September 2022

Turkey Weekly 26.09 – 02.10.22

Turkey Today – 02.10.2022
Five people who were arrested in Mersin on terrorism charges on September 30 were sent to prison.  
“We are closely following whether the promises made by Sweden and Finland are kept or not, and of course, the final decision will be up to our great parliament,” Erdoğan said. 
Foreign Ministry has stated that it rejects Russia’s decision to annex the four regions in Ukraine (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia), adding it had not recognised “the annexation of Crimea” in 2014 as well.
The Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 573. The sit-in was launched in 2021 by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attack carried out by AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguards and relatives in Urfa.

Turkey Today – 01.10.2022
Peace Mothers Sıdıka Erdem and Hatice Beytur were detained in a raid on their home in the Cizre district of Şırnak. After the searches conducted in the houses, Erdem and Beytur were taken to the District Police Department.
Durri Kaygusuz, mother of Şaban Kaygusuz who is 90 percent disabled and being to stand up in prison even though he is missing one leg, pointed out that the pressure on prisoners had increased. 
The National Intelligence Organization and Statistical Institute have not given information with regards to their activity reports and financial statements to the Court of Accounts which carries out audits on behalf of the parliament.
Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has reportedly ordered that state-run Anadolu Agency (AA) reporters not be admitted to the events he attended, after having an argument with senior officials of the agency. 
CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu has said that his party is ready to discuss with the government the pardoning of some inmates, excluding those charged with “terrorism, assault, rape and similar crimes.”

Turkey Today – 30.09.2022
The indictment prepared against HDP Deputy Semra Güzel was served by Anadolu Agency (AA) before it was uploaded to UYAP.
As part of the investigation carried out by the Mersin Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office on the grounds of “terrorist propaganda”, many houses were raided. 9 people were arrested during the raids. 
“Life and freedom are now braided with Jîna’s hair!” said, 412 intellectuals, artists and writers and made a statement of support for the protests that started after Jîna Mahsa Aminî was murdered in Iran. 
Sweden’s Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP) has announced that it lifted restrictions on exports of military equipment to Türkiye.
The İstanbul Governor Office has refused to permit an investigation into a police chief who battered and threatened LGBTI+s during the 30th LGBTI+ Pride Parade in İstanbul. 

Turkey Today – 29.09.2022
The 3rd hearing of the trial in which 8 HDP MPs, including the imprisoned former Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ face multiple charges was held in Silvan. The court’s decided to consider the request by Çağlar Demirel to hear the district governor of the time after all the statements are provided. Trial adjourned until January. 
Diyarbakır Police Department cannot reach police Serdar Gök, who has an arrest warrant, in the case where he was charged with assaulting the Menice-Şeyhmus Yılmaz couple.
HDP Diyarbakır MP Garo Paylan has warned that the last remaining synagogue in Türkiye’s southeastern Diyarbakır city is under the risk of collapse. 
In the trial in which journalist Cengiz Çandar and activist Kemal Işıktaş face “praising an offense and the offender” charge, the court rejected the request of Çandar’s lawyers for immediate acquittal.
The court’s ruled to wait for the rogatory letters issued to Germany in the trial of Die Welt correspondent Deniz Yücel. Trial adjourned until January. 
The trial of journalist Zübeyde Sarı who faces “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” charge because of her social media posts, is adjourned until December due to the assignment of a new prosecutor to the case file. 
Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis has said that Turkey “can monotonously continue its lies and threats but is alone in this game,” following Turkish President Erdoğan’s remarks of “support from America and Europe will not save you”.

Turkey Today – 28.09.2022
The Foreign Ministry summoned Germany’s ambassador to Ankara and condemned the vice-speaker of the German Federal Parliament Wolfgang Kubicki (Free Democratic Party) for likening President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to a “little sewer rat.” 
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which 5 people including the Demokratik Modernite Magazine’s editor Ramazan Yurttapn, Pakrat Estukyan and lawyer Emran Emekçi face “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until February. 
The 13th hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayri Demir faces “membership in a terrorist organization” and “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charges was held in Ankara. The court’s accepted the prosecutor’s request and decided to give additional time for the prosecution to present its final opinion as to the accusations. Trial adjourned until October. 
Journalist Sabahattin Önkibar has been sentenced to 11 months in prison for “insulting” President Erdoğan. Following the court’s ruling, Önkıbar said that the sentence was given to wear down and oppress critics.
Islamist Felicity Party (Saadet) leader Temel Karamollaoğlu has said that he was not initially planning to be in the opposition’s alliance but his meetings with President Erdoğan forced him to do so.  

Turkey Today – 27.09.2022
One police officer was killed yesterday evening when a bomb exploded near a residence that houses police in Mersin, while a second officer was wounded. 
Condemning the court’s refusal of its decision to hear then-Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu as a witness in the Tahir Elçi murder case, Diyarbakir Bar Association made a statement and said: “This decision is a disgraceful scandal.”
The hearing of the trial in which HDP former MP Çağlar Demirel faces “insulting the state and government of the Republic of Turkey” charges was held in Diyarbakır. The prosecution demanded that Demirel be sentenced to imprisonment under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code. 
The 6th hearing of the trial in which author and journalist Burhan Ekinci who lives abroad faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in İstanbul. Ekinci’s lawyers requested that the court issue a writ so that the statement of their client can be taken via rogatory letters. The court rejected the request on the grounds that Germany does not respond to such requests from Turkey and decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against Ekinci. Trial adjourned until February. 
Emine Erdoğan has filed a lawsuit against journalist Gökay Başcan for “insult.” The lawsuit concerns a report in the daily BirGün about connections with the Presidency of Environment Agency. 
An appeal was made to the Court of Cassation against the acquittal of the local court against the non-commissioned officers Ali Kaya and Özcan İldeniz and the confessor Veysel Ateş, who were caught red-handed while bombing the Umut Bookstore.
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said that Malaysia and Indonesia had expressed keen interest in buying armed drones from Turkish defence firm Baykar. 

Turkey Today – 26.09.2022
In the case where Barış Group member Mehmet Şirin Tunç is on trial for “being a member in a terrorist organisation”, the prosecutor gave his opinion with a request for up to 15 years in prison. Tunç came to Turkey as a member of the “Peace Group” in 1999 after s call of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. 
Yesterday the Free Women’s Movement held its 4th Women’s conference in Batman. Stating that the TJA conference was a motivation at a time when the attacks were intensifying, the women gave the message, “Women will have the last word. We will defeat evil with the power of women.” 
HDP Diyarbakır MP Semra Güzel, whose immunity has been lifted and who has been arrested on September 2, has been held in a cell for 23 days.
Democratic Modernity Magazine employee Ramazan Dişarı was arrested on the grounds that the  magazine  identification card he worked for was “fake”, the news about him and the magazine he sold. Police detained three people who unfurled the flag of Kurdistan Regional of Iraq during a match between football teams Amedspor and Bursaspor in Diyarbakır. 

Turkey Weekly 19 – 25 September 2022

Turkey Today – 25.09.2022
Sakine Karakurt said that her son who is imprisoned in Antalya S Type Prison was threatened by the guards with death. 
Sibel Balaç who is on death fast was brought back to Bakırköy Prison in İstanbul after two weeks in a hospital in Ankara. 
Turkey may purchase Russian Su-35 fighter jets in the event that the deal on the acquisition of U.S.-made F-16s fails, the country’s Defense Industry Agency President Ismail Demir said. 
Turkey stands with Ukraine in its war with Russia and will defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalın said. 
During the protests against the ban on the Sarigazi Festival in İstanbul, 17 people, including HDP politicians, were arrested. 
Family and Social Services Minister Derya Yanık has condemned the anti-LGBTI+ “hate” rally held last weekend in Istanbul. Yet she said that the ruling AKP “has values and does not have the luxury of normalizing homosexuality.”

Turkey Today – 24.09.2022
The Labour and Freedom Alliance, formed by the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Social Freedom Party (TÖP), Labour Movement Party (EHP), Federation of Socialist Assemblies (SMF), Workers’ Party of Turkey (TİP) and Labour Party (EMEP), held its first public meeting today in Istanbul. 
Prisoners held in cells in Konya Ereğli High Security Prison called on MPs to visit the prison in order to remedy the violations.
Seriously ill prisoner Tenzile Acar, who is being held in Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison, stated that cleaning and bathroom supplies were confiscated in the wards where the scabies epidemic broke out.
Bahattin Keve, the father of Barış Keve who died under suspicious circumstances in the prison where he was transferred, stated that they do not believe that his son committed suicide and said: “My son was murdered in an organised way.”
Saturday Mothers came together in week 913 for a press release in the office of Human Rights Association regarding the detention of their members at the court. 
The governor’s office of Urfa province has cancelled singer İkkay Akkaya’s concert planned at a shopping mall for Sept. 25 on the grounds that it “was not seen appropriate for general security, public order, safety and peace.”

Turkey Today – 23.09.2022
Imprisoned Kurdish politicians Selahattin Demirtaş and Selçuk Mızraklı shaved their heads for Jîna Mahsa Amini, murdered by the Iran state.
Turkey carried out an airstrike on a house in the Til Ezêr district of Shengal. 
Prisoners Mehmet Aytunç Altay, Hasan Yıldız, Suat Incedere and Eren Yıldız, who were held in Edirne F Type Prison and in the same cell, were hastily deporte d to other prisons at midnight. 
Prosecutors have demanded a jail term for the mayor of the Aegean province of İzmir’s Gaziemir district on charges of “insulting the President in a continuous way” through social media posts. 

The second hearing of the trial in which journalist Rabia Önver faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge is being held in the Van. 
Mafia leader Sedat Peker’s lawyer Ersan Barkın announced on Twitter that the scope of red notice for Peker has been extended as “wanted all over the world.” 

Turkey Today – 22.09.2022
The military operation launched on September 18 in Hakkari’s Yüksekova district continues.
Lawyers of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office to meet with their client. 
Kadri Esen, the grant holder of Xwebûn, a weekly Kurdish newspaper, has been sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison for “propagandizing for a terrorist organzation.”
Istanbul Governor’s Office has refused to grant permission to prosecutors for the launch of an investigation against police officers who battered journalists on the ninth year anniversary of the Gezi protests.
The Constitutional Court has ruled that a prison administration’s refusal to give the opposition daily Evrensel to an inmate did not constitute as a violation of rights.
An Istanbul court adjourned the trial of Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu to November. İmamoğlu is accused of “insulting” members of Turkey’s election board during a speech in November 2019. The case could lead to a political ban for İmamoğlu if he were found guilty. 
A citizen named Esat Çakmak, who was detained during the village raid in Yüksekova, was arrested on charges of “being a member in a terrorist organisation”.

Turkey Today – 21.09.2022
Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office used the phrase “a family who claims to be Kurdish” for the Dedeoğulları family, who were killed in a racist attack in 2021. 
HDP will take to the streets tomorrow in solidarity with the demonstrations that started after the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini. 
Ahead of the fifth hearing of the case against some members of the Saturday Mothers, the group gathered in front of the İstanbul Courthouse in Çağlayan.The police did not allow the group to read out a statement, detaining at least 10 people, including defending lawyers and union representatives.
Yesterday Turkey launched artillery strikes on a border outpost in Kobane. Three soldiers of Syria were killed and two SDF members were wounded in the strikes. 
Thousands of trees were cut down after the local authority of Gercüş claimed that “wolves are killing the sheeps”. The Forestry Directorate claimed that they could not intervene in the cutting of trees.
12-year-old H.E., whose right hand was severed due to the explosion of a military object in Başkale and lost his sight in one eye, stated that his only wish was to regain his severed hand.

Turkey Today – 20.09.2022
The Constitutional Court rejected all HDP’s requests for additional evidence in the closure case. 
A military operation was launched in Diyarbakır’s Dicle district. 
The remains of HPG member Mahsum Özer, who lost his life as a result of an airstrike in Dersim, was delivered to his family 7 years later. 
The third hearing of the trial in which journalist Baransel Ağca faces “degrading the religious values of a section of the public” charge was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until January. 
The 7th hearing of the “Boğaziçi Rainbow case” in which 12 students of Boğaziçi University face “defying the Law no.2911 on Demonstrations and Assemblies” charge was held in İstanbul. Giving additional time for the prosecutor to prepare his final opinion as to the accusations, the court’s adjourned the trial until November.

Turkey Today – 19.09.2022
Turkish Armed Forces warplanes bombed Metina and Amediye in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 

Ambulance was denied to the family of Barış Keve, who came to take the body of Barış Keve (25) who died in a cell in Malatya Akçadağ Type T Closed Prison.
Contrary to his first statement in the Kemal Kurkut case, Police Chief Erdoğan Tetik claimed that Kurkut had a machete, a kind of sword, not a knife in his hand. University student Kemal Kurkut was murdered by the police on Newroz Celebrations in 2017 in Diyarbakır. 
In the final hearing of the trial against journalist Hatice Şahin, an employee of Yeni Yaşam Newspaper, the court sentenced Şahin to 6 years and 3 months in prison. 
The Osmancık District Municipality in the northern province of Çorum has canceled the concert of the pop singer Aleyna Tilki because of her remarks against yesterday’s anti-LGBTI+ rally in İstanbul. 
Authorities have launched an investigation into 16 people who were brutally detained during a commemoration ceremony to mark the seventh-year anniversary of the Suruç massacre in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district in July.

Turkey Weekly 12 – 18 September 2022

Turkey Today – 18.09.2022
The representative of the provincial association of Democratic Regions Party Metin Inci was arrested in Mersin. 
The foreign ministry has said it strongly condemned the decision taken by the United States to lift defence trade restrictions for Cyprus.
President Erdoğan told reporters on Saturday Turkey and Russia had reached a deal resolving a dispute over the Akkuyu nuclear power plant under construction in southern Turkey.
Emre Olur, who is known as the press advisor of Turkish mafia boss Sedat Peker, has been brought to Istanbul from Albanian capital Tirana where he was detained.
Two concerts that Iranian singer Mohsen Namjoo was planning to hold in Turkey have been cancelled after the artist was targeted by Turkish pro-government media and Islamist figures.

Turkey Today – 17.09.2022
The lawyers of 16 journalists arrested in Diyarbakır on the allegation of “being a member of a terrorist organization” on June 16 applied to the Constitutional Court on the grounds that the illegality of the arrest. 
The HDP Esenyurt District Organization in İstanbul gathered outside a primary school in the district to read out a statement about mother tongue education. The police did not allow the gathering and detained nine people. 
Political prisoners in Erzincan Type T Closed Prison were given a one-month communcation ban for making pickles. 
Relatives of the forcefully disappeared and the İHD Batman Branch told the life story of Kurdish journalist Apê Musa whose case case dropped due to on September 20 demanded the perpetrators to be revealed.
Thousands of people gathered in Şırnak for the Cudi Rally against “Destruction of War and Plundering of Nature”.

Turkey Today – 16.09.2022
Family of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office for a meeting. 
The seventh hearing of the trial in which journalist Rojda Oğuz faces “membership in a terrorist organization” and “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charges is being held in the Van. She is acquitted of the membership charge. The court sentenced journalist Oğuz to 1 year 6 months and 22 days in prison for “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” and deferred the announcement of the verdict. 
The National Defense Ministry has announced that over 3.25 million tons of grains were shipped out of Ukraine since August under a landmark grain deal. 
AKP MP Mücahit Arınç has commented on mafia boss Sedat Peker’s allegations of corruption against government officials, saying that if there is any “truth” to them, they need to be investigated immediately.
President Erdoğan has targeted İzmir Mayor Tunç Soyer after criticism of the Ottoman Empire’s rulership. “When did you come to a point to insult the Ottoman (Empire)? You impertinent! This person’s father was the same, and he is the same,” Erdoğan said.

Turkey Today – 15.09.2022
The Musa Anter Case, which will drop due to prescription on September 20, has been postponed to September 21. Kurdish journalists Musa Anter was murdered in 1992 in Diyarbakır. 
Çetin Doğan, who was subjected to a racist attack for defending education in Kurdish, in the barracks during mandatory military duty, was sued for “propagandizing a terrorist organisation”. The perpetrator was given a remission for “unjust provocation”.
The Radio and Television Supreme Council has fined Halk TV because of comments about the delivery of a Kurdish man’s remains to his family in a sack. 
Human rights advocate Eren Keskin gave a statement to the police because of a reply to her tweet. “It was a very ironic situation showing the point freedom of expression has come in Turkey,” she said. 
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which the President of the Ankara Branch of the Chamber of Architects Tezcan Karakuş Candan and 6 former members of the Executive Committee face “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Ankara. Trial adjourned until November. 
The 5th hearing of the Özgürlükçü Demokrasi retrial in which journalists İhsan Yaşar, İshak Yasul, M. Ali Çelebi, Mizgin Fendik, Pınar Tarlak, Reyhan Hacıoğlu & Hicran Urun face multiple charges was held in İstanbul. Rejecting the defense lawyers’ request, the court’s also decided to continue the international travel ban imposed upon the journalists and adjourned the trial until December. 
An armed attack was carried out early yesterday on Sedat Peker’s house in İstanbul. One person was injured. Living abroad since late 2019, Peker has an arrest warrant against him for leading a criminal organization. Recently he claimed to expose a bribery network involving presidential advisors. 

Turkey Today – 14.09.2022

Taking part in the meeting with the delegation of the UN Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture (SPT), HDP MP Hüseyin Kaçmaz said: “The SPT should examine İmralı which is the source of torture, isolation and civilian death.”
Sibel Balaç, who continues her death fast in Sincan Women’s Closed Prison with the demand for a “fair trial”, has dropped to 39 kilograms.
Sinan Aygül, the editor-in-chief of the Bitlis News website and the head of the Bitlis Journalists Association, was arrested after refusing to pay the fine for “insulting” an AKP MP. 

The appeals hearing of the 10 month prison sentence imposed upon journalist Alican Uludağ for “pointing officials on anti-terror duties as targets” was held in Ankara. The court’s adjourned the trial until November 23rd so that the prosecutor can prepare his final opinion.
The minister for Culture and Tourism says citizens can apply to judiciary if unhappy with concert cancellations. 

Turkey Today – 13.09.2022
The Ministry of Justice did not respond to the application for information about imprisoned journalists, saying “This information does not concern the public”.
Dicle Electricity Distribution Cooperation (DEDAŞ) and hundreds of soldiers raided a village of Şırnak’s Cizre district. The tension between DEDAŞ teams and citizens under the military blockade continues.
Four women journalists in the Diyarbakır Women’s Prison have started a hunger strike to draw attention to rights violations in prisons.
The first hearing of the trial in which journalist Sultan Keleş faces “prevention of public duty” and “insulting a public official” charges was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until February. 
The third hearing of the trial in which journalists İzel Sezer and Doğan Ergün face multiple charges upon complaint by Mustafa İnal, the former lawyer of President Erdoğan was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until December. 
The second hearing of the trial of police officers who had violently taken journalist Gökhan Biçici into custody while he was covering the Gezi Park protests was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to hear witnesses as requested by Biçici’s lawyers and decided to subpoena a defendant who failed the attend today’s hearing as well. Trial adjourned until November. 
The family from Iğdır, who went to Arpadere village to see the house they bought from İncirliova district, was subjected to a racist attack by the villagers. Emrah Çakmaz, who called the gendarmerie and asked for help, was told that he should go to the hospital and get an assault report. 

Turkey Today – 12.09.2022
Former HDP MP Gülser Yıldırım is still not released from prison despite completing her sentence three months ago. The Court of Cassation has not yet examined Yıldırım’s appeal and has not responded to her lawyers’ petitions about her prolonged imprisonment. 

The release of Selahattin Demir, who is being held in Type T Bafra Closed Prison for the last 30 years, and the release of 5 other prisoners, has been postponed for 3 months by the Administrative Monitoring Board claiming that they were “not in good behavior”.
The remains of 3 PKK members kept in Hakkari State Hospital have not been delivered to the families for 38 days despite the autopsy procedures having been completed.
İstanbul 7th Heavy Penal Court has lifted the house arrest of the singer Gülşen, who has been indicted for “provoking the public into hatred and hostility.”

Turkey Weekly 5-11 September 2022

Turkey Today – 11.09.2022
3 more prisoners joined the hunger strike in Kırıklar Prison. 
Swedish PM Magdalena Andersson has stated that no Kurds with Swedish citizenship will be extradited, upon Turkey’s previous extradition requests for people it considers “terrorists.”
While Turkey’s attacks on the Kurdistan region of Iraq continue, MIT chief Hakan Fidan paid a visit to Baghdad. It was reported that Fidan met with Hamis Hançer, the Leader of the Sunni Sovereignty Coalition.
Main opposition CHP Istanbul chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu has been fined 10,620 liras over charges of “insulting” Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu.

The Human Rights Association (IHD) Ankara branch launched a Peace Vigil demanding the defence of the right to peace.

Turkey Today – 10.09.2022

Mehmet Hamurcu had posted pictures of a cemetery for soldiers and police officers in Antep on his Twitter account yesterday and asked why so many new graves were being dug. Today he was detained.
The Ministry of Interior announced that a military operation was launched in Muş.
In the 16th hearing of the Kobanê Case the court decided to continue the detention of 20 politicians and adjourned the hearing for two weeks.
A court banned the printing, distribution and sale of former HDP Co-Chair Figen Yüksekdağ’s book “Yıkılacak Duvarlar” (Walls to be Destroyed), which was published in 2020. The court ordered the book to be confiscated and the confiscated copies to be destroyed.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy awarded Turkish defence firm Baykar’s Chief Executive Haluk Bayraktar with the Ukrainian Order of Merit. Baykar will build a factory in Ukraine, Zelenskiy said.
After cell searches, 6 prisoners were put in solitary confinement in Bafra prison, 4 were transferred to other prisons. 

Turkey Today – 09.09.2022
Lawyers of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to the CPT and demanded an urgent visit to Imrali prison island. There has been no news from the island for 17 months. 
Senior ISIS leader Bashar Khattab Ghazal al-Sumaidai, codenamed Abu Zeid/Master Zeid, a citizen of Iraq, was captured in İstanbul. 
President Erdoğan has endorsed his Russian counterpart Putin and stated that Ukraine’s grain “unfortunately goes to rich countries, not to poor countries”.
Turkey’s intelligence chief Hakan Fidan and his Syrian counterpart Ali Mamlouk held a meeting under Russian auspices, according to reporting by the French intelligence website Intelligence Online. 
It was stated that 15 prisoners whose wards were raided and all their materials confiscated in Bafra Type T Prison were put in cells. The prisoners, who called their families on the phone, said that they had no life security. 
Municipal officials in Ankara ask foreign citizens to pay for time higher “deposit fees” for first subscriptions, but there are no written instructions for such a practice, said Yılmaz Yardımcı, the secretary-general of the Tüm Bel-Sen municipal workers’ union. 

Turkey Today – 08.09.2022
Four villages of Diyarbakır’s Dicle district have been under blockade for 7 years. 
Antalya 6th Penal Judgeship of Peace has banned a poetry book written by imprisoned HDP’s former co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ due to ‘terrorist propaganda’. 
Journalists Sadık Topaloğlu and Sadiye Eser were sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison for “membership of a terrorist organisation” based on the statements of the witness who never testified at the hearings.
The fourth hearing of the trial in which BirGün daily’s Politics Editor Mehmet Emin Kurnaz faces “insulting the president” and “insulting a public official” charges was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to adjourn the case until October 20th so that the case file can be reviewed before the verdict.
The appeal against the arrest of 16 journalists in Diyarbakır was once again rejected. 
ETHA and MA reporters, who were exposed to police violence and detention while they were following news, filed a criminal complaint against the police.
80-year-old Makbule Özer, who was released from prison yesterday, stated that they were arrested with her husband because they are Kurds, and said: “I didn’t miss the outside world in prison because I was constantly ill.” 
Continuing the sit-in with his mother, Ferit Şenyaşar said that their request to meet with the 10th prosecutor who was assigned to the case of the massacre in the hospital, which has been carried out “confidently” for more than 4 years, was rejected. 

Turkey Today – 07.09.2022
President Erdoğan has accused Europe of provoking Putin to cut off gas supplies through anti-Russia policies and a sanction regime. 
16 journalists held in Diyarbakır Prison reported that the wards where women are held, are monitored by surveillence cameras.

Diyanet vice chair Burhan İşliyen has targeted women through their outfits on Diyanet TV, saying that women were not covering themselves enough in especially wedding ceremonies. 
The Van Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation against journalist Oktay Candemir, who had reported on cars rented for President Recep Erdoğan’s rally in Van in June. According to his reports, 1.37 million US dollars was paid for the cars rented for two days. 
The judge who ordered the arrest of Osman Kavala and journalist Sedef Kabaş has been appointed as the presiding judge of the Bitlis Heavy Penal Court. 
The Interior Ministry expelled Ankara Architects Chamber chair Tezcan Karakuş Candan from civil service. The chamber had previously sued the construction of the presidential palace on forest land in Ankara’s Atatürk Forest Farm and the construction of TOGO Towers.
The Istanbul Governor’s Office has transferred the ownership of two waterside mansions in the Ortaköy district from the Metropolitan Municipality to the government.

Turkey Today – 06.09.2022
Clashes broke out between Turkish soldiers and HPG members in the Omeriya region in Mardin’s Nusaybin district, which was bombed yesterday. 
Emel Hacıoğlu, a ordinary prisoner in Diyarbakır Women’s Closed Prison, died under suspicious circumstances. 
Şirin Keskin, who is being held in Samsun Bafra Type T Closed Prison, conveyed the violations of rights she went through in the phone call with her family yesterday.
The first hearing of the trial in which lawyer Efkan Bolaç faces “insulting the president” charge was held in the İstanbul. The court’s accepted the intervention request by the lawyers of President Erdoğan on the grounds that Erdoğan might have been harmed by the alleged offense. Trial adjourned until January. 
The second hearing of the trial in which the Co-Chair of Human Rights Association’s Ankara Branch Fatin Kanat faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Ankara. The members of the court panel were changed at this hearing. The new panel notified the lawyers that they didn’t review the case file. Trial adjourned until October.
Prosecutors have opened an ex officio investigation against journalist Can Dündar for “insulting the president” and “insulting the Turkish nation”. The investigation concerns a YouTube video where Dündar comments on recent allegations of government corruption.

Turkey Today – 05.09.2022
Seriously ill prisoner Mehmet Emin Özkan, who has been under treatment in the intensive care unit for 4 days in the hospital where he was taken after took a turn for the worse, was taken out of the hospital and taken back to the prison with his hands in handcuffs in a wheelchair.

The hunger strike launched by 3 seriously ill political prisoners in Kırıklar Prison against the violations of rights continues on its 9th day. The hunger strike in Denizli Prison is on its 36th day.
20 journalists, including DFG Co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu and TGS Chair Gökhan Durmuş, were blacklisted at the request of the General Directorate of Security. The document labeled as confidential appeared in the case file where Müftüoğlu was being tried.
President Erdoğan warned Greece, saying that Athens “occupied” Aegean Sea islands and that Turkey was prepared to “do what is necessary”. 
CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu has said that he is ready to run for president if the six opposition leaders agree. 

Turkey Weekly 01 September- 4 September

Turkey Today – 04.09.2022
Yesterday police raided two houses in İstanbul. HDP Youth Council member Hüsamettin Tanrıkulu was detained. According to his lawyer Nagehan Avçil he was threatened with death. 
Imprisoned journalist Ziya Ataman was forced to strip search and is currently in solitary confinement. 
Attacks of Turkish Armed Forces against Metina region in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq continue. A forest fire broke out. 
The Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 545. 

Turkey Today – 03.09.2022
HDP Diyarbakır MP Semra Güzel whose parliamentary immunity was lifted in March was detained in Istanbul yesterday. 
Etkin News Agency reporter Elif Bayburt has been violently taken into police custody while covering a demonstration. Bayburt’s been taken into custody with her hands cuffed behind her back and is now being taken to the Vatan Police Station. 
Stage 4 cancer ill prisoner Ehettin Kaynar, who was transferred from Karabük Prison to Ankara, was released late last night.
Saturday Mothers came together in week 910 for a press release in the office of Human Rights Association regarding the detention of their members. 
President Erdoğan has called opposition TİP lawmaker Ahmet Şık a “terrorist” after Şık referred to the ruling AKP as “a crime organization” and envisaged that it will be shut down.

Turkey Today – 02.09.2022
Political parties and rights groups have marked Peace Day, which is celebrated on September 1, in İstanbul, Ankara, Diyarbakır and several other cities. Police detained dozens of people.
In Van, the police pulled guns on journalists who were following HDO’s rally on the occasion of World Peace Day and threatened them with death. The moments when the police pulled a gun were reflected in the image.
The police shot Adem Kara (21) with a gun at the animal market in Mardin. According to the police he did not obey the stop warning. 
A lawsuit has been filed against those who participated in the protest for Enes Kara, a university student who ended his life due to the pressures he got through in the community dormitory, and the journalists who followed the protest.
The İstanbul 27th Penal Court of First Instance has rejected an appeal by pop singer Gülşen’s lawyer for the lift of her house arrest.
President Erdoğan has dismissed his advisor Serkan Taranoğlu following the corruption allegations made by mafia boss Sedat Peker. 
After the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s dismissal of 43 employees, the Ataşehir Municipality has also terminated the contracts of four employees as a result of investigations launched by the Interior Ministry.

Turkey Today – 01.09.2022
As Turkish courts opened their new judicial year today, 81 provincial bar associations have released a joint statement emphasizing the importance of judicial independence and rule of law.
Asrın Law Office’s lawyers applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and İmralı Prison Directorate to meet with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, whom they had not heard from for 18 months.
The tree cutting, which has been slowing down for a while in the Besta Region, has been accelerated again on the grounds of “road building works”.
President Erdoğan has referred to teachers as “looters” (“çapulcu” in Turkish) for protesting  low wages and poor working conditions. 
Education Ministry has sent a letter to 81 provincial directorates, warning them against the increase in the number of students seeking asylum abroad after being sent there under the Erasmus program.