October 2022

Turkey Weekly 24 – 30 October 2022

Turkey Today – 30.10.2022
During the press conference on the anniversary of the appointment of a trustee to the Cizre Municipality, a bullet was fired at HDP Şırnak MP Hasan Özgüneş.
Another anti-LGBTI+ rally and march was held in Ankara, targeting LGBTI+ groups and the Istanbul Convention which Turkey quitted in 2021. 
President said his ruling AKP would propose a constitutional amendment on the right to wear headscarf, but also protecting family values from the “threat of perverted currents’’ to the parliament next week. 
The Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 601. The sit-in was launched in 2021 by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attack carried out by AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguards and relatives in Urfa.

Turkey Today – 29.10.2022
Medical chambers affiliated with the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) have protested TTB chair Şebnem Korur Fincancı’s arrest over the alleged charge of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” in the capital Ankara. 
Ramazan Kaya, Tarık Çaytaş and Mehmet İzgiş should have been released from the Elazığ prison. The release was postponed for the second. 
President Erdoğan has declared “the Century of Turkey vision” one day before the 99th anniversary of Republic Day, signaling they will prepare a new constitution.
Turkish defence company Baykar’s CEO Haluk Bayraktar has said that they are planning to complete the construction of its manufacturing plant in Ukraine in two years. 
Saturday Mothers came together in week 918 to ask those responsible for the death of who were tortured to deaths after being detained in Mardin’s Dargeçit district between 29 October and 8 November 1995. 

Turkey Today – 28.10.2022
The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s office has demanded the dismissal of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) executives and the election of new board members.
After the ban on visits imposed on Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan on 13 April ended on 18 October, it was automatically extended for another six months.
It has been learned that the police filmed the journalists brought to the courthouse handcuffed behind the back and in a single file. The journalists whose statements were taken at the Ankara Courthouse were asked about their news stories, social media posts and travels.
Reporters and the relatives of the detained journalists have all been removed from the courthouse. The entrance to the courthouse has been closed off with barriers.
During police raids in Mersin, nine people were detained for “propaganda for a terrorist organisation”.
Parliament Speaker Mustafa Şentop claimed that some lawmakers use their parliamentary immunities in the protests and try to break preventive measures of the security forces. 

Turkey Today – 27.10.2022
The Ankara 3rd Criminal Judgeship of Peace arrested Şebnem Korur Fincancı for “making propaganda for a terrorist organization.”
Journalist Zemo Ağgöz, who has a 45-day-old baby and was questioned by the police for more than 3 hours, was released on the condition of house arrest by the prosecutor’s office.
Lawyer Gülistan Ataş stated that a strip search was imposed on JINNEWS reporter Derya Ren, whom she visited in prison, and that she was beaten by 5 guards because she resisted the strip search.
Former HDP MP Aysel Tuğluk who suffers from dementia expected to be released after Forensic Medicine Institute report. The institute yesterday concluded that Tuğluk cannot stay in prison.
The third hearing of the trial in which journalist Sibel Hürtaş faces “prevention of public duty” charge was held in Ankara. The court decided to subpoena one of the complainant police officers who once again failed to attend a hearing. Trial adjourned until March. 
The 1st hearing of the trial in which journalists Canan Coşkun and Barış Pehlivan face “identifying public officials on antiterrorism duty as targets” charge upon complaint by Judge Akın Gürlek was held in İstanbul. The court decided to wait for the evaluation of the İstanbul 35th High Criminal Court. Trial adjourned until January. 

Turkey Today – 26.10.2022
Journalist Berivan Altan, who met with her lawyers, said that police vests was brought to the police to take pictures before they brought her out of the building and they had to wait for it and the police told her, “We will force your head down, don’t make it diffucult”.

Journalist Diren Yurtsever told her lawyers about the impositions she was subjected to by the Turkish police since the moment she was arrested, including ‘posing with a Turkish flag’. 
Women in Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison went on a 3-day hunger strike to protest Turkey’s use of chemical weapons.
Yesterday, at least 13 people have been detained in raids in Mersin on charges of “propaganda for a terrorist organisation”.
The 10th hearing of the trial in which the proprietor of the since-shuttered Azadiya Welat newspaper Ramazan Ölçen faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in Diyarbakır. The court decided to wait for the response to the writ issued to the Ministry of Justice so that Ölçen’s statement can be taken via rogatory letters. The court also decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against Ölçen. Trial adjourned until February. 
Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati has deemed Turkey’s economic relations with Russia “legal,” amid the concerns among Turkish businesses over a U.S. Treasury warning that they risked being penalised if they maintained commercial ties with Russians under sanctions.
A Turkish court has lifted the international travel ban imposed on singer Gülşen.

Turkey Today – 25.10.2022
11 Kurdish journalists workingfor JINNEWS and Mezopotamya Agency were detained with house raids in Ankara and 6 provinces. A 24-hour lawyer restriction was imposed on the journalists. 
MA reporter Zemo Ağgöz, who has a 45-day-old baby, was also detained during the raids. 
Erdoğan said about Şebnem Korur-Fincancı head of the Turkish Medical Association after her comments regarding chemical weapons, “The necessary steps will be taken concerning both this person and the institutions according to the results of the investigation the chief prosecutor of Ankara is carrying out and the judgements of the courts.”
The hearing of the trial in which Gülsüm and Sami Elvan, the parents of Berkin Elvan who was killed by the police during Gezi Park protests, face “insulting the president” charge is being held in the İstanbul. The court’s decided to send the case file to the prosecutor so that he can prepare his final opinion. Trial adjourned until March. 
The 5th hearing of “the Vase Trial” in which 7 women and LGBTİ+, including journalist Şeriban Alkiş face multiple charges is being held in the İstanbul. Having submitted their excuses to the court, the defendants and their lawyers did not attend today’s hearing. 

Turkey Today – 24.10.2022
The mother, who said “Long live my son” in Kurdish to her son in Kırıklar Prison, was banned from speaking for 3 months. The prisoners in Kırıklar No. 1 Type F Closed Prison spoke about their rights violations in a letter they sent to HDP Group Deputy Chairperson Meral Danış Beştaş. 
HDP Ağrı Deputy Dirayet Dilan Taşdemir drew attention to the fact that violations, usurpation of rights and torture of prisoners became systematic. 

Some of the trees that continue to be cut in the rural areas of Şırnak are transported to military bases and bases to be burned.

Erdoğan’s “at least three children” request is now a condition for housing support for women who lost their husbands. Only women with three children younger than 18 and who have already been receiving welfare benefits will be eligible for the support. 
An armed drone of the Turkish army has targeted an area close to a cemetery in Qamishlo in Northern Syria. 

Turkey Weekly 17 – 23 October 2022

Turkey Today – 23.10.2022
The Iraqi parliament will establish a specific commission to identify the types of chemical weapons used by Turkey in operations against Kurdish fighters in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 
It was learned that while the trees were cut down in 31 areas of the Besta region in Şırnak, the construction of new roads to expand the existing one, started. 
President Erdoğan has called for referendum to be held on the right to wear headscarf, after the main opposition CHP submitted a draft law on the issue.
Council of State has ruled for the reinstatement of 178 judges and prosecutors who were dismissed by government decrees (KHK). 
Sweden has detailed concrete actions it will take to address Turkey’s demands for the Scandinavian country’s NATO bid, including stepping up efforts against Kurds which Ankara claims to be linked to terror groups. 

Turkey Today – 22.10.2022
Examining the images of HPG members exposed to chemical weapons, Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) Board member and Forensic Medicine Specialist Prof. Dr. Ümit Biçer said:”Investigation should be started. The footage is an important resource for making and initiating an evaluation.”

President Erdoğan has dismissed the “chemical attack” accusatios and threatened legal action against who bring up the claims. 
Finnish officials are set to arrive in Ankara on Tuesday to discuss their country’s bid to join the NATO. The talk will focus on the extradition of individuals Turkey designates as terrorists. 
After ten years in prison, Jiyan Ateş should have been released from the Sincan women’s prison near Ankara. The release was postponed for six months because she sang and danced to Kurdish songs.

Saturday Mothers came together in week 917 to ask those responsible for the death of Hüseyin Toraman who disappeared after being detained by the police on 27 October 1991. 

Turkey Today – 21.10.2022
Police detained several HDP members, including its Istanbul co-chair Ferhat Encü, who wanted to hold a press conference against the allegations that the Turkish Armed Forces had used chemical weapons in their operations.
Turkish officials have denied allegations that the Turkish Armed Forces had used chemical weapons in their operations against the PKK. 
Assassinated Kurdish journalist Musa Anter’s family applies to the Constitutional Court following dismissal of case. The case concerning the 1992 assassination was dropped due to the statute of limitations last month. 
Mehmet Emin Kurnaz, the politics editor of the daily BirGün, has been given a deferred prison sentence for “insulting the president” and “insulting a public official” because of an issue of the newspaper’s weekend supplement entitled “Rule of the Gangs”. 
The 2nd hearing of the Tent Trial in which 45 students of Boğaziçi University face “defying the Law no. 2911 on Demonstrations and Assemblies” charge was held in İstanbul. The court rejected the requests of lawyers for immediate acquittal. Trial adjourned until March. 
An Istanbul court has rejected the acquittal plea of singer Gülşen who is on trial for a joke about Islamic Imam Hatip schools. The court ruled to continue the international travel ban of the pop star.

Turkey Today – 20.10.2022
An investigation was launched against Turkish Medical Association (TTB) Central Council Chair Şebnem Korur Fincancı, who was targeted by the MHP due to the statements she made about Turkey’s chemical weapons attacks.
CHP Istanbul MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu made a statement on his Twitter account regarding the chemical weapons used against HPG guerrillas and stated that he will bring the issue to the Parliamentary agenda.
HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar applied to the Ministry of Justice with a request to meet with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) has demanded the release of jailed former HDP deputy co-chair Aysel Tuğluk, who suffers from dementia, because she cannot be treated under prison conditions and cannot continue her life alone. 
President Erdoğan has said that he agreed with his Russian counterpart Putin on Turkey becoming a natural gas hub during their last meeting. 
The 5th hearing of the trial in which BirGün daily’s Politics Editor Mehmet Emin Kurnaz faces “insulting the president” and “insulting a public official” charges was held in İstanbul. The journalist has been sentenced to 11 months 20 days in prison for “insulting the president” and to 11 months 20 days in prison for “insulting a public official.” 
The second hearing of the trial in which journalist Can Ataklı faces “openly degrading a section of the public” was held in İstanbul. The court decided to send the case file to the prosecution so that the final opinion as to the accusations be prepared. Trial adjourned until November. 

Turkey Today – 19.10.2022
The HDP has called on international institutions and the Kurdistan Regional Government to investigate allegations concerning Turkey’s use of chemical weapons in Kurdistan. 
The 3rd hearing of the trial in which the Co-Chair of the Ankara Branch of the Human Rights Association Fatin Kanat faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Ankara. In his final opinion, the prosecutor requested that Kanat be sentenced for the offense he’s been charged with. Giving additional time for the lawyers to prepare their arguments against the final opinion, the court adjourned the trial until December. 
Turkey’s media watchdog RTÜK has imposed a 3-day blackout on TELE 1. The reason for the Council’s blackout decision was the statement of MP Sera Kadıgil who said, “The Directorate of Religious Affairs is a tool for political Islam.” 
The fifth hearing of the TÜGVA Papers Trial in which journalist Metin Cihan and his alleged source face “illegally obtaining or giving personal data” charge was held in İstanbul. The court ruled to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against journalist Cihan and adjourned the trial until December. 

Turkey Today – 18.10.2022
The censorship law was published in the Official Gazette after the approval of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Former HDP MP Gülser Yıldırım has been released from prison, but with four months of delay. 
Political Prisoner Sariye Taşkesen said that she was battered in Diyarbakır Women’s Prison, where she was brought for trial, that her clothes were taken off and she was harassed. 
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which human rights defenders Dr. Hüseyin Yaviç and Sevim Çiçek face “defying the Law no. 2911” charge was held in Van. The judge decided to wait for the case file to be completed and adjourned the trial until January. 
The first hearing of the trial in which journalist and author Ender Imrek faces “insulting the president” charge was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to accept the intervention request of President Erdoğan’s lawyer. Trial adjourned until January. 
HDP Silvan Municipal Council member Pınar Memiş was made a member of AKP without her knowledge.

Turkey Today – 17.10.2022
In the case where former HDP MP Leyla Güven is on trial for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization”, Güven was sentenced to 11 years and 7 months in prison. 

Diyarbakir Police prevented the only Kurdish-language newspaper Xwebûn Newspaper from being sent to Istanbul and threatened the bus company.
The 1st hearing of the trial in which the former Chair of the Diyarbakır Bar Association Cihan Aydın and 10 board members of the association face “degrading the Turkish Nation” charge was held in Diyarbakır. Reasoning that the elements of the offense the lawyers were charged with did not occur, the court ruled to acquit all the lawyers. 
After President Erdoğan said the Bartın mine blast was “destiny,” a 2019 state audit report warning of deficiencies in safety measures in the mine has resurfaced. 
The first hearing of the retrial in which journalist Ayşegül Doğan faces “membership in an armed terrorist organization” charge was held in Diyarbakır. Rejecting the requests of Doğan’s lawyers for immediate acquittal and for the international travel ban to be removed, the court’s adjourned the trial until January. 

Turkey Weekly 10 – 16 October 2022

Turkey Today – 16.10.2022
During airstrikes of Turkish Armed Forces on the Kurdistan region of Iraq Şermin Esad, a civilian was injured. 
The number of detentions in Amed has risen to eight, with a total of 30 people wanted. The background is a wave of purges within Kurdish civil society in the run-up to a visit by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to the city.
A US State Department spokesperson has rejected the claims of AKP MP Ahmet Özdemir from Turkey’s ruling party who stated that a new Turkish disinformation law adopted this week is similar to regulations in the US. 
President Erdoğan has said that “We believe in destiny. These (kinds of accidents) will always happen” following the mine explosion that killed 41 workers in the northern province of Bartın. 
Greek authorities on Saturday accused Turkey of sending 92 illegal migrants into Greece after stripping them naked. The migrants, all men, were discovered close to the Evros river on the border between Greece and Turkey.

Turkey Today – 15.10.2022
The US President Joe Biden’s decision to extend the national emergency over the situation in and in relation to Syria contains baseless allegations and accusations against Turkey, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said. 
Mezopotamya news agency was blocked over news coverage of sexual abuse by a Turkish army commander of 15 young soldiers under his command. 
Soldiers raiding the villages of Şîvelan and Xana Musa in Hakkari every day are imposing spies and guards on the villagers. The threatened villagers said they would continue to defend their rights.
HDP Youth Council Member Vedat Özer, who was detained 16 times in two years and 12 lawsuits were filed against him, was threatened to leave the city (Batman) with his mother during his house raid. Özer filed a criminal complaint against the police officers on duty.
MP Cemal Enginyurt has said that he bought a ticket to the United Arab Emirates to meet with mafia boss Sedat Peker, but this was not allowed for security reasons. 

Turkey Today – 14.10.2022
In the re-opened trial for “revealing the identity of persons involved in counter-terrorism”, Kurdish politician Selahattin Demirtaş has again been sentenced to two and a half years in prison.
Certified attorneys and members of the press, who come to Şakran Prison Campus for the hearing of the Deniz Poyraz murder case were not allowed into the courtroom with the decision of the court committee. The gendarmerie attacked the lawyers who protested against the decision. 
A military operation was launched in Kulp district. It was stated that low flights were made with drones and helicopters over the villages and a GBT checkpoint was established at the entrances.

Batter marks and bruises were seen on Süphan Çabuk’s body, who died in Rize Kalkandere Type L Prison. According to the reports of human rights organizations he was denied his right to treatment. 
In their fourth meeting in Astana Erdoğan and Putin agreed to build a “natural gas hub” for Europe in Turkey and expand the Ukraine grain deal to include exports from Russia. 
During house raids carried out by the Turkish police in Amed 4 people, including artist Sarya Ertaş, were taken into custody.
A witness in a case where dismissed police officers face “fabrication of evidence” charges said the officers had threatened him with her sister when he was in custody. 

Turkey Today – 13.10.2022
Following the funeral ceremony of journalists and academic Nagihan Akarsel, who was murdered by Turkish Intelligence Agency in Silemani, journalists Dilan Babat and Fırat Can Arslan were detained.
CHP MP Mathmut Tanal has submitted a draft bill proposing that foreigners who have recently acquired Turkish citizenship should not vote in the upcoming elections.
A court has postponed the enforcement of teacher Sibel Balaç’s prison sentence after 298 days of death fast demanding a fair trial.
The 13th hearing of the trial in which 20 people, including journalist Adil Demirci face “membership in a terrorist organization” and “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charges was held in İstanbul. Citing the current state of the case file, the court’s decided to separate the files of all the defendants except for the journalist. Demirci’s trial will be resumed in this case file. Trial adjourned until March.
The third hearing of the trial in which Jin News reporter Beritan Canözer faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Diyarbakır. The hearing, which Canözer did not attend, started earlier than scheduled. Giving additional time for Canözer and her lawyer to prepare their arguments against the final opinion, the court’s adjourned the trial until November.
The fourth hearing of the retrial in which journalist Barış Barıştıran faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in the Diyarbakır. Reasoning that it has not been established that Barıştıran committed the offense he was charged with, the court’s acquitted Barıştıran of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization.”

Turkey Today – 12.10.2022
Lawyer of imprisoned HDP MP stated that the prison administration did not respond to her client’s petitions and that she is not involved in joint activities. 
The 5th hearing of the trial in the Deniz Poyraz murder case was held in İzmir. A gendarmerie officer has slapped her brother Kamuran Poyraz. The police then used pepper gas, with the court board adjourning the hearing. 
While OSZE urged Turkey to review ‘disinformation bill’, another article of the censorship was adopted in the parliament. 
The 3rd hearing of the trial in which 15 people who were taken into police custody during the 2018 October 10th Massacre Commemoration in Van face “prevention of public duty” charge was held in Van. Having submitted their excuses to the court before the hearing, the defendants and their lawyers did not attend today’s hearing. Trial adjourned until January.

The 2nd hearing of the trial in which journalists Görkem Kınacı, Uğur Şahin and Uğur Koç face “libel” and “insulting a public official” charges upon complaint by Constitutional Court Judge İrfan Fidan was held in İstanbul. Giving additional time for the complainant’s lawyer to prepare his arguments against the final opinion, the court adjourned the trial until October.
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said that the opposition in Syria and the Assad regime need to come to an agreement for “a lasting stability” in the country.

Turkey Today – 11.10.2022
HDP Group Deputy Chairperson Meral Danış Beştaş and Saruhan Oluç, HDP Women’s Council Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran and many MPs marched in front of the Parliament’s speaker’s office demanding a stance against the attacks on HDP officials. 
Political prisoners in Kilis Type L Closed Prison started an indefinite non-rotating hunger strike after the violations they were subjected to did not end.
Presidents Erdoğan and Putin will meet in Kazakhstan’s capital of Astana this week, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced. 
The 15th hearing of the trial in which nine people, including Etkin News Agency (ETHA) reporter Ali Sönmez Kayar face “membership in an armed terrorist organization” charge was held in İstanbul. Before today’s hearing, the Court separated the case files of 6 people and decided that their case files be merged with the file of an ongoing case heard by another Court.
The 1st hearing of the trial in which the Demokratik Modernite Magazine’s managing editor Ramazan Yurttapan and editor Haydar Ergül faces “insulting the president” charge was held in İstanbul. Accepting the intervention request of President Erdoğan’s lawyer, the court adjourned the trial until February.
The 3rd hearing of the trial in which journalist İsmail Arı faces “illegally obtaining or giving data” upon complaint by Kerem Kınık, the President of Turkish Red Crescent, charge was held in İstanbul. Giving additional time for Arı and his lawyer to prepare their arguments against the prosecutor’s final opinion, the court adjourned the trial until October.
A court has handed down a jail term for a former Pegasus employee after he shared a social media photo showing him and colleagues drinking rakı on the Islamic holy night of “Kadir Gecesi” earlier this year. 

Turkey Today – 10.10.2022
The Hakkari Governor’s Office has defended the police violence against HDP MP Habip Eksik. The office argued that it was “proportional force”. 
HDP Deputy Habip Eksik, who suffered from fractures in his leg due to the police attack in Yüksekova, underwent surgery in Ankara this morning. 
The court was informed that although the perpetrator of both the Suruç Massacre and the October 10 Train Station Massacre, İlhami Bali was treated at Cihanbeyli State Hospital, it was reflected in the National Health System records that no hospital records could be found. 
It has been stated that Müslüm Yıldız and İbrahim Halil Şimşek, who were arrested for “blackening the evidence” in the massacre file against Şenyaşar family at the hospital, were released.

Turkey Weekly 3 – 9 October 2022

Turkey Today – 09.10.2022
138 people were arrested during nationwide protests marking the beginning of the international plot against PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan 24 years ago. On 9 October 1998 Mr Öcalan was forced to leave Syria after Turkey threatened war against the country.
4 journalists who have been following the protests have been arrested. 
According to Rudaw Ali Riza Güney, Turkish ambassador to Iraq said regarding the murder of journalists and academic Nagihan Akarsel in Silemani that everything related to the PKK was their target. 
The İstanbul Governor’s Office refused to grant permission for a criminal investigation to be launched against police chief Hanifi Zengin who threatened Artı TV cameraman Bilal Meyveci and prevented him from covering a protest. 
General Directorate of Security (EGM), under the Interior Ministry, has argued that there is a decrease in the suicide rate among police officers, deeming moves to investigate the issue “disinformation attempts.” 
On the 7th anniversary of the terror attack on a peace rally in Ankara with a death toll of 109 people hundreds of people gathered at Karşıyaka Cemetery to commemorate the victims. 

Turkey Today – 08.10.2022
İmralı Disciplinary Board gave the PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan the 12th three-month disciplinary penalty since 2018 during the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture’s visit.
HDP Van MP Muazzez Orhan brought the heavy isolation against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan to the Parliament and asked the reason for the rejection of the meeting applications.
13 Kurdish students have been arrested on terrorism charges during police raids in İzmir and Manisa. 
Saturday Mothers came together in week 915 to ask those responsible for the death of Cemil Kırbayır who disappeared after being detained in Ardahan on 13 September 1980. 
Erdoğan has said a state body will be founded under the Culture Ministry to address the concerns of Alevis. However, he refrained from making any comments with regards to Alevis’ demand that the gov’t recognize cemevis as official places of worship. 
AKP prepares bill to cancel Covid-19 fines. A total of 2.7 billion lira of fines had been issued to citizens for not complying with the mask mandates and curfews. 

Turkey Today – 07.10.2022
The parliament passed 12 more articles of the “disinformation bill,” which has raised concerns about further restrictions on news portals and social media platforms.
Media watchdog RTÜK has fined opposition channels for airing a discussion on mafia boss Sedat Peker’s allegations about senior figures within the ruling AKP.
The 5th hearing of the trial in which 3 human rights defenders who were taken into police custody during a press statement in support of the Boğaziçi University, face “insulting the president” charge was held in İzmir. The court’s decided to review the footage submitted to the case file. Trial adjourned until December. 
Iraq’s Shiite Coordination Framework demands an explanation after the head of the National Intelligence Agency Hakan Fidan visited the Turkmen leaders in the Kurdistan Region. 
President Erdoğan met Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. It was the first meeting of the government leaders of the two countries in 13 years. Erdoğan said he may mert Assad as well. 

Turkey Today – 06.10.2022
Former Deputy Interior Minister Muhterem İnce has been elected as a Turkish Constitutional Court member. İnce was appointed as a member of the Court of Accounts three months ago.
“Witness statements are created with ready-made templates,” politician Mesut Bağcık said yesterday during the 17th hearing of the Kobani trial in Ankara.
On day 577 of the Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family police wanted to remove Şenyaşar from the courthouse saying “This is not your home.”
Turkish drones bombed the Beyane village of Pêncwên in Slemani. Aircraft activity in the region continues. 
Turkish warplanes shelled the Zirgan district and its villages in the Hesekê Canton.

The third hearing of the trial in which journalist Baransel Ağca faces “insulting the president” charge was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against journalist Ağca and issue a writ so that the statement of Ağca can be taken via rogatory letters. Trial adjourned until February. 

The first hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayri Tunç faces “openly inciting the public to hatred and hostility” charge was held in the İstanbul. The court’s decided to give additional time for her to present to the court more detailed arguments against the accusation. The trial is adjourned until December 6th. 

Turkey Today – 05.10.2022
An armed attack was carried out on the HDP Karlıova (Bingöl) District Organization building. Tanju Bingöl, who organized the attack, was taken into custody. 
Turkmen Headquarters Head Hasan Turan said in a statement on his official Facebook account that they hosted MIT Undersecretary Hakan Fidan together with the senior officials of the headquarters. The statement did not provide information on the content of the meeting. On the same day Nagihan Akarsel, journalist and member of the Jineoloji Academy, was murdered in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 
Two journalists were sentenced to 6 years in prison for “being a member of a illegal organization.” In the justified ruling, the court said no criminal act of the suspects had been identified but they were member of a group that is “dangerous to society”
The first hearing of the trial in which the Alevi Federation Germany’s Honorary President Turgut Öker face “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in the İstanbul. The court acquitted Öker.
A court has ordered CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu to pay 50,000 liras in compensation to President Erdoğan over his January-dated comments accusing the government of corruption. 

Turkey Today – 04.10.2022
Summaries of proceedings regarding the legislative immunities of 34 MPs, including CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu and DBP chair Saliha Aydeniz have been submitted to the Speaker’s Office of the parliament after the opening of the legislative session on October 1. 
Women in several provinces of Turkey have protested the murder of Mahsa Jîna Amini by Iran’s morality police. During the protest in Ankara, several women were injured and detained by the police.
It was learned that at least 3 police officers were injured in the explosion that took place in Yüksekova yesterday evening.
HDP MPs have marched from the Parliament to the Justice Ministry, calling for the release of sick prisoners and demanding the termination of isolation imposed on prisoners in İmralı.
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which the grant holder and the chief editor of Demokrat Haber Mehmet Göcekli faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to get journalist Göcekli’s statement via rogatory letters if his address abroad is given to the court before the next hearing. Trial adjourned until February. 
The 14th hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayri Demir faces “membership in a terrorist organization” and “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charges was held in Ankara. In his final opinion, the prosecutor requested that the journalist be sentenced for both of the offenses he’s been charged with. Trial adjourned until December. 

Turkey Today – 03.10.2022
President Erdoğan’s chief adviser İbrahim Kalın and U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan have discussed “progress on NATO accession for Finland and Sweden,” in an unannounced meeting in Istanbul.

The Council of State has rejected MLSA’s lawsuit against the Presidential circular also known as the ‘censorship circular.’ The judges reasoned that the circular was intended to ‘remind the relevant institutions of the general legislation.’
The 9th hearing of the trial in which journalist Engin Korkmaz faces “insulting the president” charge was held in Antalya. Giving additional time for President Erdoğan’s lawyers who did not attend the hearing, to provide their arguments against the final opinion, the court adjourned the trial until February. 
The first hearing of the retrial in which journalist Ferhat Parlak faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in the Diyarbakır. The court’s decided to wait for the testimony of the anonymous witness called “Takvim” to be taken and to ask the Diyarbakır Provincial Security Directorate about the incidents mentioned by Takvim in his previous testimony. Trial adjourned until January. 
The pro-government company Cengiz Holding has filed an application to obtain a new Environmental Impact Assessment report to operate a copper mine in the Kaz Mountains. Last year, an expert report had ruled against the environmental clearance given to the project.