September 2021

Turkey Weekly 27.09 – 30.09.21

Turkey Today – 30.09.2021

Replaced with a state-appointed trustee by the Interior Ministry and arrested as part of another trial, HDP’s Diyarbakır Metropolitan Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı has been acquitted of “terror propaganda”.  

The 3rd hearing of the retrial where Şebnem Korur-Fincanci, Erol Önderoğlu and Ahmet Nesin face “terrorist propaganda” was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to wait for Ahmet Nesin’s statement to be taken and to hear witness İnan Kizilkaya who could not attend the hearing because he is in quarantine and adjourned the trial until February. 
The third hearing of the trial where journalist Arahman Gök faces “membership in an armed terrorist organization” was held in Diyarbakır. The court decided that the social media posts in the complaint to be examined and adjourned the trial until January. 
The first hearing of the trial where Birgün Newspaper Sports Editor Eren Tutel faces “insulting a public official” charges was held in Istanbul. Due to the pandemic nobody was allowed into the court room. The court adjourned the trial until February. 
Berkin Elvan’s parents face up to nine years in prison for “insulting the president”. Parents of the 14-year-old who lost his life during the 2013 protests had said the president was responsible for the killing of their son.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has slammed a U.S. bill calling for the designation of the Turkish ultranationalist group Grey Wolves as a terrorist group. 

Covid-19: 29,104 new infections and 216 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 29.09.2021

An attempt was made to attack HDP deputy co-chair Tülay Hatimoğulları at her home in Ankara. Hatimoğulları announced that the two people who came to her house were trying to enter, claiming that they were plainclothes police.
21-year old Suat Şahin, who stood up to the police who wanted to run him through General Information Gathering System (GBT), was shot by the police in Batman.

Turkey’s Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) has appointed Akın Gürlek, the judge who presided over high-profile political cases as those of Selahattin Demirtaş and Canan Kaftancıoğlu, a “first class judge.”
The fifth hearing of the trial where journalist Nurcan Yalçın faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held at Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court. The prosecutor presented his final opinion and demanded imprisonment for Yalçın. Giving time for the preparation of the final defense, the court adjourned the trial until November 22.
Turkey has responded to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders’ letter requesting explanation regarding the lawsuits and investigations against lawyers Özbingöl Çelik and Aydın: “Lawyer held in solitary confinement due to COVID-19” 

Health Minister Koca has announced that the average number of active coronavirus cases is 400 thousand in Turkey, one fourth of whom are in the 0-17 age group amid in-class education for the past three weeks. 

Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 28.09.2021

The president of the Turkish Radio and Television High Council (RTÜK), Ebubekir Şahin, claimed in an interview that the council does not discriminate against news and television channels.

Some 2.9 kilograms of cannabis were confiscated in a car that belongs to the AKP-run district municipality of Keçiören in Ankara. 

Journalists Olaf Koens and Pepijn Nagtzaam were detained while covering the journey of refugees on the grounds that they trespassed a military zone; they were released after submitting their statements.
The 15th hearing of the trial where nine people including journalist Kenan Kırkaya face “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in Ankara. The court has decided to wait for the persecution and investigation files on the defendants and the conclusion of the examination of the defendants’ devices and adjourned the trial until December. 
45 journalists who were fired by daily Hürriyet in October 2019 for their membership to the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), have not still been able to receive their severance pay from the company.

Police attacked the university students who have been staying the night at parks across Turkey in protest against the high housing prices, taking nearly 80 people into custody in İstanbul’s Kadıköy and İzmir. 

The Ankara Bar Association Chair and Executive Board members have been put on trial for “insulting” President of Religious Affairs Ali Erbaş by criticizing his remarks targeting the LGBTI+s and HIV-positive people. Executives face up to two years in prison. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 28,892 new infections and 239 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 27.09.2021

The 4th hearing of the trial where lawyer and human rights defender Nurcan Kaya faces “making terror propaganda” charges was held in Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court. The court sentenced her to 1 year 3 months in prison and deferred the announcement of the verdict.

The family of Deniz Poyraz, the young woman killed in an armed attack on the HDP’s İzmir office on June 17, filed a criminal complaint against the attacker as well as the local police whom they have accused of negligence.

Academics from Boğaziçi University continues protests against the appointment of a rector by President Erdoğan for 178 days. 
Mehmet Şah Tekiner, 62, who shared the “Dictator Erdoğan” headline of the German Bild Newspaper, has been sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison for “insulting the president”.

Covid-19: 27,188 new infections and 206 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 20 – 26.09.2021

Turkey Today – 26.09.2021

Prison authorities in Kırıkkale have deemed saying “friends” in Kurdish “PKK propaganda” and launched an investigation into inmate Arif Bayram. 

The manager of Jiyan haber was threatened with death on the phone. Shots were fired in front of his house. 

Protests by university students against the increase in house rents and exorbitant dormitory prices in many cities, especially in Istanbul, Ankara, and Kocaeli, continue. 

3 people in Maltepe prison are infected with the coronavirus. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 25,861 new infections and 228 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 25.09.2021

The lawyer of the family that lost 7 members in the racist attack in Konya said that the prosecution is withholding WhatsApp communication from the police.

Saturday Mothers came together in week 861 to protest against the ban on their gathering at Galatasaray Square. 
Turkey, which is required to release 500 cubic meters of water per second from the Euphrates River to Syria in accordance with the international agreement, has reduced this rate to below 200 cubic meters in order to destabilize Northern and Eastern Syria.

While university students are looking for a place to stay, the student dormitory, which has been turned into a quarantine center for soldiers and guards in Mardin, is still being used by law enforcement units hile students are sleeping in the parks.

Covid-19: 26,145 new infections and 193 deaths registered in the 24 last. 

Turkey Today – 24.09.2021

Put on trial over violence against former bianet reporter Beyza Kural, police officer’s request for being exempted from hearings has been accepted. 

Following the call of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) Urfa Branch, 200 lawyers participated in the Justice Vigil to give support to the Senyaşar family. 

Galatasaray Square banned for the Saturday Mothers has once again been blockaded by the police. 

“I have never been in such a position with a US leader before,” says President Erdoğan, addressing the reporters upon his return from the country. 

The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) has announced that 26 health workers died of Covid 19 in four months: 13 healthcare workers were not vaccinated while 10 had not yet received their booster shots. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry 27,197 new infections and 221 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 23.09.2021

The third session of the 4th hearing of the Kobanê Case, where 108 people, 20 of whom are currently behind bars, including the executives of the HDP, was held at the Sincan Prison Campus today.

Court of Cassation overturns prison sentence of journalist Aziz Oruç who was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison for “committing a crime on behalf of a terrorist organization without being its member.”
The sixth hearing of the suit for damages brought against journalist Çiğdem Toker by the Turkey Technology Team Foundation was held in İstanbul. The court decided to hear witness testimonies and adjourned the trial until February. 
The third hearing of the trial where journalist Cengiz Çandar face “praising an offence and the offender” charges was held today. The trial was adjourned until February.   
Police have intervened against the university students staying the night at parks across Turkey in protest against high housing prices. Students have been taken out of the parks, some students have been detained. 

Covid-19: 27,844 new infections and 217 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 22.09.2021

Behind bars since 2016, former HDP MP Çağlar Demirel has been released. 

Journalist Süleyman Gençel was detained at home in İzmir province. While the reason for Gençel’s detention is not clear, he has been referred to the prosecutor’s office of cyber crimes.

The hearing of the trial where the proprietor of since-shuttered Azadiya Welat newspaper Ramazan Ölçen faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held at Diyarbakır 11th High Criminal Court. The court decided to wait for the letter written to the Ministry of Justice for the statement of Ramazan Ölçen, who lives in Belgium, to be taken by rogatory. Trial adjourned until February.
The tenth hearing of the trial where exiled musician Ferhat Tunç faces “inciting the public to hatred and enmity” charges was held in İstanbul. The court decided to continue the arrest warrant. Trial adjourned until February. 
Five students detained before the alternative graduation ceremony at the Middle East Technical University because they refused to show their banners and student IDs to the police were released. 
According to the Health Minister over 68 percent of adult population is fully vaccinated. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 28,168 new infections and 242 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 21.09.2021

The second session of the 4th hearing of the Kobanê Case was held at the Sincan Prison Campus. The trial has been adjourned because the judge is in quarantine.

The 4th hearing of the retrial of 38 people including HDP Co-Vice President and Van MP Tayip Temel and HDP Mardin MP Pero Dündar was held in Diyarbakır. The travel ban on Temel was lifted. Trial adjourned until December. 
In the retrial over the Vartinis Massacre where nine people, including seven children, were burned to death in 1993, the Kırıkkale 1st Heavy Penal Court has ruled that Bülent Karaoğlu, the then Hasköy Gendarmerie Commander and the only defendant of the case, shall be arrested. 
The fifth hearing of the trial where Mesopotamia News Agency reporter Sadık Topaloğlu and journalist Sadiye Eser face “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until November.
The 7th hearing of the trial where author Meral Şimşek faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in Malatya. The court decided to replace the expert witness as the expert witness report was not submitted to the court on time. The court ruled the continuation of judicial control measures and adjourned the trial until October. 
Vice Minister of Health Aydın has filed a lawsuit for damages against Evrensel, BirGün and Cumhuriyet newspapers, which reported on CHP MP Emir’s Parliamentary question regarding the allegations about a company, among the shareholders of which were Aydın’s spouse and son. 

Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 20.09.2021

In today’s hearing of Kobane case the relatives of the imprisoned politicians, the observers and journalists were not allowed in the campus by the police who said the court board had decided to have a closed hearing. 

The 7th hearing of the trial where journalist Durket Süren faces “aiding and abetting a terrorist organization” and “terrorist propaganda” charges was held in Diyarbakır. The Court decided to wait for the report by the Diyarbakır Police and adjourned the trial until December. 
The dress brought by her relatives to imprisoned former HDP MP Leyla Güven was not given on grounds of its colours.

President Erdoğan: “We are fighting against a more deadly and sneaky virus. This virus, which is as dangerous as coronavirus, is called Islamophobia”.

As young people have returned to school and variants of the Covid-19 have surged, case positivity rates among children in Turkey have skyrocketed from 8% to 30%. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 27,688 new infections and 231 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Weekly 13 – 19 September

Turkey Today – 19 September 2021

CHP chair Kılıçdaroğlu: We can solve the Kurdish question with the HDP. 
The Governor’s Office of Mardin has announced a ban on events and demonstrations for two weeks. The reason is the commemoration for the Kurdish journalist and writer Musa Anter, who was murdered in 1992.

A Turkish court has finally arrested an ISIS militant who ordered the burning of two Turkish soldiers back in 2016. It previously ruled to keep Jamal Abdulrahman Alwi free despite the gravity of his crimes.

The fire which broke out after attacks of a military helicopter on Gabar Mountain in Şırnak continues.
Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 195. The family lost three members as a result of the attacks of AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız and his relatives.  

Turkey’s Interior Ministry has ordered the demolition of Syrians’ houses in Ankara’s Altındağ district, a month after they were attacked by hundreds of racists.
Covid-19: 26,398 new infections and 213 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 18 September 2021

The Constitutional Court has declared the closure of the daily newspaper Ozgür Gündem unconstitutional.

The prison administration has refused to deliver newspapers to the imprisoned journalist İbrahim Karakaş on the grounds that they are questionable.

Three people detained in police raids in Adıyaman. 
A forest fire broke out near the Cudi mountains in Şırnak. So far, no intervention has been made. 
The Saturday Mothers came together in the week 860 to ask those responsible for the death of Mehmet Zafer Demirkan. He disappeared after detention by two civil police in Diyarbakır in September 1995. 

The conscientious objector and human rights activist Zana Aksu was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 10000 Lira.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 26,161 new infections and 221 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 17 September 2021

The court has rejected the prosecutor’s request for arresting Musa O., who is on trial for “sexually assaulting” İpek Er and driving her to suicide in Batman. 
After former PM Ahmet Davutoğlu said that Diyarbakır Bar Association Chair Tahir Elçi “had fallen victim to a political assassination”, the lawyers of the Elçi family have demanded that Davutoğlu be heard as a witness. 

The Human Rights Association’s Adana branch chair Yakup Ataş is facing an investigation over a statement he released on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. Prosecutors are accusing him of “instigating hatred and hostility among the public.”. 

Ali Erbaş, the head of Turkey’s Presidency of Religious Affairs since 2017, has been appointed again by Erdoğan’s Presidential decision. 

Covid-19: new infections and deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 16 September 2021

The court ordered to continue detention of Contemporary Lawyers Association Chair lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı and lawyer Barkin Timtik. 
The 15th hearing of the trial where 27 defendants including journalist Meşale Tolu face “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in Istanbul. The prosecution asks for the acquittal of 13 people including Meşale Tolu. Trial adjourned until December. 
The final hearing in the case where 17 defendants face ‘membership in a terrorist organization’ in connection with the ‘KCK operations’ in Aydın in 2011, was held today. 8 people were sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison, while 7 were acquitted.

Imprisoned for 25 years, 83-year-old seriously ill prisoner Mehmet Emin Özkan was not released at his hearing. Trial adjourned until December. 

The bank accounts of the HDP’s Patnos Municipality in Ağrı have been freezed due to millions of liras of debt incurred during the AKP term. 
Examining their appeal against the penalty given by the prison administration for singing in Kurdish, the judgeship has rejected the requests of politicians Güven and Alökmen for making their defense in Kurdish. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 28,118 and 262 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 15 September 2021

In a joint statement, 78 bar associations demand the suspension of the presiding judge and the police who took Diyarbakır Bar Chair and lawyers out of the courtroom by force at the hearing of Ayşe Gökkan on Monday. 

After their son was killed during clashes with security forces, the Dağhan family applied to the Constitutional Court, alleging that the body was burned after the autopsy. The court has rejected the application. 

The 11th hearing of the trial where 22 defendants, including ETHA reporter Adil Demirci face “membership in a terrorist organization” charges resumed in İstanbul. The court ruled to continue judicial control measures and adjourned the trial until April 2022. 
An investigation was launched against 13 people who sang a Kurdish song and dance the halay in Batman for allegedly ‘propagandizing a terrorist organization.”

The ECtHR ruled that Turkey had violated the rights of Tuncer Bakırhan, former Co-Mayor of Siirt and HDP deputy co-chair who was replaced by an Ankara appointed trustee. 
Covid-19: 28,224 new infections and 248 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 14 September 2021

Mardin’s  Ankara appointed “trustee mayor” is being investigated for corruption in hundreds of millions lira worth of public tenders. 
An investigation has been launched against journalist Faruk Arhan on the grounds of “inciting the public to hatred and enmity”.

The 11th hearing of the trial where exiled artist Ferhat Tunç faces “insulting the president” charges was held in İstanbul. Tunç and his lawyers didn’t attend the hearing. Trial adjourned until January. 
In a Parliamentary question, HDP’s Kerestecioğlu has asked the reason for not carrying out an effective investigation into the fate and whereabouts of the people who have disappeared in Turkey in the last few years. 
Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate will be hiring 30 people for a media crew including anchors, producers and directors. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 27,802 new infections and 276 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 13 September 2021

Police attacked the attorneys of the case and the observers following it during the 22nd hearing of TJA Spokesperson Ayşe Gökkan and removed everyone from the hall.
Shortly after the İstanbul Forensic Medicine Institution issued a report concluding that HDP former MP Aysel Tuğluk “could stay in prison” despite severe illness, her lawyers have submitted an objection.

Unable to attend the award-giving ceremony at the time as he was arrested, HDP Kocaeli MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu has received the “Ayşenur Zarakolu Freedom of Thought and Expression Award”. 
Diken and Gazete Duvar news portals received fake court orders demanding the removal of several articles, a lawyer from the Freedom of Expression Association has revealed.

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu says that “Turkey is working to ensure that refugees, especially Syrians, return to their countries”. 

Covid-19: 24,631 new infections and 231 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 6 – 12 September 2021

Turkey Today – 12 September 2021

Hunger strike in Turkish prisons against solitary confinement of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan ended on day 290. 
Air strikes of Turkish warplanes on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq continue. Today, Kurejaro mountain and Şeladize district were bombed. 
The detained MP Sebahat Tuncel received a one-month disciplinary sentence. She was accused of chanting slogans. 

Human Rights Association Mersin Branch board member Tahir Tüyben was detained in a police raid on ‘terror propaganda on social media’ charges. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 21,352 new infections and 243 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 11 September 2021

Baran Bilici, lawyer of two Kurds thrown out of a military helicopter in Van warns against the blackening of evidence by long duration of proceedings. 

PKK prison committee calls on prisoners to end their hunger strike against solitary confinement of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. 
Racist remarks including ‘Speak Turkish or shut up’ were written on the stairs of a school in the Onur neighbourhood in Adana where mainly Kurds live. 

The Saturday Mothers came together in the week 859 to ask those responsible for those disappeared after 1980 military coup. 
In a Parliamentary question, HDP Diyarbakır MP Garo Paylan asks Vice President Oktay when Turkey-Armeni̇a border will be opened. 
AKP district office in Tunceli’s Pülümür district gifts Erdoğan’s book to COVID-19 vaccine recipients. 

Covid-19: 22,923 new infections and 259 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 10 September 2021

Going to school with his bike, 14-year-old Furkan Murat G. was hit by a police vehicle in Sakarya. The child has lost his life at hospital.  

Having lost his life in an armored vehicle crash in Turkey’s Kurdish-majority southeastern province of Şırnak, 7-year-old Mihraç Miroğlu is found “primary negligent” by the report prepared by the traffic police. 

Sibel Bekiroğlu and Mehmet Mutlu, academics who signed the Academics for Peace declaration, were detained in police raids. 
The 5th hearing of the trial where journalist Aziz Oruç faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in Ağrı. Oruç and his lawyers who were excused by the court did not attend the hearing. The trial is adjourned until December.

The fire, which broke out as a result of the air strikes of Turkish warplanes in the Dicle district of Diyarbakır, has been going on for four days. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported new infections and deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 9 September 2021
A military operation was launched in the countryside of Gabar Mountain in Şırnak.

The 4th hearing of the trial where former Die Welt Turkey correspondent Deniz Yücel faces “insulting a public official” charge resumed in İstanbul. The prosecution requested time to prepare its opinion on the merits of the case. The trial is adjourned until November. 
The hearings of three separate trials where former President Abdullah Gül’s press advisor, journalist Ahmet Sever faces various charges for his 2018 book “İçimde Kalmasın/Tanıklığımdır” was held in İstanbul. 

A lawsuit has been filed against Emine Şenyaşar, whose husband and two sons were murdered in the attacks carried out by AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguards and relatives. In the indictment, it was requested that Emine Şenyaşar be sentenced to up to 4 years in prison.

Covid-19: 23,846 new infections and 257 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 8 September 2021

HDP Co-Chair Sancar said that the party is open to the idea of a joint presidential candidate against Erdoğan, but “firstly, principles and the security of the elections should be talked about”. 

Deadly attack on Kurdish family in Konya: Rejecting the lawyer’s request for camera footage and WhatsApp messages added to the file as evidence, the prosecutor’s office has asked the Justice Ministry for its legal opinion. 

Put on trial on the grounds of “co-mayorship”, former Dersim Co-Mayor Mehmet Ali Bul has been acquitted of the offense charged; the court has concluded that using the title of “co-mayor” does not constitute a crime. 

Dutch daily De Telegraaf’s correspondent Ralph Dekkers is acquitted at the hearing held today in the trial where he faced “defying the Military Restricted Zones and Security Zones Law No. 2565” charge.
The police officer who ran over and killed seven-year-old is still on duty. 

As a result of an armed attack carried out by 2 people against a family in Konak, Izmir, 12 people were injured, including 1 baby and 5 children.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 23,914 new infections and 262 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 7 September 2021
In the trial over the assassination of DEP MP Mehmet Sincar in 1993, the court board has adjourned the trial until February 2022 despite the warnings of lawyers about the expiry of statutory limitations. 
12th hearing of the trial where since shuttered Dicle News Agency’s former reporter Selman Keleş faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge resumed in Van. Journalist Selman Keleş and his lawyer did not attend the hearing. The next hearing will be held in January 2022.

3rd hearing of the trial where journalist Dindar Karataş faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in Erzurum. The prosecution presented its opinion on the merits of the case and demanded that Karataş should be given a prison sentence. Trial adjourned until November. 
Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) recommends Islamic jurisprudence when current social media legislation is insufficient to regulate one activities. 
Taliban say they have a ‘deep relation and connection’ with Turkey. 
Health Minister Fahrettin Koca has announced that two people have been diagnosed with the “Mu variant” in Turkey. 

Covid-19: 20,962 new infections and 271 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 06.09.2021

The police officer, driver of an armed vehicle that ran over 7-year-old Miraç and killed him,  was released after giving his statement.

Raising concerns over her health condition, the lawyers of jailed former HDP MP Aysel Tuğluk urge the authorities to ensure her treatment. 
The HDP has called for a parliamentary investigation into the Sept. 6-7, 1955 Istanbul pogram, demanding that authorities identify the public officials and civil perpetrators.   

The Taliban have invited a number of countries, including Turkey, to attend a ceremony announcing a new government in Afghanistan. 

Turkish schools start classes with vaccine or test mandate for teachers.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 20,962 new infections and 271 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 01 – 05 September

Turkey Today – 5 September 2021

70-year old ill prisoner Mehmet Ali Çelebi, who was suffering from blood cancer and released from Sincan Prison on 25 August due to the worsening of his illness, died in the hospital where he was treated.

14 bar associations released a common statement regarding 7-year-old Mihrac Miroğlu died as a result of being hit by an armored vehicle in İdil. Hunger strike in Turkish prisons against solitary confinement of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan enters day 283. 
Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 181. The family lost three members as a result of the attacks of AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız and his relatives.  

CHP will send a delegation, led by Vice-chair Oğuz Kaan Salıcı, to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 19,391 new infections and 269 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 4 September 2021

7-year-old Mihrac Miroğlu died as a result of being hit by an armored vehicle in İdil / Şırnak. 

Three siblings and two relatives of Gurdegır who was tortured under custody were arrested today on charges of “assisting a member of an organization”. 

83-year-old Mehmet Emin Özkan, who has been in prison for 26 years and is held responsible for the death of Brigadier General Bahtiyar Aydın, who was shot by JİTEM, is still in prison despite serious health problems. 

The Saturday Mothers came together in the week 858 to ask those responsible for the death of Kenan Bilgin. He disappeared after detention in Ankara by civil police in September 1995. 

Covid-19: 20,033 new infections and 278 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 3 September 2021

The European Court of Human Rights has pronounced its judgement on an imam from Diyarbakır who was convicted of “propagandizing for the PKK” over the pictures that he had shared on Facebook. The imam will be paid damages. 

The trial of former HDP MP Çağlar Demirel was held in Diyarbakır. A prison sentence of up to 30 years was demanded. 

HDP Şırnak deputies demanded establishment of a Parliamentary Investigation Commission for 21 civilians who lost their lives during a 9-day curfew in Cizre in 2015. 

The “Social Media Directorate,” a body that would inspect social media posts for disinformation, will be established under a new law to be proposed in October. 
FOX TV reporter Barış Kaya was not allowed in a press conference by the ruling AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik. 

Health minister: 90 percent of the hospitalized Covid patients and 90 percent of those who recently died of Covid-19 in Turkey were not fully vaccinated. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 22,857 new infections and 276 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 2 September 2021

The opening ceremony of the new judicial year began with the prayers of Court of Cassation President Akarca, President Erdoğan and President of Religious Affairs Erbaş. 

The Constitutional Court accepted HDP’s demand for extension of time to file defense in closure case. 

A 450-gram body part (only remaining part of her body) of Hediye Balur who lost her life in Mount Bagok is not returned to the family despite the DNA match. 
Dismissed by Ankara University and reinstated in her position by an administrative court ruling, Assoc. Prof. Meltem Kayıran has been dismissed again by the Rector’s Office following its appeal to the upper court. 

The Turkish Interior Ministry said that Syrian refugees who are living in the capital Ankara but are registered in other provinces will be sent back to their official city of residence.

Turkish Foreign Minister: Turkey won’t accept EU’s “pay to keep refugees away” approach. 

Covid-19: 23,496 new infections and 283 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 1 September 2021

An investigation has been launched against Jinnews reporter Öznur Değer for her posts and news about the murder of Dedeoğulları family  in Konya.

Ahead of the events to be held on the occasion of September 1 World Peace Day, meetings and demonstrations have been banned in İstanbul’s Bakırköy and Eskişehir for 5 and 15 days respectively. 

Ankara Governor’s Office bans peace rally against racism. 
AKP, MHP agreed to lower election threshold to 7 pct, says far-right leader Devlet Bahçeli. 

Today a new forest fire broke out in Tunceli. 
In a parliamentary question addressing Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, TİP MP Barış Atay asked if authorities have been investigating allegations that a car which ran over and killed 11-year-old child in Bitlis on Aug. 24 belongs to a corps commander.

Protest of academics and students at Boğaziçi University against the appointment of a rector by President Erdoğan continues. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 23,946 new infections and 290 deaths in the last 24 hours.