1,670 new infections and 9 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 10.05.2022
Police raided several houses in Şırnak’s İdil district. HDP Co-Chair Müzeyyen İnan and his son were detained. During police raids in Mardin’s Derik district 7 people were detained. 
Notes including the phrase “JITEM” were left by an unidentified person or persons to the HDP Gürsu District Organisation. The police replied the party leaders who applied to the police station, and said “It must be a child’s prank. There is no need for an investigation.” 
The application to turn the prison sentence of 80-year-old Makbule Özer into house arrest was rejected. 80-year-old Makbule Özer and her husband 79-year-old Hadi Özer were detained together with their children during the police raid on their house on July 2018 in Van for ‘aiding an illegal organization’. 
The Council of State has rejected the appeals of the Minister of Interior and General Director of Security and annulled the ban on filming police during protests.  
The 23rd hearing of the trial in which journalists Hüseyin Aykol, Reyhan Çapan, Hasan Başak and Kemal Yakut face multiple charges was held in İstanbul. The hearing to which the defendants and their lawyers did not attend by submitting their excuses, has been postponed to a later date. 
The second hearing of the trial in which the Proprietor of Yüksekova News Portal Erkan Çapraz and the Broadcast Coordinator Ömer Oğuz face “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Hakkari. Trial adjourned until September.
Covid-19: 1,858 new infections and 7 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 09.05.2022

The eight convicts of the Gezi Park case have released a joint statement: ‘Either hatred and arrogance or fraternity and freedom will prevail’. 

Within the framework of the military offensive in the KRI hundreds of armored vehicles and civilian vehicles carrying vital supplies departing from Van were delivered to Yüksekova District Gendarmerie Command.

The biggest church of the Armenian community in the Middle East, Surp Giragos was re-opened for worship in Diyarbakır after a seven years of break. 
HDP deputy Abdullah Koç has submitted a parliamentary question about Suat Oğuz, who has been in prison for eight years and whose health problems have worsened and who catched Covid twice. 
Two Kurds have been arrested in Mersin on terror charges. Father and son had already been in “preventive police custody for ten days as a measure to prevent violence” on May 1.
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Weekly 2 – 8 May 2022

Turkey Today – 08.05.2022

According to IHD representative Ercan Yılmaz the release of a prisoner in Oltu prison was delayed by three month due to the answer the prisoner gave to the question “What does Abdullah Öcalan mean to you?”
Halil Coşkun, member of ÖHD’s prison commission said that prisoners were forced by National Intelligence Organisation to collaboration. 
At the weekend housands of people took to the streets in Kurdish majority areas to protest against Turkey’s military offensive in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 
The Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 426. Şenyaşar family said: “Misgovernment is a disaster. We will continue to fight for justice no matter what.”
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 1,480 new infections and 9 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 07.05.2022

PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has not been heard from for more than a year, has been given a new 6-month attorney ban before the previous 6-month attorney visitation ban expired.
10 children were detained during house raids in Cizre. 
Lawyer Yunus Emre Şahan who was battered by police in front of the HDP headquarters said “The police followed an order. We are not a state under the rule of law, but a police state.”
Saturday Mothers came together in week 892 to ask those responsible for the death of Mehmet Can Ayşin who disappeared on 7 May 1994 in Diyarbakır’s Lice district after a military offensive. 

Turkey and and its mercenaries shelled the villages of Shehba’s Til Rifet district and Afrin’s Sherawa district.
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 06.05.2022

Police who blockaded the HDP headquarters early in the morning, attacked the party members again this evening. The police who tried to enter the party building and break down the doors, sprayed pepper gas at the party members, including the MPs, at close range. 6 people were battered and detained. 
Lawyer Yunus Emre Şahan who was battered by the police in front of the HDP headquarters was rushed to hospital with a head trauma.
Family of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan filed an application to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office to visit him. 
Appeals court rejects Dink family’s appeal against acquittals in murder case of Armenian Hrant Dink. 
The hunger strike launched by 7 prisoners in Kilis Type L Prison to protest arbitrary practices and violations of rights committed by the prison administration continues on day 15. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 1,743 new infections and 7 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 05.05.2022

A group brought in front of HDP headquarters under police protection, placed a black wreath. After a short statement the group left, police continued to stay. HDP members were attacked verbally & physically. A police chief threatened HDP MP Başaran: “I will nail you to the wall”
HDP has launched a campaign demanding equal citizenship rights for Alevis, an unrecognized religious minority in Turkey. HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar said Alevis suffer “discrimination and denial in every aspect of life.” 
The village guards who were deployed to Metîna in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq said that they could not make any progress in the areas where the attacks continue and that their psychology is getting worse day by day.
A group of trans women have been battered by the police in İzmir. 
Reactions continue against Çavuşoğlu’s flashing the Armenian protesters with the Grey Wolf sign in Uruguay. Uruguay Senate has delayed the appointment of an ambassador to Turkey.
Covid-19: 1,253 new infections and 11 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 04.05.2022

Ebubekir Çıkmaz was arrested in Cizre for refusing a police check under the General Information Retrieval System. 
Relatives of political prisoners complained that they were not allowed to visit the prisoners on the occasion of Bayram.   
The Urfa Bar Association has filed a criminal complaint against teachers who made racist remarks about a Turkish-Kurdish welcome sign at the entrance of Erzurum’s Karayazı district. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 1,132 new infections and 7 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 03.05.2022

There are at least 42 journalists and media employees imprisoned in Turkey because of their professional activities.
120 village guards from Şırnak were sent to Metina in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 
Ill prisoner Naif İşçi from Ahlat prison said in a phone call with his family that he was threatened with death by the prison guards. İsçi was detained in 2010 on membership in a terrorist organization charge. 
President Erdoğan said that Turkey has been preparing “a new project for the voluntary return of 1 million Syrian refugees.”
Covid-19: 1,193 new infections and 10 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 02.05.2022
The governor’s office denied access to the cemetery to families who wanted to visit the graves of their relatives on the occasion of Ramadan. 
According to official figures, Turkish police detained 164 demonstrators in Istanbul on May 1.
6 soldiers were reportedly killed in a missile strike on a Turkish military base in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 
Hunger strike of political prisoners in Antep’s İslahiye prison continues on day 27. 
Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 420. The family lost three members as a result of the attacks of AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız and his relatives. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 1,344 new infections and 8 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 01 Mai 2022

Tens of thousands of people attended the May Day demonstrations across Turkey. 
Scores of workers and youth organisations set out for Taksim despite all obstacles. Groups marching to Taksim from different ways, faced police attack. Police took scores under custody. All roads leading to Taksim Square have been closed with barriers since last night. 
Placing a wreath in Taksim Square, DİSK Chair Arzu Çerkezoğlu, said: “The place where May 1 should be celebrated is the Taksim Square”.
Journalist Meral Danyıldız reports that police officers were ordered to lift their shields up to prevent journalists from recording individuals being taken into police custody. 
Journalist Derya Doğan reports that police are not allowing journalists carrying IFJ-Global press cards into Taksim. Journalist are told to produce state-approved press cards.
Journalist Buse Söğütlü who was taken into police custody while covering the May 1st demonstrations has given her statement at the police station. 
In the Sise cemetery, located in Diyarbakır’s Lice district, almost all the graves were destroyed. Most of those buried there are PKK fighters. Graves are repeatedly desecrated in the Kurdish majority areas. 
Covid-19: On April 30, Health Ministry reported 1,772 new infections and 11 deaths.