December 2022

Turkey Weekly 19 – 25 December 2022

Turkey Today – 25.12.2022
It has been stated that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has withdrawn from some areas in the Zap region.
Turkey’s attacks on north-eastern Syria continues uninterrupted. Artillery attacks targeted areas in Kobanê and Afrin. In Shera, two civilians were injured in missile strikes.
The Interior Ministry has announced that they filed a criminal complaint against the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality after claiming that 1668 personnel who are linked to “terrorist organizations” are employed in the municipality. 
President Erdoğan has issued a decree in which the rector that was supposed to be appointed to Kahramanmaraş İstiklal University was by mistake appointed to Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University. The decree was later corrected.

Turkey Today – 24.12.2022
The Ministry of Interior announced that a military operation was launched in Diyarbakır, Bingöl, Batman and Muş countryside with the participation of 3,650 soldiers.
Turkey bombed Metina mountain and a village close to Amediyê in the Federated Kurdistan Region.
HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar condemned the Paris attack and called “French authorities to enlighten the massacre as soon as possible”.
The provincial organizations of HDP and DBP have launched a 3-day vigil at the DBP office in Antep to protest the detention of DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır and DBP executives.

Turkey Today – 23.12.2022
The first hearing of the trial in which the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) Central Council President Şebnem Korur Fincancı faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charges was held in İstanbul. The court’s ruled to continue Şebnem Korur Fincancı’s detention. Trial adjourned until December 29. 
DBP Headquarters and its buildings in many cities were raided by the police. Many executives, including Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır, were detained. In the investigation launched against DBP, detention orders were issued for 15 people in 9 cities. 
The decision regarding HDP MP Semra Güzel’s dismissal from her parliamentary seat was published in the Official Gazette. Semra Güzel was stripped of MP status with 330 votes in the parliament. 
Mor Aho Monastery and Church, which was built in a Syriac village on Gabar Mountain, was destroyed during excavations despite being in a “special security zone”.
Sweden has not taken any concrete steps to address Turkey’s security concerns, foreign minister Çavuşoğlu said. 
The 2nd hearing of the trial of 19 people who were brutally detained on the Mis Street by the police prior to the 2021 İstanbul Pride March face “defying the Law no. 2911” and “prevention of public duty” charges was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until January. 

Turkey Today – 22.12.2022
A water station in a village of Kobane was targeted by Turkey. 3 workers were injured and a vehicle was destroyed. 
CHP’s Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu has said that the party’s leader Kılıçdaroğlu will be the presidential candidate. 
Electricity, water and natural gas cuts were made in the rooms of Ereğli High Security Prison, where the hunger strike against the severe isolation and rights violations continues. 
The execution of İsmail Hakkı Tursun, a prisoner of 30 years in Urfa Prison, has been postponed for 6 months and 5 days on the grounds that he has no regrets.
The third hearing of the Bakur Documentary retrial in which journalist Ertuğrul Mavioğlu and director Çayan Demirel face “making propaganda for an armed terrorist organization” charge was held in Batman. Trial adjourned until March. 
The 19th hearing of the trial in which newspaper distributors Mikail Tunçdemir and Ferhat Duman face terrorism-related charges was held in Van. Giving additional time for the defense to prepare their arguments against the final opinion, the court adjourned the trial until 21 February 2023. 
The 14th hearing of the retrial in which since-shuttered Dicle News Agency’s former reporter Ramazan Akoğul faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in Diyarbakır. Trial adjourned until February. 

Turkey Today – 21.12.2022
Bekir Şahin, a top prosecutor at the Court of Cassation, requested that HDP’s bank accounts where it receives funds from the Treasury should “urgently” be blocked as part of a case seeking a political ban on the party. 
DTK Co-chair Berdan Öztürk and HDP MPs launched a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Justice against the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Yesterday, 5 HDP Youth Council members were detained in raids on some houses in Kocaeli. 3 people were detained in Batman. 
Turkey’s media-watchdog RTÜK has imposed 3 separate fines on Halk TV’s program called Medya Mahallesi. 
The 15th hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayri Demir faces making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charges was held in Ankara. The court sentenced Demir to 1 year 21 months and 22 days in prison. 
The 6th hearing of “the Özgürlükçü Demokrasi” retrial in which journalists İhsan Yaşar, İshak Yasul, Mehmet Ali Çelebi, Mizgin Fendik, Pınar Tarlak, Reyhan Hacıoğlu and Hicran Urun face numerous charges was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until March. 
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which popstar Gülşen faces “openly inciting the public to hatred and hostility” charge was held in İstanbul. The judge sent the case file to the prosecutor so that he can prepare his final opinion. Trial adjourned until March. 

Turkey Today – 20.12.2022
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which the former Diyarbakır MP Çağlar Demirel faces “insulting the president” charge was held in Diyarbakır. Çağlar Demirel did not attend today’s hearing due to health issues. Trial adjourned until February. 

Latin American health organizations against human rights violations have addressed a letter to President Erdoğan, demanding the release of Prof. Şebnem Korur-Fincancı. 
Yeni Yaşam daily newspaper applied to the Constitutional Court against the court decision blocking access to their reports on the claims of Sedat Peker about Serhat Albayrak, owner of the Turkuaz Media Group and brother of Berat Albayrak, former finance minister and President Erdoğan’s son in law.
After an individual application by a Yasin Güngör from Elazığ prison who claimed to be subjected to ill-treatment, the high court ruled that he should be paid compensation and his allegations should be investigated.
The third hearing of the trial in which journalist Sezgin Kartal faces “insult” charge upon complaint by columnist Fuat Uğur is being held in İstanbul. The prosecutor repeated his final opinion as to the accusations and requested Kartal to be sentenced. The court ruled to acquit him. 

Turkey Today – 19.12.2022

Dilek Hatipoğlu and Nurullah Çiftçi, former co-mayors of Hakkari, have been sentenced to 11 years in prison each.
The military operation launched on December 15 on Mount Cudi, located between Şırnak center and Silopi district, continues. 
The buildings of the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK), Kurdistan Socialist Party (PSK) and Azadi Movement in Diyarbakır were raided by the police. 
The bodies of HPG fighters removed from the Xerzan cemetery in Bitlis are not released to their families. The cemetery was destroyed by construction equipment in December 2017. 
The Court of Appeal found the prison sentence of 1 year, 2 months and 17 days given to journalist Hakkı Boltan for “insulting” AKP President Erdoğan and then-Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu too low, and demanded that the sentence be given at the upper limit.
The Şenyaşar family continues the justice vigil. Ferit Şenyaşar stated that the family’s private car was given a “parking” fine last week due to a banner demanding justice.
Journalist Onur Öncü is acquitted once again in the ‘insulting Soylu’ case. Öncü had previously been acquitted in the same case which the court had heard via simple trial procedure.

Turkey Weekly 12 – 18 December 2022

Turkey Today – 18.12.2022
A police officer has slapped HDP Istanbul co-chair Ferhat Encü during a protest against sick prisoners’ condition behind bars. The police detained a reporter for recording the moments of slapping, as well as Encü.
Representatives of political parties and NGOs in İzmir took to the streets in protest of war and isolation. Yet before the beginning of the protest march, the crowd was encircled by the police and 50 people have been detained. 
Muhsin Acar, who was taken into custody during yesterday’s police raid Diyarbakır, had his nose broken and his face is covered in haematomas.
Erdal Tuncel, brother of imprisoned Kurdish politician Sebahat Tuncel, has not been released even though he has served his sentence for a year. 

Turkey Today – 17.12.2022
20 people were detained during police raids in Diyarbakır. 
A drone attack on Northern Syria carried out by Turkey killed three civilians, including a 12 year old child. 
President Erdoğan said that the courts would correct any mistakes in an appeal process after the jailing of Istanbul’s opposition mayor, and in the meantime Turks had no right to ignore legal rulings.
The co-owners of SAAB, a Somalian restaurant in Ankara, have announced that their business was closed following racist targets and attacks.
Twenty-six people were detained in the scope of an investigation carried out by İstanbul Chief Prosecutor’s Office against relatives of prisoners. Sending money or clothes to prisoners is included among the issues investigated. 
Four people detained in police raids in Mersin four days ago have been released. 

Turkey Today – 16.12.2022
It was stated that political prisoners on an indefinite and non-rotating hunger strike in Ereğli Prison were put in solitary confinement. 
An explosion occurred while a police car was passing on the Diyarbakır -Mardin highway.
Journalists working for Kurdish media outlets called for justice for their colleagues who are behind bars since 6 months ago without yet an indictment. 
Documentarist and journalist Sibel Tekin has been taken into police custody in an early morning raid to her house. It’s been learned that Tekin was taken into custody upon the complaint of police officers. 
The first hearing of the retrial of journalist Perihan Kaya over “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Diyarbakır. The court decided to issue a writ so that the statement of Kaya who lives abroad can be taken via rogatory letters. Trial adjourned until May. 

Turkey Today – 15.12.2022
Leaders of six opposition parties have visited İstanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu at the municipal hall in the Fatih district. They later addressed thousands of people gathered outside of the municipal hall. 
Founder of Hiranur Foundation Yusuf Ziya Gümüşel, who condoned the rape of his daughter when she was 6 years old, and Kadir Wishli, who “married” his daughter, were arrested.
Turkish Bar Association President Erinç Sağkan and bar association presidents will launch a Justice Watch in front of the courthouse on December 26 for HDP employee Deniz Poyraz who was murdered in İzmir.
The first hearing of the trial in which the Co-chair of the Human Rights Association Öztürk Türkdoğan faces “openly degrading the state of the Republic of Turkey” charge was held in Ankara. Türkdoğan and his lawyers did not attend the hearing. 
President Erdoğan, in response to a question on the discussions of a land operation to north Syria, said, “Currently, we want to take a tripartite step together with Syria and Russia.”

Turkey Today – 14.12.2022
During police raids in Mersin 9 people, including HDP Akdeniz and Toroslar district co-chairs, were detained. 
The Supreme Court of Appeals overturned the 3 years, one month and 15 days prison sentence given to journalist Mehmet Güleş for alleged “terrorist propaganda”, finding it disproportionate.
Journalist Sinan Aygül has been arrested for “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” after he had reported the allegations of a sexual abuse of a minor. The sixth hearing of the trial in which journalist Metin Cihan and his alleged source face “illegally obtaining or giving personal data” charge was held in the İstanbul. The court decided to wait for the expert’s report. Trial adjourned until March. 

Turkey Today – 13.12.2022
Unidentified person or persons who attacked the HDP Keçiören District Organisation’s building in Ankara wrote the inscription “How happy is the one who says I am a Turk”.
Bar Association Human Rights Center, which met with ill prisoners in Urfa prisons, said that ill prisoners could not reach their medicines and were subjected to their cavity of mouth to be searched.
The execution of Erdal Tuncel, who was re-arrested from a different file on the day of his release decision, was postponed 3 times on the grounds that he “used water and electricity too much”. Tuncel is the brother of imprisoned former MP Sebahat Tuncel. 
In the popular daytime reality TV program of Esra Erol on ATV, the channel turned the volume down while a woman was expressing her feelings in Kurdish.
President Erdoğan has postponed strikes in two factories of a steel manufacturer for 60 days due to national security. 

Turkey Today – 12.12.2022
Hülya Ayık, the mother of journalist Devrim Ayık who is 76 percent disabled and seriously ill, said that her son’s health condition is getting worse day by day, but the hospital referral was canceled because he refused the cavity of his mouth to be searched.
The police detained dozens of demonstrators who took to the streets in Van to protest the isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.

The members of the Urfa Peace Mothers Council called for peace against war by laying down their white scarf.

Sentenced to compensation by a local court for insulting former AKP MP Mehmet Metiner, Hacı Boğatekin went to Constitutional Court where he won the case. However, he has to return again to the Constitutional Court now for the same case since the local court has not recognized the decision of the top court. 
The seventh hearing of the trial in which 52 students of Boğaziçi University face “defying the Law no. 2911 on Assemblies and Demonstrations” and “deprivation of liberty” charges was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to send the CD submitted to the case file to an expert for it to be analyzed. Trial adjourned until March.

Turkey Weekly 5 – 11 December 2022

Turkey Today – 11.12.2022
Turkey continues shelling civilian settlements in Northern Syria. 61-year-old Salih El Selame lost his life in Turkey’s attacks on Ain Isa.
Speaking at the Parliamentary General Assembly about the Ministry of Interior budget for 2023, HDP MP Hasan Özgüneş criticized the government for having “turned the country into a police and military state through policies of war.”
The aggravated isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was protested in Diyarbakır.
The sit-in launched by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 643. The Şenyaşar family said: “This case is protected by the President. The whole world probes this injustice.”

Turkey Today – 10.12.2022
Family and Social Services Minister Derya Yanık has said that violence against women and child abuse are not the subject of politics because they are “human nature issues and can be seen in every society.”
Three reports were prepared by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office about the lifting of the immunity of HDP Batman MP Feleknas Uca and sent to the Parliament. 
The Court of Appeal fundamentally overturned the local court’s decision regarding the attacks on the Şenyaşar family’s workplaces. The court found the sentence given to Fadıl Şenyaşar low and stated that it was mandatory to carry out the workplace and hospital files together.
Tahir Gürdal (53), who caught lung cancer after entering prison and was treated in handcuffs for days at Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital, died 13 days after his sentence was suspended. 
Defense Minister Hulusi Akar has said that an analysis carried out in northern Iraq refutes the allegations that the Turkish military has used chemical weapons against the PKK in its operations.
President Erdoğan has said that he will run for the presidency in the upcoming elections for the last time, and then will “pave the way to the youth.”

Turkey Today – 09.12.2022
In Hesekê’s Zirgan district, a school, a bakery that supplies bread for 20 villages, and 400 houses were destroyed during Turkey’s bombardment in Northern Syria.
HDP Diyarbakır MP Remziye Tosun took off and threw her white muslin on the floor in the general assembly of the parliament in protest of cross-boarder military operations. 
Finland’s Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen visited his counterpart in Ankara to discuss the progress in his country’s NATO membership and related issues. 
Culture and Tourism Ministry has demanded the return of its funding for Emin Alper’s new movie Burning Days (Kurak Günler), which gives place to a homosexual relationship, citing “scenario change.”

Turkey Today – 08.12.2022
An investigation has been launched regarding HDP’s statement “Recognize the Armenian Genocide” on April 24, 2021.
The Court of Cassation, Turkey’s high court of appeals, has overturned the nine-year prison sentence given to jailed former Diyarbakır mayor Selçuk Mızraklı over alleged “terrorism” charges.
The fourth hearing of the trial in which the Co-Chair of IHD Ankara Branch Fatin Kanat faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Ankara. Reasoning that the elements of the offense Fatin Kanat was charged with did not occur, the court ruled to acquit him. 
The first hearing of the trial in which the former executive editor of bianet Nazan Özcan faces “insult” and “libel” charges upon complaint by President Erdoğan’s former lawyer Mustafa Doğan İnal, was held in the İstanbul. The court decided to accept the intervention request of İnal on the grounds that he might have been harmed by the alleged offense. Trial adjourned until March. 
The fourth hearing of the trial in which journalists Doğan Ergün and İzel Sezer face multiple charges upon complaint by President Erdoğan’s lawyer Mustafa Doğan İnal, was held in İstanbul. The court adjourned the trial until March so that the defense can prepare their arguments against the final opinion. 

Turkey Today – 07.12.2022
Deputy Parliament Speaker Haydar Akar has not allowed HDP MP İmam Taşçıer to speak in Kurdish during the talks for the 2023 budget in the Parliament. 
HPG announced that they have the body of soldier Mustafa Bazna, who lost his life in Metina and was reported as a “missing martyr” by the TSK.

Hüseyin Örs, an İYİ Party MP, was taken to intensive care after he was hit by AKP MP Zafer Işık in a brawl in parliament.  
Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu has said that Finland must lift an arms embargo on Ankara as a condition to securing support from Turkey for its NATO membership bid.
Justice Minister Bozdağ has said that Sweden needs to do more before Ankara can approve its NATO membership after Stockholm deported Kurdish refugee Mahmut Tat. 
The eighth hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayko Bağdat faces “insulting the president” and “openly inciting the public to hatred and hostility” charges was held in İstanbul. The court decided to send the translated documents of the merged case file to the rogatory office and adjourned the trial until March.  

Turkey Today – 06.12.2022
Turkey’s attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria continue. Today, many villages have been bombed. 
A woman and her child, crushed by a Turkish armored vehicle, lost their lives in the town of Atareb in the city of Aleppo. 
Turkey is supporting the enlargement of NATO but expects Sweden and Finland to take more concretr steps, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said.  
The third hearing of the SLAPP case brought against journalists Can Bursalı, Barış Terkoğlu and Independent Turkish daily by the former lawyer of President Erdoğan’s former lawyer Mustafa Doğan İnal was held in İstanbul. The court ruled to reject the lawsuit. 
The sixth hearing of the SLAPP suit brought against journalist Hazal Ocak by former Minister of Treasury and Finance and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son-in-law Berat Albayrak was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until April.

Turkey Today – 05.12.2022
An military operation was launched in Siirt’s Pervari district. It was stated that the villagers were not allowed to leave their homes.
A bomb-laden vehicle exploded in Qamishlo. After the explosion, extensive damage occurred in the surrounding area.
Presidential spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said “Turkey will not target troops of Russia, the US or Iran in a possible military offensive in Northern Syria. 
The bodies of 3 HPG members who lost their lives in clashes in Gabar could not be identified by the families because they were covered in burns. 
Şadiye Manap who has been in prison for 30 years was detained right after her release and arrested by the court.

Turkey Weekly 28 November – 4 December 2022

Turkey Today – 04.12.2022
CPT’s Imrali Delegation Head Therese Rytter, whom MA reached after the Asrın Law Office’s statement on İmralı, answered the question about whether she had met with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan or not as follows: “We went to İmralı to examine the conditions of detention.” 
Turkey’s attacks on Northern Syria continues. The village of Um El Kêf in Til Temir was bombed. 
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said that he expects a “clear picture” on the war in Ukraine by spring, adding Turkey will continue efforts for that end.

The Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 636. The sit-in was launched on March 9, 2021 by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attack carried out by AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguards and relatives in Urfa. 

Turkey Today – 03.12.2022
Announcing its interim decision in the Kobanê Case, the court board rejected all the demands of politicians and their lawyers and decided to write a negotiation for the translation of the ECtHR’s decision regarding Yüksekdağ into Turkish.
8 TJA activists brought to Ankara Courthouse within the scope of Ankara-based investigation were arrested, 13 women were released under house arrest.
TJA activist Figen Ekti, who was also detained, was taken to the hospital after she fell ill when she was brought to Ankara Courthouse 4 days later.
Yeni Yaşam Newspaper, Mesopotamia Women Journalists Platform (MKGP) and Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) held a memorial event in front of the old building of the newspaper in Kadırga due to the anniversary of the simultaneous bombing of Özgür Ülke Newspaper’s headquarters in Istanbul Cağaloğlu, Kadırga and Ankara offices on December 3, 1994. 
Stating that 7 years have passed since Dilan Kortak’s death and 2 years have passed since the Constitutional Court’s violation decision, the investigation was carried out very slowly, Bülent Aşa said that the investigation was not conducted in an impartial manner.
Kurdish refugee Mahmut Tat, who was sentenced to 6 years and 10 months in prison for “being a member of the PKK” in Dersim in 2015 and sought asylum in Sweden, was extradited to Turkey. 

Turkey Today – 02.12.2022
Defence Minister Hulusi Akar has called on the United States to show understanding over a possible new Turkish military operation in Syria.
18 women detained as part of the investigation against TJA did not testify against the torture practices of the Ankara Police. 
After reports that the Nilüfer District Municipality in Bursa opened a “LGBTI+ solidarity center, the Interior Ministry has launched a preliminary investigation. 
Having conducted a hunger strike for months demanding a fair trial, Gökhan Yıldırım was released from prison in September. However, he was arrested again in November.
Dismissed from public service during the period of state of emergency, teacher Engin Karataş was denied reinstatement because of the protests he held after being dismissed. 

Turkey Today – 01.12.2022
Turkish parliament has voted down CHP’s motion to establish a parliamentary investigation commission regarding the bomb attack on Istanbul’s İstiklal Avenue. 
Women detained in different cities as part of the investigation against TJA activists were brought to Ankara after being held in handcuffs for 36 hours. 
Veysi Aktaş, who is held in isolation with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı Prison, was not allowed to attend the funeral of his father, who passed away yesterday. 
The 3rd hearing of the trial in which Charlie Hebdo’s general director Julien Serignac, editor in chief Gérard Biard, executive editor Laurent Sorurisseau and cartoonist Alice face “insulting the president” charge was held in Ankara. The court decided to inquire with the Ministry of Justice about the fate of the rogatory letters prepared by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. Trial adjourned until June. 
Journalist Zübeyde Sarı is acquitted of ‘inciting the public to hatred and hostility’. The court reasoned that the elements of the offense Sarı was charged with did not occur and ruled to acquit the journalist.
Şadiye Manap, who was released from Gebze Women’s Closed Prison after 30 years of imprisonment, was detained before leaving the prison.

Turkey Today – 30.11.2022
Presidential spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said Turkey may start ground offensive in northern Syria “at any moment”. 
According to his lawyers a CPT delegation might not have met Abdullah Öcalan during their prison visit in September. 
After Selahattin Demirtaş DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz and HDP MPs Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit, Nuran İmir and Erdal Aydemir applied to the Ministry of Justice for a meeting with PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. 
The body of HPG member Ferhat Acar, who lost his life in the clash in the Cîlo area of Hakkari, was given to his family 185 days later.
The 34th hearing of the trial in which 31 people, including journalist Engin Eren face “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in Batman. Lastly, the court sentenced 2 defendants to 6 years and 3 months in prison. 
The prosecution has demanded a life sentence for Deva Party’s Metin Gürcan, a former military officer, an academic and a politician, on “espionage” charges. 

Turkey Today – 29.11.2022
Within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office on the allegation of “membership in a terrorist organization”, 50 women in 14 cities were detained.
Lawyers of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office to meet with their client. 
Turkish authorities have threatened Azerbaijani Saida and Italian Dalila, who were detained during the protest to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Nov. 25 in Istanbul, with deportation. 
The 22nd hearing of the trial in which the since-shuttered Dicle News Agency’s (DİHA) reporter Şerife Oruç faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in Batman. The court decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against Oruç. Trial adjourned until March. 
The sixth hearing of the retrial in which journalists Ahmet Memiş, Ali Akkuş, Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Ünal Tanık, Yakup Çetin and Yetkin Yıldız face “aiding a terrorist organization” charge was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until February. 
The first hearing of the retrial in which the since-shuttered Azadiya Welat daily’s former editor-in-chief İsmail Çoban faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Diyarbakır. The court decided to send the case file to the prosecution so that the final opinion as to the accusations can be prepared. Trial adjourned until January. 
Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has once again accused opposition-run Istanbul Municipality, saying 1668 personnel they hired are linked to “terrorist organizations.” 

Turkey Today – 28.11.2022
Seven soldiers were killed during the “Claw-Lock Operation” in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the Defense Ministry has announced.

According to the Interior Minister the brother of Bilal Hassan, who is believed to have escaped to Bulgaria after the deadly November 13 İstanbul bomb attack, has been detained.
Tahir Elçi, the former chair of the Diyarbakır Bar was commemorated outside of courthouses in Diyarbakır and several other cities on the anniversary of his assassination. In 2015 Elçi attended a TV programme where he said “The PKK is not a terrorist organization.” 
Six political parties constituting the opposition alliance (Table of 6) announced the Constitutional amendment proposals they agree upon for the Strengthened Parliamentary System they propose. 
The ninth hearing of the retrial of since-shuttered Zaman newspaper’s columnists Şahin Alpay, Ali Bulaç, Mümtaz’er Türköne, Ahmet Turan Alkan and editor Mehmet Özdemir was held in İstanbul. The court sentenced Şahin Alpay, Ali Bulaç and Ahmet Turan Alkan to 2 years and 6 months in prison. Mümtazer Türköne sentenced to 3 years and 9 months in prison.