Mai 2023

Turkey Weekly 22 – 27 May 2023

Turkey Today – 27.05.2023
Oktay Dönmez, a bomb disposal expert in the Turkish Armed Forces, who murdered lawyer Dilara Yıldız in Tuzla, was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment and 20 years in prison.

The Saturday Mothers, who wanted to gather at Galatasaray Square were once again detained by the police despite the Constitutional Court’s decision.  
Ferit Ak, who was arrested 4 years ago in the Pîrsus (Suruç) district of Riha(Urfa) and sentenced to 7 and a half years in prison for “being a member of a terrorist organization”, requested a referral to a prison close to his family. His request has not been answered for 4 years. 
After the main opposition’s presidential candidate Kılıçdaroğlu sent a text message to citizens regarding credit card debts, the Information and Communications Technologies Authority informed the GSM operators and banned propaganda by text messages.
Starting from 6 p.m. today, the propaganda prohibition has come into effect for the second round of presidential election scheduled to take place tomorrow. 

Turkey Today – 26.05.2023
On the day Vezir Coşkun, new elected MP for Hakkari, got his certificate, the Rize Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office initiated an investigation against him on charges of “providing financial support to a terrorist organization.”
The Kocaeli Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office has decided to postpone the execution of a 10-year prison sentence for Kurdish politician Aysel Tuğluk, diagnosed with dementia, for one year citing “health reasons.”
Diyarbakır’s Ergani Municipality Council member Ceylan Aslan was sentenced to up to 15 years in prison for the press statements she participated in.
Former Mayor of Diyarbakır Feridun Çelik was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison on charges of “being a member of a terrorist organization” on the grounds of his activities within the Democratic Society Congress. 
At least 39 people were detained in house raids in Bingöl. 
Saim Adıgüzel, brother of Hakan Adıgüzel, who is imprisoned in Sincan High Security Prison, stated that his brother, who had health problems due to prison conditions, was not treated.
After the imprisoned Gezi Park defendant Can Atalay received his election certificate as a new MP from the Workers’ Party of Turkey (TİP), his lawyers applied to the top appeals court for his release. Atalay was convicted to 18 years in jail in the Gezi Park trial last year. 

Turkey Today – 25.05.2023
The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the Green Left (Yeşil Sol) Party have announced that their support for Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will continue in the second round of the presidential election.
While the number of voters who cast their votes abroad increased to 1 million 856 thousand 968, voting procedures at customs continue.
Dozens of people were detained in house raids before the second round of elections in Hakkari. 2 people  were detained in police raids in Urfa’s Halfeti district. 
After far-right anti-immigrant Victory Party and HDP have declared support for Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in the second round of presidential elections against Erdoğan, AKP spokesperson Ömer Çelik has argued both parties “cannot come together” as they are “at opposite ends.” 
Turkey has risen to the fifth rank in the world in the Global Slavery Index and comes first in Europe and Central Asia. 

Turkey Today – 24.05.2023
Democratic Regions Party Diyarbakır Provincial Co-chair Hayrettin Altun’s press statements, news about demonstrations and events were accepted as a “call for an organization” and a prison sentence of up to 15 years was demanded.
An investigation has been launched against Mesopotamia Agency’s reporter Yüsra Batıhan for the posts she made on her social media account after the Maraş-centered earthquakes.
3 people were detained in house raids in Batman. 15 people were detained in house raids in Mardin, Manisa and Şırnak.
12 musicians in İzmir who participated in the opening of the election office of Green Left Party were detained on charges of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization”.
In a tweet, President Erdoğan’s advisor Ayhan Ogan has declared millions of citizens who voted for Kılıçdaroğlu in eastern Turkey as “PKK members.”
Oktay Avcu was detained per the instruction of a prosecutor’s office in Mersin province after he filed a criminal complaint against President Erdoğan over the latter’s claim that the PKK were supporting CHP leader and presidential candidate Kılıçdaroğlu with a montage video.

Turkey Today – 23.05.2023
As part of the Tekirdağ-based investigation, nearly 30 people, including HDP former provincial co-chairs and current administrators, were detained in police raids. 
13 people were detained in house raids in Mardin early in the morning. 
24 people, including journalist Delal Akyüz and HDP, DBP and Çukurova TUAY-DER executives, were detained in the investigation launched with the allegation of sharing social media and sending money to prisoners in 5 Mersin-based provinces.
Ma Music Coordinator Şêrko Kanîwar was detained as part of the investigation by Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. 
A drone attack was carried out by Turkey against a house in the village of Xelef in Shengal. 
After President Erdoğan continued to argue that PKK executives threw support behind main opposition leader Kılıçdaroğlu with a montage video, he called Erdoğan “fraudulent video fabricator.” 

Turkey Today – 22.05.2023
Sinan Oğan, who ran in the first round of the presidential election as the candidate of the right-wing Ancestral Alliance, has announced his support for President Erdoğan. 

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said at the meeting with the personnel of the General Directorate of Security and their families in Istanbul, “Whenever the lawyers of the PKK are jailed, then there will be nothing left to see as PKK in Turkey. They are the target.”
Diyarbakır’s Bismil Municipality Co-Mayor Gülşen Özer was sentenced to a total of 15 years in prison, 7 years and 6 months, on charges of “being a member of a terrorist organization” twice.
19 people, including many HDP members, were detained in the operation launched in 5 cities based in Ankara on the grounds of the Newroz celebration.
5 people who were battered and taken into custody after the police seized the loudspeaker while they were performing a halay dance accompanied by Kurdish songs, were referred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace for their arrest.
Ill prisoner Sinan Tutmaz, who is in Düzce Prison, was put in a single cell even though he did not have one hand. 
A broadcasting ban was imposed for the investigation carried out on the rape and death of a 2-year-old child in Zonguldak.

Turkey Weekly 15 -21 May

Turkey Today – 21.05.2023
While delivering the Friday sermon in a mosque in Istanbul, an imam named Murat Gündoğdu called the congregation to “prepare their weapons” on the night of run-off presidential election on May 28, and added “my two guns are fully loaded.”
Interior Minister Soylu has targeted Oy ve Ötesi, a volunteer organization of election monitoring, claiming that their observers “terrorize” the vote counting and that they cannot legally monitor the ballot boxes. 
A Haber TV has censored the name and photo of presidential candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu on their ballot paper example and showed him as the “other candidate.” 
Sinan Oğan who came third in the first round of the presidential election, will announce publicly on May 22 whom he will support in the second round. 

Turkey Today – 20.05.2023
Voting process has started in foreign and customs offices for the second round of Presidential elections. 
A mob on May 19 attacked the CHP Women’s Branch members distributing leaflets for Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s campaign in Kütahya. 
Despite Constitutional Court’s ruling, at least 10 people were detained in the police attack on the Saturday Mothers, who came together to inquire about the fate of their disappeared relatives in Galatasaray Square. 
Zekeriya Muhammed from Rojava, imprisoned in Hilvan Prison, was battered with gun butts by the soldiers in the hospital where he went for treatment.
The Feminist Solidarity for Disaster and Woman State of Soliditary Association (DAKAHDER) in the tent city set up by volunteers in quake-torn Adıyaman stated that most of the women quake victims’ special needs were forgotten during the election process.
Doğan Akın, the editor-in-chief of online news outlet T24, faced accusations of insulting a public official for publishing an article about a tender won by the cousin of Turkey’s Industry and Technology Minister. Akın was charged with a prison sentence of 1 to 2 years for this alleged offense. He was acquitted. 

Turkey Today – 19.05.2023
The provincial election council has rejected the application of the Green Left Party to renew the elections in Gaziantep after around 2,000 people were unable to vote because they had been registered as polling officials without being informed. 
It was stated that the relatives of the prisoners who went to visit Kırıklar Prison were forced to strip search.
Tele 1 TV’s editor-in-chief Merdan Yanardağ had shared in a post the claim that a group entered from Georgia to Turkey to assassinate Kılıçdaroğlu on May 12. 
In the first press conference after the elections, opposition presidential candidate Kılıçdaroğlu once again vowed to deport refugees. He accused Erdoğan of not “protecting the borders and honor of the country by bringing more than 10 million refugees.”
In response to a question about election results, Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has targeted the country’s top pollster Bekir Ağırdır by calling him “mafia.”

Turkey Today – 18.05.2023
Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who was elected as an MP from the Green Left Party in Kocaeli, declared that the AKP objected to his deputy, citing the prison sentence of the Constitutional Court. 
The Green Left Party Istanbul Provincial Organization objected to 236 ballot boxes in 27 districts. It has been determined that a total of 3,570 votes in the minutes with wet signatures were not registered for the Green Left Party, while thousands of extra votes were registered for the AKP and MHP. 

The 6th hearing of the trial in which journalist Deniz Yücel faces “degrading the Turkish nation” and “insulting the president” charges was held in Istanbul. A court issued a warrant for his arrest. A criminal complaint has been filed against the policemen who beat HDP District Co-chair Yavuz Kahraman and Green Left Party District Co-spokesperson Cemal Korkmaz in Arnavutköy.
The 10 years and 10 months prison sentence given by the local court to Kadir Şeker, who caused Duran’s death while trying to save Ayşe Dırla, who was battered by a man named Özgür Duran on the street in Konya, was upheld by the Supreme Court. 
While an investigation has been launched regarding the beating of Şeyhmus Eşen by the police in Bismil district, the MOBESE  (Mobile Electronic System Integration) image also confirms the violence. 

Turkey Today – 17.05.2023
Presidential Communications Directorate, controlled by Fahrettin Altun, spent 282.9 million liras in April alone.
Supreme Election Council (YSK) has shared its database of the ballot box results with the political parties.
After approximately seven months in jail, nine journalists working for Kurdish media outlets have been released from jail at the first hearing of the trial in which they are accused of terrorism charges. 
Behçet Kaplan, a 31-year-old seriously ill  prisoner lost his life in Bitlis prison. 
Sabah Daily Europe Representative İsmail Erel and Sabah Europe Daily Chief Editor Cemil Albay have been taken into custody after police raids to their houses in Germany.

Turkey Today – 16.05.2023
Documents are increasingly being published on social media showing that the distribution of votes according to the protocol of the polling station does not match the receipt of votes in the system of the Supreme Election Council. The published documents are votes of the Green Left Party registered as votes for the MHP.
The Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office has launched investigations into citizens whom it said were sharing “provocative” social media posts about the election results. 
Two gendarmes have lost their lives, one gendarme officer and one village guard were injured in an armed confrontation in the Besta region of Şırnak in the morning, the Interior Ministry announced. 
The second round of Turkey’s presidential elections will be held on May 28. 
According to a KRI based news agency a drone attack was carried out by Turkey against Şengal. 

Turkey Today – 15.05.2023
Supreme Election Council (YSK) chairperson Ahmet Yener announced Erdoğan’s vote as 49.49 percent and Kılıçdaroğlu’s vote as 44.79 percent. He also said that the Presidential election is in the second round. 
Presidential candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said: “Don’t fall into despair. I will stand upright. We will stand up and take this election together.”
Television channel Halk TV, newspaper Sözcü, and Cumhuriyet reported cyber attacks on their websites during election day.  
Journalist Metin Yoksu announced that he was sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in a trial where he was accused of ‘propaganda for a terrorist organization’ over photos he took while covering the funeral of those who perished in the Suruç massacre.
Journalist Barış Pehlivan announced that he will need to go to prison for a short period of time on the grounds that a recently filed lawsuit violated his probation. The lawsuit is brought against Pehlivan because of an article in which he implicitly mentioned the Court of Cassation member Ömer Faruk Aydıner.

Turkey Weekly 8 – 13 May

Turkey Today – 13.05.2023
The Supreme Election Council declared that the votes of Muharrem İnce, who announced his withdrawal as a presidential candidate, will be valid. 
Radio and Television Supreme Council’s (RTÜK) member from the main opposition CHP İlhan Taşçı has stated that Presidential Communication Directorate and Interior Ministry had placed “special personnel” on the state television TRT for the election night.
Turkish GSM operator Turkcell sent a text message to employees working at its headquarters in Istanbul and informed them that “technical infrastructure works” would prevent them from entering their plazas and offices on election night.
Kemal Özkiraz, owner of the Eurasia Research Company, who shared the results of the presidential election poll the previous day, was taken into custody.
President Erdoğan has stated that they are ready to protect their independence and future “at the expense of our lives when necessary, as on the night of July 15 (coup attempt).”
A criminal investigation has been launched against TELE 1’s Chief Editor Merdan Yanardağ over the suspicion of “openly disseminating information misleading the public” for having shared the claim that a group planning to assassinate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu had come to Turkey.

Turkey Today – 12.05.2023
President Erdoğan has denied that press freedom in Turkey has been deteriorating by saying “There are not as many journalists in prisons as it has been claimed.”
Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has said that the opposition is very excited to see President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan leaving the office and added, “We will stomp on the opposition after May 14 when Erdoğan wins.”
Representative of TÜGVA, a pro-government foundation, was caught distributing fake CHP leaflets in Esenler, İstanbul, portraying Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu saying, “Why should LGBTI+ spoil our family structure?” and “a head scarf is only a meter of a cloth”. 
The Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) will be on the field with 1,600 lawyers in Sunday’s election. 
In the case of the two files that were combined in the massacre against the Şenyaşar family, it was decided to continue the detention of Fadıl Şenyaşar and three other people. 

Turkey Today – 11.05.2023
Süleyman Soylu has said that when he assumed the post of Interior Minister, he was summoned by President Erdoğan and instructed to remove HDP mayors from duty. 
Homeland Party Chairperson Muharrem İnce withdrew from his presidential candidacy. 
President Erdoğan has warned his supporters of a possible election loss and said “Let’s not have an accident on Sunday.” Otherwise, Erdoğan added, “the imperialists counting the days to do to us what they did to Syria.”
Media watchdog RTUK published a press statement and warned against broadcasts which would “manipulate” and “mislead the public.” The media watchdog emphasized “heavy sanctions” for those who do not comply with the Supreme Election Council’s restrictions on election day.
A smiling poster of Erdoğan has been hung on the only standing building across the infamous İsias Hotel in the quake-hit Adıyaman province. 65 people, 25 of whom were Northern Cypriot athletes, had lost their lives at the hotel during the Februar 6 quakes.
The International Imrali Peace Delegation, which came to Istanbul, will visit many institutions on the isolation and developments in the country on May 11-12. 
While the military operation that started yesterday in the Lice district continues, 2 citizens were detained in the raids on many houses in the region. 

Turkey Today – 10.05.2023
The Supreme Election Council rejected the request of the Interior Ministry to receive country-wide data on voters and banned the police and gendarmerie from collecting election results. 
Celal Adan, a MHP lawmaker from parliament’s 27th term, has called for the closure of the Constitutional Court for not closing down the HDP.
The Turkish military has dismissed a sergeant from service over his involvement in the attack against Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu’s rally in Erzurum. 
A military operation was launched in Diyarbakır’s Lice district. Dozens of armored vehicles and helicopters are taking part in the large-scale operation. 

Turkey Today – 09.05.2023
The OECD Parliamentary Network has criticized Turkey for rejecting the observers it had appointed to monitor the elections. Danish Red-Green Alliance MP Soren Sondergaard and Swedish Social Democratic MP Kadir Kasirga were not allowed to travel to Ankara.
A court has released 14 people shortly after their detention over the attack against Istanbul Mayor and VP candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu under judicial control measures, whereas one suspect was released after giving testimony.
Imprisoned Kurdish politician Ayşe Gökkan has filed a criminal complaint on the allegation of torture and ill-treatment while being transferred from one prison to another. 
Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu used a state-developed app on his phone to identify people by their photos. He previously faced criticism after photos of him with crime suspects circulated on social media, claiming he didn’t know them.
The application made by the Amnesty International and its then-board chair in Turkey, Prof. Dr. Levent Korkut, to the European Court of Human Rights was concluded today. The ECtHR ruled that the applicants’ “right to a fair and reasoned trial” under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and their “freedom of association” under Article 11 were violated. 

Turkey Today – 08.05.2023
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said yesterday that the US had proposed Turkey to send the S-400 missile defense system it bought from Russia to Ukraine, but Ankara rejected this offer. 
Regarding the attack on Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu in Erzurum, Family Minister Derya Yanık said that the city has “sensitivities” and that his “flirtation” with the HDP voters caused the attack.
AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik argued that İmamoğlu was attacked because he tried to hold the rally in that square without any permission.
CHP deputy Murat Bakan has shared a message sent to him by a police officer who expressed being “very shamed” about not being able to stop the attack against Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu’s election bus in Erzurum. 

Interior Minister Soylu has accused CHP Istanbul Mayor of being the “provocateur” of the latest attack. 
Bullets have been thrown inside the election office of CHP’s Urfa office. 

Turkey Weekly 1 – 7 May 2023

Turkey Today – 07.05.2023
Ahead of the May 14 election in Turkey, there is speculation about alleged talks with imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. The Asrin Law Office considers the rumours to be manipulation and demands immediate contact with their client.
MHP chair Devlet Bahçeli has said that “a sad end” awaits the Nation Alliance bloc and its presidential candidate Kılıçdaroğlu. Bahçeli argued that they will either receive “aggravated life sentences” after the May 14 elections or “bullets in their bodies.”
A women’s rally was held by the Green Left Party in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district. Police detained 4 women. 
AKP Municipality in Urfa’s Halfeti district removed a Green Left Party stand on the grounds of “maintenance and repair” and set up an AKP stand instead. 

Turkey Today – 06.05.2023
The family of musician Cihan Aymaz, who was murdered after he did not sing the song “I die for my Turkey” in Kadıköy, stated that the racist attacker was “drunk” and that the murder is wanted to be covered up. 
Despite the Constitutional Court’s two separate judgments police prevented the Saturday Mothers again from going back to the Galatasaray Square to hold their 945th vigil. There are many detentions. 
Police and soldiers raided houses in the Cizre district of Şırnak center and some villages yesterday evening. Many people were detained. 
Police raided many houses in Dersim, Istanbul and Hatay early in the morning. The police also raided the office of Yeni Democracy Newspaper in Dersim and confiscated the newspaper archives and books in the office. 
Yusuf Kılıç, an imam in İzmir, has found himself under investigation after he refused a request from the AKP to gather people for President Erdoğan’s rally on April 29. 

Turkey Today – 05.05.2023
Besides AKP Diyarbakır MP Garip Ensarioğlu, Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ have also responded to the claim that the government has sent a delegation to meet PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan in prison and said, “Technical teams go there.”
Families of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş held in İmralı Prison applied to the prosecutor’s office and the prison directorate for a visit. 
Stating out that 295 people were detained and 61 people were arrested in a month, HDP Law and Human Rights Commission Co-Spokesperson Nuray Özdoğan said: “For the safety of the election, Süleyman Soylu should be discharged first.”
The Constitutional Court has ruled for the second time that the Beyoğlu District Governor’s Office violated the rights of Saturday Mothers by banning their meeting, who have been gathering in Galatasaray Square since 1995 against enforced disappearances of their relatives. 
Şerzan Yelboğa, one of the 5 lawyers who testified as part of the Amed-based investigation, has been arrested. The number of lawyers arrested increased to 4 together with Yelboğa. 
Two young people who protested the murder of musician Cihan Aymaz were detained by the police. Young people were tortured in the police station where they were detained. 
The Van 2nd Heavy Penal Court found journalists Ferhat Çelik and İdris Yayla guilty of “marking people who participated in the fight against terrorism as a target”. The two journalists have been given a prison sentence for reporting on a prosecutor who ran an investigation into a 2021 incident where two citizens were thrown out of a helicopter in Van. 
The Turkish Medical Association will be making a criminal complaint against the Youtube channel that shared a street interview where one is praising the increasing violence against doctors in the AKP period. 

Turkey Today – 04.05.2023
Green Left Party MP candidate Kezban Konukçu and 15 workers were battered and detained in a demonstration in front of Emlak Konut GYO by construction workers who could not receive their wages. 
A military operation was launched in Şırnak’s İdil district. 
Mehmet Caymaz, who murdered street musician Cihan Aymaz for not playing the song “I die for Turkey”, was arrested on the charge of “deliberate killing”.
Addressing citizens during a rally held in Giresun, President Erdoğan said that “You wouldn’t sacrifice your leader for onion or potato.” 
Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has targeted Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu’s wife Dilek İmamoğlu for making a victory sign during the opposition’s election rally in Van and linked the victory sign to the PKK.
Emircan Bozkurt and Ömer Köker, who were detained on the grounds of their social media posts in Tekirdağ, were arrested. 
Seven of the 23 people detained in Istanbul and Eskişehir, including ESP Co-Chair Şahin Tümüklü, Green Left Party MP candidate Müslüm Koyun and ETHA editor Nadiye Gürbüz, were arrested. 

Turkey Today – 03.05.2023
In an attack on the stand of the Green Left Party in Edirne, 2 people, including a parliamentary candidate, broke their arms. 
Many people were detained in house raids in Adana’s Ceyhan and Şırnak’s Silopi district. 
The remains of Vakkas Tümen, who lost his life during the curfew in Nusaybin, was given to his family 7 years later.

Journalists Sedat Yılmaz and Dicle Müftüoğlu were arrested. Yılmaz condemned the decision and said: “The illegal order will be destroyed in 10 days.”
Erdoğan accuses rival Kılıçdaroğlu of cooperating with PKK. He said “My nation will not hand over power to you if you’re elected with PKK support”.
Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has targeted a cream advertisement with the slogan of “As natural as being close to girl to girl” and said that his ministry will have it removed from billboards. 

Turkey Today – 02.05.2023
Simultaneous house raids were carried out in 15 districts and 6 cities within the scope of the investigation initiated by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office At least 32 people, including HDP and Green Left Party Youth Council members and administrators, were detained on charges of “being a member of a terrorist organization”. 
İYİ Party chair Meral Akşener said that the government has recently sent a bureaucrat from the judiciary to İmralı Island to have a meeting with imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.
CHP MP Muharrem Erkek said regarding the election security: “The Ministry of Interior has established an election tracking system parallel to the YSK.”
Presidential candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has warned about a “Cambridge Analytica” type of manipulation in the upcoming presidential elections by the government. Cambridge Analytica is a consultancy firm that had supported Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 through online voter profiling and targeting. 
In the lawsuit filed regarding the death of 18-month-old Mehmet Uytun, who was murdered with a gas canister, the prosecutor demanded that the accused soldier be punished for “involuntary manslaughter”.
Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ has compared LGBTI+ individuals with thieves by saying “perversions” cannot be considered as a right and freedom just as “stealing.”
Green Left Party Kocaeli MP candidate Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu filed a criminal complaint against Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, who called the 14 May elections a “coup”. 

Turkey Today – 01.05.2023
The air-supported military operation in the Omeri region of Mardin continues on its second day. 

All streets leading to Taksim Square and Istiklal Street, which were banned on May 1, were closed with iron barriers.
Journalist Zeynep Kuray has been violently taken into custody in Beşiktaş while covering the police intervention to the group which wanted to reach the Taksim Square. Journalist Hazar Dost, Sultan Eylem Keleş and Gencer Keten were also subjected to police violence. 
At least 38 people from groups that wanted to go out to Taksim Square have been detained. 
Tens of thousands of people gathered at the Maltepe Square in Istanbul to celebrate International Workers’ Day. 
14 regions in Şırnak have been declared “temporary private security zones” for 15 days on security reasons.
The lawyer of Sedat Yılmaz, who was battered by the police after being detained in Diyarbakır in the Ankara-based investigation, filed a criminal complaint for the suspects to be identified and punished.
After Kılıçdaroğlu’s “Alevi” declaration, Erdoğan has told the CHP leader to conceal his identity and live it privately.