November 2021

Turkey Today – 30.11.2021

Applying to the Court of Cassation, Ministry of Justice has requested that the legal proceedings against Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk over his novel “Nights of Plague” be overturned “for the sake of law”. 
PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s family and lawyers made another application to the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and the prison administration, demanding an urgent meeting.

Emine Şenyaşar, who is staging a sit in for justice for her husband and two sons who were murdered in Urfa, was summoned by police to give a statement for the 9th time.

Taken into custody on charge of “political and military espionage”, DEVA Party founding member Metin Gürcan has been arrested. 

At today’s hearing of the trial where PEN Germany’s President and Die Welt correspondent Deniz Yücel faces “insulting a public official” charge,the prosecutor requested that Yücel be sentenced to 2 years, 4 months in prison. 
The 3rd hearing of the trial where video activist and documentarist Oktay İnce faces “insulting the president” charges because of several social media posts, was held today. The court’s sentenced Oktay İnce to 1 year 2 months and 17 days in prison for “insulting  the president” and deferred the announcement of the verdict. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 25,216 new infections and 207 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 29.11.2021

Police officers have battered children and called them “traitors” during a raid on the house of journalist Dilbirin Turgut in the province of Batman. 

Asrın Law Office’s application to Bursa Execution Judge for an “immediate meeting” was rejected on the grounds of a 6-month lawyer and 3-month family visit ban given to PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. 

In three transphobic attacks in İzmir one trans women lost her life and three others were injured. 
The İstanbul 33rd Labor Court has ruled that seven workers dismissed for unionization shall be reinstated in their jobs at the Yurtiçi Kargo courier company and the company shall pay damages. 

The 2nd hearing of the trial against 52 students of Boğaziçi University was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to lift the judicial control measures on those defendants who have provided their statements, to accept their requests to be exempted from attending the hearings and to issue a writ requesting the statements of those abroad be taken via letters rogatory. Trial adjourned until February. 

Covid-19: 24,317 new infections and 189 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 22 – 28 November 2021

Turkey Today – 28.11.2021

At least nineteen people have been taken into custody in Ankara during a rally in response to the currency crisis. Among those detained is JinNews reporter Öznür Değer.
Yesterday, at least 58 people were detained during house raids in Mardin, Şırnak, Kars and Van. 
Turkish police raided the house of journalist Dilbirin Turgut in Batman and threatened family members, including children, with a gun to their heads.

Tahir Elçi, President of Amed Bar Association, was commemorated on the sixth anniversary of his murder. The lawyers walked to the spot where Elçi was shot wearing their robes and reiterated their demand for justice.

Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 264. The family lost three members as a result of the attacks of AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız and his relatives. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 21,655 new infections and 213 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 27.11.2021

The Manisa Police Department has displayed former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş’s books as evidence of “terrorism” after raiding a group of HDP members’ houses. 

Nazan Sala, who reported military torture of Van citizens, faces second lawsuit on bogus terror charges. She was jailed for 175 days pre-trial in first case that is yet ongoing.
Saturday Mothers came together in week 870 to draw attention to the ongoing court case. 
Germany’s Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid in the Federal Foreign Office, Bärbel Kofler says Council of Europe will decide in a few days ‘on how to proceed’ with regards to Osman Kavala case. 

Amnesty International calls on Council of Europe to launch infringement proceedings against Turkey for refusing to release Osman Kavala. 

Covid-19: 23,759 new infections and 192 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 26.11.2021

33 women including lawyers and journalists are on trial for defending the İstanbul Convention. The hearing was held in Ankara. 1 years 6 months to 3 years of imprisonment is requested. 
The second hearing of the “Gezi Trial” which has been merged with the “Çarşı Case” where 51 people including Osman Kavala, Can Dündar and Mehmet Ali Alabora face numerous charges was held in İstanbul. Osman Kavala didn’t attend the meeting. Court ruled for continuation of imprisonment. 
Veysi Altan, being held in Maraş Türkoğlu No. 1 Type T Closed Prison, stated that they were subjected to threats by the guards. 

In the October 10 Ankara massacre case lawyers have applied to the Constitutional Court as the complaint against two prosecutors for “hiding evidence” was quashed by the decision of the Court of Cassation. 

DEVA Party Founders’ Committee member and academic Metin Gürcan has been taken into custody on charge of “political espionage”. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 24,002 new infections and 201 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 25.11.2021

Despite a police blockade, women take to streets in Taksim, İstanbul to mark Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 

The hearing of the trial where dokuz8HABER’s chief editor Gökhan Biçici faces “insulting the president” charges was held at 8th Criminal Court of First Instance. Trial adjourned until February 2022. 
The fifth hearing of the trial where journalist Fatih Gönül faces “membership in a terrorist organization” was held in Ankara. The court’s acquitted him of all charges.

The first hearing of the trial where 52 students of Boğaziçi University face “defying the Law no. 2911” and “deprivation of liberty” charges was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to lift the judicial control measures imposed upon the defendants. Trial adjourned until November 29.

Suspended in March 2020 as part of COVID-19 measures, contact visits will resume in prisons starting from December 1. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 24,467 new infections and 222 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 24.11.2021

The court has rejected the lawyers’ request for filing a criminal complaint against the public officials responsible for the police attack on Saturday Mothers/People during their 700th gathering at Galatasaray. 

An application was made to the Ministry of Justice, General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses and Human Rights Department to meet with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and prisoners Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş.

JinNews reporter Derya Ren and MA reporter Eylem Akdağ  were battered by police and gendarmerie while covering women’s cemetery visit in Diyarbakır on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 

MA reporter Emrullah Acar, who was detained in Urfa on 19 November on the allegation of “being a member of a terrorist organization”, was released on condition of judicial control. 
Six more students have been suspended from Boğaziçi University for protesting appointed rector Naci İnci at their campus on October 4. 

Covid-19: 27,592 new infections and 175 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 23.11.2021

A total of 16 new summaries of proceedings have been submitted to the Parliament seeking to revoke the parliamentary membership of 13 deputies of HDP, incl. co-chair Pervin Buldan. 

MA reporter Emrullah Acar’s detention period has been extended for another 4 days.

The second hearing of the trial where video activist and documentarist Oktay İnce faces “insulting the president” charges was held today. The court’s accepted the request of İnce’s lawyer for extra time to prepare their defense statements and adjourned the trial until November.

The 2nd hearing of the trial where 17 people who were arrested during a press statement by Kocaeli Student Solidarity,face “defying the Law no. 2911” and “prevention of duty” charges was held in Kocaeli. As the presiding judge is on leave, the hearing’s been postponed to a later date. 
Police officer S.K. has been sentenced to 4 years, 5 months, 10 days in prison for running over 19-year-old Şahin Öner with an armored vehicle in Diyarbakır in 2013. 

President and ruling AKP Chair Erdoğan has dismissed the opposition parties’ pressing calls for a snap election in Turkey, arguing that “holding an election every 15-20 months is what primitive tribes do”. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 28,170 new infections and 208 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 22.11.2021

In the investigation launched against Mesopotamia Agency reporter Emrullah Acar, who has been detained for the last 3 days, a confidentiality order has been brought to the file.
Journalist Nurcan Yalçın has been sentenced to 3 years, 7 months in prison for “terror propaganda”. The evidence against her was her membership in a women’s association and statements of an anonymous witness.  
Cemile Karakaş stated that she was subjected to a strip search and fainted while she went to visit her son, who is being held in Silivri Prison No. 3.

The ruling AKP states that “there is no reason for holding a snap election” amid the opposition parties’ pressing demands for an urgent snap election. 

Physicians have protested violence in healthcare: “Only in 2020, Turkey saw nearly 12 thousand incidents of violence in healthcare”. 

Covid-19: 24,856 new infections and 193 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 15 – 21 November

Turkey Today – 21.11.2021

The Suruç Families Initiative came together in Kadıköy to mark the 76th month since the Suruç Massacre and underlined that the government is trying to prevent the search for justice.

Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 258. The family lost three members as a result of the attacks of AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız and his relatives. 
The chair of Felicitas Party Karamollaoğlu said he refused an offer of President Erdoğan to join the country’s ruling alliance. 
As the drug crisis in Turkey deepens, with 645 medications currently unavailable on the market according to the Turkish Pharmacists’ Association, many Turkish citizens are now reporting that they are unable to find flu vaccines.  

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 21,177 new infections and 195 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 20.11.2021
A court released world-famous Syrian singer Omar Souleyman from custody two days after he was detained on terrorism charges. Although Souleyman is currently free, it is not yet known whether Turkish prosecutors will decide to prosecute him or not.

A party assembly member of the Democratic Regions Party, Nazım Kök, has been sentenced to 11 months and 20 days in prison for “insulting Turkish president Erdoğan”.

Family of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan has submitted a new application to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office for permission to visit him. 
Saturday Mothers came together in week 869 to ask those responsible for the death of Hayrettin Eren who disappeared after detention on 21 November 1980 in İstanbul. 
The 26th hearing of the trial where 76 people including journalist Engin Eren face “membership in a terrorist organization” was held in Batman yesterday. The court decided to send the case file to the prosecution so that they can prepare their final opinion as to the merits of the case and adjourned the trial until January 2022.

After being used by more than 8 million people to treat Covid-19 in Turkey, a new study has declared the drug favipiravir to be ineffective in the fight against the virus. 

Covid-19: 23,347 new infections and 201 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 19.11.2021
An investigation has been launched against the ones who distributed leaflets inviting people to a commemoration in Dersim marking the 84th year since Seyit Rıza and his friends were executed in Elazığ province. 

MA reporter Emrullah Acar was detained with a raid on his house early this morning.

JinNews news agency has announced that the house of its reporter Hikmet Tunç in Edremit district in eastern province of Van was raided by plain clothes police officers and gendarmerie on the grounds that there was a “bomb call”. 

Dismissed and banned from entering Boğaziçi University by the appointed rectorate, academic Can Candan was not let in the campus where he was invited to a class in which his documentary would be screened. 

Having spent 80 days behind bars based on an informant’s statements, Turkish Medical Association High Honorary Board member Dr. Şeyhmus Gökalp has been acquitted of “terror” charges in the trial where he was facing 7 to 15 years in prison.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 23,810 new infections and 218 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 18.11.2021

The children who were subjected to violence by the police at the police station after being detained in Nusaybin on November 14 district said that they were laid on the ground in the basement, and that they were exposed to the violence and threats of the police. 
The Supreme Court of Appeals found the fines imposed on Eren Keskin and Reyhan Capan from Özgür Gündem newspaper to be low for the news about the murder of Berkin Elvan. Keskin and Çapan was fined for 10 thousand 461 TL each. 

Main opposition CHP Vice Chair Biçer Karaca brings the Şenyaşar family’s quest for justice to the Parliamentary agenda: “The investigation has been going on for 41 months. Is justice delayed justice?” 

Court rules for continuation of lawyer’s arrest in case of Progressive Lawyers Association. 
CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu and İYİ Party Chair Akşener have again urged President Erdoğan to call urgent snap elections. 
Mahmut Olgun, who is being held in Silivri Prison, stated that he was given a disciplinary punishment on the grounds of dancing traditional Kurdish dance and a 5-day solitary confinement punishment for the book he wrote in Kurdish. 
Covid-19: 22,234 new infections and 226 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 17.11.2021
The 5th hearing of the trial where the former Chair of the Diyarbakır Bar Association and former Executive Board members face multiple charges was held in Diyarbakır. The court decided to give time to the defendant’s lawyers to prepare their defenses on their claims of lack of grounds for persecution. Trial adjourned until February. 

The 2nd hearing of the trial where 7 Boğaziçi University students face “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” charges was held in İstanbul. Rejecting all the demands of the defendants’ lawyers, the court’s decided to request an open source intelligence report on the “Kaaba protest” from the Cyber ​​Crimes Bureau, to ask the Security Branch about the confiscated materials. Trial adjourned until February. 

The 4th hearing of journalist Karataş was held at Erzurum 3rd High Criminal Court; Karataş was acquitted due to insufficient evidence.
17 people appeared before the judge on the grounds that they had attended a press statement attempted to be held in front of the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Mersin upon the call of the Anti-Nuclear Platform and intervened by the police. All defendants have been acquitted. 

Speaking at the Parliamentary group meeting President Erdoğan said “If the opposition wins the next election, Turkey will be dragged into chaos”. He again accused the CHP of acting together with “terrorists”. 
The European Court of Human Rights has concluded that not allowing Atılım newspaper to be distributed in prison violated freedom of expression. Turkey will now pay prisoner Çiftçi 1,000 Euro in non-pecuniary damages.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 23,867 new infections and 229 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 16.11.2021

Lawyers of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office to meet with their clients. The last meeting was held in August 2019. 
Keçiören Municipality has canceled a singer’s concert after finding out that he is a Kurdish singer. “We didn’t know that Kurdish songs were planned to be sung,” the municipality told the singer.

The 20th hearing of the trial where journalists Hüseyin Aykol, Zana Bilir Kaya, İnan Kızılkaya and politician Hatip Dicle face multiple charges was held in İstanbul. As the presiding judge was changed, the lawyers who submitted excuses to the court, did not attend the hearing. Trial adjourned until March. 

The 4th hearing of the trial where journalist Dindar Karataş faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in Erzurum. The court’s postponed the hearing until November 17,  stating that the court board will attend a ceremony.
MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli has denied rumors of cracks within the ruling People’s Alliance. “This alliance is the bridge between the past and the future,” he said.
Covid-19: 25,101 new infections and 227 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 15.11.2021
A racist attack targeted the HDP Urfa Provincial Organization building at around 2.30 A.M today despite it being kept under control by police. Three people carried out the attack. They draw a cross on the door of the building and drew the emblem of the fascist Grey Wolves with spray paint.
In the trial over the sexual abuse of two children in Antalya’s Elmalı, three defendants have been acquitted of the offenses charged. 

The prosecutor investigating the deadly attack on the Şenyaşar family in a public hospital in Urfa’s Suruç has been changed for the 9th time in 3.5 years. 
A stand-up comedy performance in Kurdish has been banned by the İstanbul Fatih Sub-Governor’s office without any reason cited. 

Out of the 19 politicians and unionists who were detained last week in Diyarbakır, 14 have been remanded in custody. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 23,852 new infections and 215 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 8 – 14 November

Turkey Today – 14.11.2021

Several people among them four children detained in police raids in Mardin’s Nusaybin district.

Apparently on the basis of a false denunciation, police raided 15 flats in the Halfeti district of Urfa, destroying doors and windows.

Hakkari Governor’s Office extended the ban on actions and activities in the city for another 15 days. The ban has been lasting for 1,987 days.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 21,624 new infections and 189 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 13.11.2021

Saturday Mothers came together in week 868 to ask those responsible for the death of Hakkı Kaya who disappeared after detention on 16 November 1996 in Diyarbakır.

Turkish Armed Forces continues cross border operations in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Today the Gare region was bombed again.

According to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights two people are killed by Turkish soldiers while trying to enter the border in Hatay.

Covid-19: 21,583 new infections and 215 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 12.11.2021

The lawyers of the Kobanî trial have applied to the Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) and filed a complaint against the court board: “If they are to give a ruling, they will do it without us, which will mean a crime”.

With the legal amendment published in the Official Gazette today, the expression of “strip search” has been omitted from the Regulation on the Administration of Penal Institutions and the Execution of Sentences and Security Measures”. The expression of “srtrip search” has been replaced by “detailed search” in the amended version of the regulation.

The 15th hearing of the trial where journalist Rustem Batum faces “publicly denigrating the state’s military and law enforcement personnel” charges was held in İstanbul. Batum who lives abroad didn’t attend the hearing.

An Istanbul court has sentenced Kurdish singer Veysi Ermiş to one year and six months in prison on terrorism charges for using the “Kurdistan” word in one of his songs.

Istanbul police have detained an Israeli couple on allegations that they photographed from the Çamlıca Tower’s restaurant the residence of Erdoğan.

Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published.

Turkey Today – 11.11.2021

In the Kobanî trial defendants and lawyers did not attend today’s hearing in protest of “an unfair trial.” The prosecutor has demanded criminal complaints be filed against lawyers for “misconduct”.

The Council of State has halted the execution of the circular issued by Director General of Security Mehmet Aktaş and banning audio and visual recording in public places.

The 14th hearing of the trial where journalist Kibriy Evren faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in Diyarbakır. The court’s decided to write a letter to ask the court’s consent to merge Evren’s file, which is heard at Mersin 2nd High Criminal Court, with this case file, and dismissed the request for lifting the judicial control measures. Trial adjourned until February 2022.

Prosecutors in Urfa closed a child abuse investigation because “she didn’t lose her virginity”. The prosecutors didn’t take into account the reports that said there were “suspected findings of abuse.”

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 24,898 new infections and 197 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 10.11.2021

HDP Law and Human Rights Commission and lawyers made a statement protesting the court’s attitude in the Kobanê Case. The defendants and their lawyers have decided to not attend the hearings to protest the failure to hold a fair trial.

In the wake of his remarks on enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings in Turkey, lawyer Erdal Kuzu requests that Mehmet Eymür, a retired intelligence chief, be heard as a witness in the Midyat JİTEM case.

With her two sons and spouse killed in an attack by the relatives of a ruling AKP MP, Emine Şenyaşar is now also investigated for “insulting” the police with her statement on the 24th day of her “justice watch” in Urfa.

Following the increasing attacks of Turkey, particularly the drone attacks, the Syrian Democratic Council calls for closure of airspace in Northern Syria.

According to data of the Turkish Medical Association, at least 497 healthcare workers have died of Covid-19 in Turkey.

Covid-19: 27,259 new infections and 203 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 09.11.2021

Seyithan Acay’s body has not been released to his family for 467 days although the DNA result came out 8 months ago. Acay lost his life in an airstrike in July 2020.

The first hearing of the trial where journalist Sibel Hürtaş faces “prevention of public duty” charges was held in Ankara. The court’s ruled that the Security Branch Manager be heard as a witness and that the complainants be brought to the next hearing. Trial adjourned until April 2022.

The 2nd hearing of the trial where journalist Ayşe Kara faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in Diyarbakır. In his opinion, which was presented to the court at the hearing, the prosecutor requested that Kaya be sentenced on the charges of “membership”. The court acquitted Kara.

The 4th hearing of the trial where journalist Fatih Gönül faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charges was held in Ankara. Accepting the request of journalist Gönül and his lawyer for additional time for the defense, the court adjourned the trial until November.

The hearing of the trial where Etkin News Agency editor Semiha Şahin and reporter Pınar Gayip face “membership in a terrorist organization” was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until March 2022.

The 7th hearing of the trial where 28 people including Jiyan Haber’s proprietor journalist İdris Layla face “defying the Law on Assemblies and Demonstrations no. 2911” charges was held in Batman. Trial adjourned until February.

Facing deportation over his news on ‘banana-eating videos’, journalist Majed Shamaa has been released from the removal center in Antep.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 28,662 new infections and 196 deaths in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 08.11.2021

At least 14 people, including politicians and trade unionists, were taken into custody in a new police operation in Diyarbakır.

After the President of the Ankara 22nd Heavy Penal Court, Bahtiyar Çolak, who was specially assigned for the Kobanê Case, tested positive for Covid-19, the hearing continued without delay. It was later revealed that Çolak was dismissed.

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu was asked by the opposition how much pepper spray law enforcement purchased in the last five years, Soylu said “enough.”

Turkey has launched an investigation into Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk over insulting Turkish flag and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the country’s founding father, in his book Nights of Plague.

Sending a letter to diplomatic missions in Turkey, CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu has urged foreign countries not to invest in Canal İstanbul.

Covid-19: 27,824 new infections and 187 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Weekly 1 – 7 November 2021

Turkey Today – 07.11.2021

MHP deputy Sermet Atay has said that former HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş should be kept in jail until he dies. “He should rot in jail. His dead body should leave prison,” Atay said.

Kurdish academic Hifzullah Kutum has been arrested for saying “Long live Kurdistan” on social media, shortly after Fırat University suspended him over his post on Twitter. 
Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 244. The family lost three members as a result of the attacks of AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız and his relatives. 

An investigation by daily BirGün has revealed that companies belonging to Fuat Tosyalı, appointed by President Erdoğan as a Board Member to Turkey’s Wealth Fund, received over 1 billion liras in piping tenders over ten years.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 25,304 new infections and 200 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 06.11.2021

Lawyers for the HDP presented their first defense to the Constitutional Court in the face of a case seeking the party’s closure. The defense stated that the closure case was political and drew attention to the critical role the HDP plays in Turkey’s democracy.

Erzurum Regional Administrative Court rules that there is no reason to lift the ban on actions and activities in Van. 

Saturday Mothers came together in week 867 to ask those responsible for the disappearance of seven people, including children and soldier Bilal Batır in Mardin’s Dargeçit district between 29 October 1995 and 8 March 1996. 

President Erdoğan has once again targeted opposition parties, specifically the CHP and Good (İYİ) Party, accusing them of “acting together” with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.

Covid-19: 27,474 new infections and 203 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 05.11.2021

The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) will file a lawsuit with a demand that an investigation be launched into the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) after a former intelligence officer’s remarks on widespread torture.
In the trial over the Vartinis massacre where nine people were burned to death, the then district gendarmerie commander is still a ‘fugitive’ despite an arrest warrant. The case is facing a risk of expiry of statutory limitations. 

Author Erdal Yıldırım has been sentenced to prison for “terror propaganda” because of his tweets about the 2014 Kobanî battle in Syria and a late revolutionary in Turkey. 

The U.S. administration has excluded Turkey from President Joe Biden’s upcoming Summit for Democracy. However, the U.S. administration hasn’t officially published a full list. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 28,193 new infections and deaths in the last 24 hours.  

Turkey Today – 04.11.2021

Turkish mafia leader Kürşat Yılmaz paid a visit to MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli after being released from prison where he was serving time on several charges, including “establishing and managing a crime organization.”

Court rejects lifting of ban to travel abroad imposed on 6 journalists working for Özgürlükçü Demokrasi. 

The second hearing of the trial where author Erdal Yıldırım  faces “terrorist propaganda” charges was held in İstanbul.
Journalist and writer Kaan Göktaş has been sentenced to two years in prison on charges of “insulting the president” after he shared a 300-year-old poem on social media.

Turkey’s State of Emergency Commission has rejected the appeals of two more members of the “Academics for Peace” who were dismissed from their jobs for signing a petition that criticized the military operations in the country’s Kurdish majority southeast in 2016.
Turkey has started giving booster coronavirus vaccine shots to those who received two doses of mRNA vaccines, Health Minister Koca has announced.

Covid-19: 29,482 new infections and 228 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 03.11.2021

The third hearing of the trial where journalist Yılmaz Odabaşı faces “insulting the president” charges was held in Yalova. The court has sentenced the journalist to 11 months 20 days in prison and has decided not to defer the sentence.

Turkish prison authorities in İzmir’s high-security prison pressure inmates into joining Islamic activities, prisoner Güven Usta told the daily Cumhuriyet.The family of Şahin Akdemir, who died while helping efforts to extinguish forest fires in Marmaris this summer, has said that all promises made to them by President Erdoğan were broken.

Covid-19 vaccination of children aged younger than 12 is “not on Turkey’s agenda”, says Health Minister Fahrettin Koca. 

Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published.

Turkey Today – 02.11.2021

A lawsuit was filed against 96-year-old Aliye Yavaşsu for ‘insulting the president’, who has a report proving that she is lacking criminal capacity due to old age. 

The 18th hearing of the trial where journalists Can Dündar and Inan Kizilkaya face “insulting a public official” charges was held in İstanbul. The court decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued for Can Dündar. Trial adjourned until March.

The 19th hearing of the trial where former Aktifhaber Editor-in-Chief Yetkin Yıldız faces “slander” and “libel” charges was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to wait for a decision in the ongoing trial on Yıldız at the Istanbul 25th High Criminal Court and adjourned the trial until February 2022. 

The 2nd hearing of the trial where Azad Zal journalist  faces “membership in a terrorist organisation” charges was held in Diyarbakır. In his opinion, the prosecutor requested that Zal be sentenced for “membership in a terrorist organization” charges. Giving time for Zal and his lawyer to prepare their defense on the merits. Trial adjourned until February.

Journalist Abdullah Kaya, who stood trial at the Ağrı 2nd High Criminal Court, said that the district gendarmerie command did not return his technical equipment despite the court decision.

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 29,796 infections and 224 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 01.11.2021

Examining nine different applications regarding the access blocks imposed by criminal judgeships of peace, Constitutional Court has concluded that “freedom of expression and press” has been violated and asked for a new law from the Parliament.

An investigation has been launched against nine lawyers for participating in a press release against the appointment of trustees to Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality. 
Eight more people have been taken into custody in İzmir to be deported from Turkey over ‘banana-eating videos’ on social media. 

Dutch PM says envoys did not step back from Osman Kavala statement, will make similar ‘warnings’ in future. 

In Turkey, patients with Covid infection are still receiving the drug favipavir. The WHO has long since removed it from the list of drugs used to treat covid.

Covid-19: 28,678 new infections and 217 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.