March 2022

Turkey Today – 31.03.2022

The Constitutional Court has finalized the applications of Azize Değer Kutlu, the dismissed Diyarbakır Sur Deputy Co-Mayor, and Abdurrahman Zorlu, the dismissed Co-Mayor of Diyarbakır’s Hani. The Court has unanimously found the applications inadmissible. 
In a statement about the HDP closure case, 46 organizations from Turkey and around the world call on the Constitutional Court to “ensure that judicial proceedings take place in full compliance with fair trial standards”. 
The 5th hearing of the trial where journalists Hazal Ocak, Olcay Büyüktaş, İpek Özbey and Vedat Arık face multiple charges, including a terrorism charge as per complaint by Fahrettin Altun was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until September. 
The 8th hearing of the suit for damages brought against journalist Çigdem Toker by the T3 Foundation because of her news article published in the Sözcü daily, was held in Istanbul. The court ordered Toker who was on trial because of the news article she had penned, to pay 30.000 TL to the T3 Foundation for non-pecuniary damages. 
Covid-19: 14,336 new infections and 56 deaths were registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 30.03.2022

Turkish police detained many people, including journalists, during house raids in Istanbul and four different cities in the morning.
Journalist Emre Ornan has been taken into police custody after his house was raided early in the morning. Journalist Orman is being held by the Counter-terrorism Bureau at the police HQ on Vatan Street. Orman’s lawyers have been informed that there is a confidentiality order imposed on the investigation file and that he will not be allowed meet with his lawyers for 24 hours. 
HDP demands an effective investigation into the death of 16-year-old Aksem, who was found dead in a shooting range of the police in Urfa. 
Launching an investigation into the assassination claims, the İstanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office has requested that the Governor’s Office “do the necessary” for İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor İmamoğlu’s life safety. 
Police shot a 23-year-old man in Istanbul’s Beylikdüzü district after he failed to stop at a checkpoint. His family has said the identity of the police officer who shot him was not disclosed.
The head of state-controlled Meat and Milk Board (ESK) Osman Uzun has been dismissed from his post after saying that the formation of “long queues” in front of their stores was behind the recent red meat price increase.
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 29.03.2022

The police officer who hit 5-year-old Efe Tektekin with an armored vehicle and caused his death in Diyarbakır has been acquitted.
Journalist Umut Yaygır, the grant holder of a local news website in Konya’s Ereğli, and Özcan Saraç were attacked, allegedly by an ultranationalist group known as “Gray Wolves” or “Idealist Hearths”.
The 14th hearing of the trial where 17 people including journalists Eylem Sonbahar, Sema Karakurt and journalist Metin Cihan face “prevention of public duty” charge is being held in Antalya. The court decided to wait for the execution of arrest warrants issued against some defendants and adjourned the trial until September.
The 7th hearing of the trial where journalist Rustem Batum faces “insulting the president” and “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” charges is being held in Istanbul. The court decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against journalist Batum and adjourned the trial until June.
Covid-19: 16,190 new infections and 63 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 28.03.2022

In the preliminary autopsy report of Muharrem Aksem, who was found dead in an area where the special operations police was practicing, it was stated that 12 metal pieces were removed from his body and he did not have his right hand.

The Asrın Law Office has applied to the office of Execution Judge in Bursa to visit Imrali Prison after a family visit ban imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and three other fellow prisoners had recently ended. 
The Diyarbakır Bar Association has filed a criminal complaint against law enforcement officers and the prosecutor over the detention of 5-year-old siblings at Diyarbakır Newroz due to their traditional Kurdish clothes. 
“Except for the ones permitted by the Governor’s Office and sub-governor’s offices”, all outdoor and indoor events, meetings and demonstrations have been banned in Diyarbakır province for 10 days. 
The leaders of six opposition parties have gathered for a second time following a declaration they signed to return to a “strengthened parliamentary system” in the event of their victory in the next elections. 
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

21 – 27 March 2022

Turkey Today – 27.03.2022

Unknown perpetrators carried out an armed attack on the HDP Erdemli district office in Mersin, southern Turkey in the early hours of today. The assailants fired at the party’s sign board with a shotgun.
Ahmet İskender convicted of aiding and abetting the murder of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink has been captured in Kyrgyzstan after years on the run and handed over to Turkey.
Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 384. The family lost three members as a result of the attacks of AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız and his relatives. 
A Turkish man was arrested in the western province of İzmir after he gave a street interview in which he criticized the government and questioned why people are voting for the ruling AKP. 
Covid-19: 13, 849 new infections and 70 deaths were registered on Saturday. Today’s figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 26.03.2022

It is reported that fingerprints were taken from the five-year-old twins who were taken to the police station during the Newroz celebrations for wearing Kurdish clothes. 

In the preliminary autopsy report prepared for 16-year-old Muharrem Aksem, who was found with impaired body integrity at the place where the police were doing target practice, no conclusion could be reached regarding the numerous objects that hit his face and chest.
Urfa Governor’s Office imposed a 15-day ban on actions and activities in the city center and districts.
Twitter has suspended the Twitter account of Mesopotamia Agency Turkish for five hours due to news of violence in a dormitory of a religious congregation.
Saturday Mothers came together in week 887 to ask those responsible for the death of Nezir Acar who disappeared after being detained by police on April 8, 1992. 
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published.

Turkey Today – 25.03.2022

During the Newroz celebration held in Bismil, 5-year-old twins were taken to the police station and their local clothes were confiscated by the police. 
Police detained at least 45 people in İzmir over their attendance in Newroz celebrations. 
HDP Van MP Murat Sarısaç has been sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison for social media posts. 
A Court has issued an arrest warrant against HDP MP Semra Güzel after parliament voted to lift her immunity. 
16-year-old Muharrem Aksem in Eyyübiye district of Urfa was found dead in the place where special operations police were performing target practice, with his physical integrity lost and multiple bullets in his body.
Covid-19: 15,303 new infections and 68 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 24.03.2022

HDP Eskişehir Provincial Co-Chair Şükriye Ercan was detained for her speech at Newroz. 
Families of prisoners Ramazan Turan and Selman Büyüktop applied to the İHD on grounds that their children were subjected to strip search in prison.
80-year-old cancer patient Abdullah Boran, who has been imprisoned for nearly 26 years in Diyarbakır prison, died in the hospital where he was treated.
In the case regarding the attack on journalist Levent Gültekin two defendants have been sentenced to 11 months, 20 days in prison each for “wilful injury”; the announcement of the verdict has been deferred, the defendants won’t be jailed. 
The 20th hearing of the trial where the former Dicle News Agency reporter Şerife Oruç faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in Batman. The court decided to inquire with the Diyarbakır Public Prosecutor’s Office about a criminal investigation against Oruç. Trial adjourned until June.
The 4th hearing of the case of Saturday Mothers who are facing “unarmed participation in an unauthorized assembly” charges was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until September. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 16,894 new infections and 77 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 23.03.2022

In the trial over the Ankara Women’s Platform’s protests against the withdrawal from the İstanbul Convention, 33 women, including Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporter Eylem Akdağ, stood before the judge at the Ankara. They have been acquitted.
At least twenty people have been detained as part of an investigation conducted in Bolu province. Among those detaineed is Alişan Şahin, a board member of the Lawyers’ Association ÖHD. 
Education and Science Laborers’ Union and Human Rights Association Diyarbakır Branch member Fırat Akdeniz had his final hearing in the trial where he was charged with “membership of an terrorist organization”. He has been sentenced to 6 years in prison.
While he was underway in Diyarbakır, journalist Altan Sancar was intercepted by a vehicle without a license plate. One person showed him the gun at his waist and said, “You have stretched your leg way too much; behave”.
Covid-19: 17,161 new infections and 84 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 22.03.2022

298 people, including almost 100 children were taken into custody during yesterday’s Newroz celebration in Diyarbakır.
Turkey’s Constitutional Court (AYM) has rejected an appeal by HDP deputy Semra Güzel against the lifting of her parliamentary immunity.
In the retrial over the killing of Kemal Kurkut during the Diyarbakır Newroz in 2017, the court has once again rejected the request for arresting the defendant police officer who was previously acquitted by the local court. 

Facing up to 2 years in prison over his remarks in a video that he shared on social media and charged with “publicly degrading the Turkish Nation”, actor İlyas Salman stood trial today. Trial adjourned until September. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 17,426 new infections and 90 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 21.03.2022

The final Newroz celebration was held in Diyarbakır. Hundreds of thousands of people attended the meeting despite the Diyarbakır Police’s provocation attempts.
In the Gezi trial, the court board has ruled that Osman Kavala’s detention shall continue and adjourned the trial until April 22, 2022. 
Taken into custody in Diyarbakır on March 16-17, 11 women activists have been arrested. 
Upon an application to the European Court of Human Rights, Turkey has admitted that journalist-painter Zehra Doğan’s presumption of innocence was violated: She will be paid 1,350 Euro in damages. 
In the trial of 14 students of Boğaziçi University, the judge wanted to expel the students’ lawyers and to take them out of the courtroom, requesting lawyers for the students from the bar association. 
Seven musicians have been detained in Aydın after a Newroz celebration. They are accused of singing “forbidden songs”.
Ali Yılmaz, a 70-year-old Turkish man has been arrested on charges of “insulting the President” after he on social quoted the remarks that had previously led to the imprisonment of journalist Sedef Kabaş. 
Covid-19: 14,933 new infections and 80 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

14 -20 March 2022

Turkey Today – 20.03.2022

Hundreds of thousands of people across Turkey gathered for Newroz celebrations demanding a political solution for the Kurdish question and freedom for PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. The final event will take place tomorrow in Diyarbakır. 
Kemal Kurkut, who was killed by a police bullet in Diyarbakır’s 2017 Newroz, was commemorated upon his grave on the 5th anniversary of his death. 
Journalists Ertuş Bozkurt and Mikail Barut were detained after a raid on their homes in Diyarbakır early this morning.
Journalist Hayri Tunc who was detained while covering Newroz in İstanbul has been taken to İstanbul Police Headquarter. He has been arrested due to a standing arrest warrant. 
28 year old prisoner Sinan Kaya who faces terrorism charges died in Iğdır prison under suspicious circumstances. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 13,081 new infections and 85 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 19.03.2022

A Kurdish high school student in the northwestern province of Kocaeli has been subjected to racist attacks after he said he would not vote for the ruling AKP. 
Continuing her struggle for justice in front of the Urfa Courthouse, a libel suit was filed against Emine Şenyaşar with the claim that she ‘insulted’ AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız, whose relatives and boduyguards killed Şenyaşar’s husband and two sons.
Esma Başkale, who is being held in Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison, reported that their wards were raided arbitrarily and she was threatened with death.
Saturday Mothers came together in week 886 to ask for those responsible for the death of Hasan Ocak. Ocak was detained on March 21, 1995. His body was found in Altınşehir Cemetery 58 days later. 
Yesterday Kurdish musician Çiya Şenses was detained in a morning raid on his apartment in Istanbul. He has been released today. 
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 18.03.2022

A video was leaked showing the dead body of Mehmet Aslan, who was killed within the scope of an operation carried out after two police officers were killed in Urfa, was being kicked by the police, postmortem. 
84-year-old seriously ill prisoner Mehmet Emin Özkan could not go to the video conference room to attend his hearing yesterday as he was unable to walk. The court has ruled that he shall remain behind bars. 
The complaint filed against the police officers who detained Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar without permission from the prosecutor was blocked by the governor’s office.

The main suspect has been released shortly after detention in case of missing Kurdish woman Gülistan Doku. 
CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu has suggested Turkey should head to a referendum and ask the nation whether migrants should be granted Turkish citizenship. A survey conducted last year showed an overwhelming majority of Turkish citizens want migrants to return to their countries.
Covid-19: 19,126 new infections and 123 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 17.03.2022

Constitutional Court will discuss the application of HDP MP Semra Güzel, whose immunity has been lifted at the Parliament, on 22 March.
Lawyers of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied again to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office to meet with their clients. 
79-year-old Peace Mother Meryem Soylu was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison for her activities within MEBYA-DER. 
The trial where journalists Olaf Koens and Pepijn Nagtzaam face “defying the Law on Military Forbidden Zones and Security Zones no. 2565” has been adjourned until May.
The third hearing of the trial where academic Hifzullah Kutum faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge because of his social media posts where he used the word Kurdistan was held in Elazığ. Kutum was acquitted. The international travel ban was removed. 
A criminal complaint has been filed against Turkish Medical Association chair Şebnem Korur Fincancı by the Turkish police for appearing on a YouTube program hosted by a journalist accused of being a member of the Gülen network. 

Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 21,354 new infections and 101 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 16.03.2022

9 summaries were prepared against 8 HDP and 1 CHP MPs and sent to the Presidency of the Parliament. 
Many women have been detained in police raids in Diyarbakır over Women’s Day events. Rosa Women’s Association President Adalet Kaya and dismissed Sur Co-Mayor Filiz Buluttekin as well as union members are among the detained. 
Scores of women including Rosa Women’s Association President Adalet Kaya and dismissed Sur Co-Mayor Filiz Buluttekin, were detained during house raids in Diyarbakır.
The Justice Watch launched by families for ill prisoners and prisoners who are not released despite serving their time entered day 121. Relatives of the detainees came together today to make a statement in front of Diyarbakır Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK).
Human Rights Association demands Turkey should recognise the Halabja massacre as a genocide. 
Diyarbakır Public Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation against 20 lawyers who are members of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) on charges of “membership in a terrorist organization”. 
Covid-19: 22,345 new infections and 118 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 15.03.2022

Bolu Mayor (CHP) Tanju Özcan has defended forcing a cleaning worker to resign after she shared a photo of jailed Kurdish leader Selahattin Demirtaş on social media. Özcan has also filed a criminal complaint against HDP deputies and journalists who made statements about the incident.
CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu has proposed reducing the electoral threshold from 10 to 3 percent, instead of 7 as proposed by the AKP and MHP.

HDP Co-chair Mithat Sancar said that the ruling alliance is engaged in “political games” to keep the majority despite losing public support. 
Two defendants face up to 4 years, 6 months in prison each for attacking journalist Levent Gültekin in İstanbul last March. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 24,614 new infections and 115 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 14.03.2022

In the Kobanî trial the court has rejected lawyers’ request, ruling that Kurdish politician and ill prisoner Aysel Tuğluk shall make defense at court. 
Election law draft prepared by AKP and MHP has been submitted to Turkey’s Parliament. The electoral threshold will be reduced from 10 to 7 percent and the obligation to form a group to run in the elections will be lifted. 
Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has claimed that those seeking the release of Osman Kavala were the same people behind the murders of children in the war-hit country meaning the Ukraine.
Health workers have started a two-day strike demanding improved employee rights and working conditions.

Covid-19: 24,404 new infections and 133 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Weekly 7 – 13 March

Turkey Today – 13.03.2022

The Court of Appeal ruled that the accused police officers are not guilty, as the homicide was within the “legal framework”.
Three minors between the ages of ten and fifteen were injured in an artillery attack by forces from Turkish occupied area on Ain Issa.
Dedeoğulları family whose members died in a racist attack in Konya in June 2021 said they will start a justice watch depending on the outcome of the next hearing. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 17,426 new infections and 138 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 12.03.2022

Within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Van Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, HDP Youth Council members Şahin Aktı, Nurullah Pakpay and Tarık Kılınç were detained with raids on their homes early this morning. 
Union of Bar Association’s President Erinç Sağkan stated that the continuation of the restriction in the Şenyaşar family’s file is a “violation of the right to a fair trial” and said, “We are worried that no concrete steps are taken in the file.”
The Turkish Army has launched a military offensive in Lice’s district of Diyarbakır. 
Saturday Mothers came together in week 884 to ask those responsible for the death of journalist Nazım Babaoğlu who disappeared on 12 March 1994 in Urfa’s Siverek district where he was for covering news. 
Covid-19: 20,465 new infections and 132 deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Turkey Today – 10.03.2022

Nazlı Yanıkdemir, a Council of State prosecutor has said in a Saturday Mothers came together in week 883 to ask those responsible for the death of Cüneyt Aydınlar who disappeared after being detained by the police on 20 February 1994 in İstanbul. deliberation that only the Turkish Parliament has the power to quit the Istanbul Convention. 
The first hearing of the trial where journalist Sedef Kabaş faces “insulting the president” charges was held in İstanbul. The court sentenced journalist Kabaş to 2 years 4 months in prison. Kabaş has been released. 
Journalist Sultan Keleş is sentenced to 1 year 2 months in prison for “insulting the president.” Neither Keleş nor her lawyers were present at the sentencing hearing. The court did not hear their final statements before its verdict. 
A prosecutor has demanded that a man who punched CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu in 2019 be sentenced up to three years and 10 months in prison on charges of “insulting” and “causing simple injury.” 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 25,401 new infections and 123 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 10.03.2022

Applying to the Board of Judges and Prosecutors, HDP MP Gergerlioğlu has filed a complaint against the prosecutor who requested an international travel ban on him and the judge who has accepted this request. 
Prosecutors have prepared a summary of proceedings against MP Feleknas Uca for “inciting people into hatred and animosity.” She faces losing legislative immunity for saying ‘Kurdistan’. 
A criminal judgeship of peace in Hatay has imposed an access block on the websites of Pir News Agency (PİRHA) and Yeni Yaşam newspaper. 
The first hearing of the trial where journalist Ahmet Kanbal faces “insulting a public official” charge upon complaint by Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu was held in Mardin. The journalist is acquitted of all charges. 
The Bolu Municipality has forced a cleaning worker to resign after she shared a photo of jailed Kurdish leader Selahattin Demirtaş on social media.
DEVA leader Ali Babacan has said a third meeting to be held between the leaders of six opposition parties will take place on March 27.
Covid-19: 29,492 new infections and 140 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 09.03.2022

The body of Kurdish fighter Siti Karatay, who lost her life in an armed conflict in Şemdinli in 2016, was released to her mother in a container 6 years later.
The 2nd hearing of the trial where the Union of Bar Association’s Chair and former Executive Board Members of the Ankara Bar Association face “insulting a public official because of his religious beliefs, thoughts and convictions” charge was held in Ankara. The court’s decided to send the case file to the prosecution for the preparation of final opinion. The next hearing is in June. 
The 7th hearing of the trial where 6 people including Dicle Fırat Journalist Association Chair Dicle Muftuoglu and journalist Aziz Oruç face terrorism-related charges was held in Ağrı. The defendants and lawyers who submitted their excuses to the court, did not attend the hearing. The trial is adjourned until June.
Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Bahçeli accuses CHP of ‘orchestrating’ the sunflower oil crisis in Turkey. 
Eight professional medical organizations in Turkey have called for peace in a joint statement: “War kills, peace saves lives!”. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported new infections and deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 08.03.2022

After the Governor’s Office of İstanbul banned the 20th Feminist Night March, police have surrounded Taksim Square and İstanbul Avenue. Police dispersed women who attempted to head to Taksim Square via Sıraselviler Street, using pepper spray. 
In the Kurdish majority areas thousands of women attended the rallies on the occasion of International Women’s Day. 
Judicial authorities have failed to open an investigation into three Turkish nationals with alleged ties to ISIS despite a Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) complaint about them.
Osman Kavala’s attorneys say prosecutor’s opinion disregards international criminal law norms. 
Lawyers of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan once again applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office to meet with their client. 
The Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB) has filed a lawsuit against a decision to open protected zones to the construction of hydroelectric, wind and solar energy plants. 
Covid-19: 37,407 new infections and 130 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 07.03.2022

The İstanbul Governor’s Office has announced that the 20th Feminist Night March has been banned; women have announced that they will still hold the march on March 8 International Women’s Day. 
In its defense before the Constitutional Court, the Van Governor’s Office said that reports of police torturing villagers in the Gevaş district in 2017 represent a “one-time thing.” The governor’s office further tried to justify the police’s action by saying villagers had sustained “mild injuries that can be remedied with a simple treatment.”
The Cizre Sub-Governor’s Office has banned the “Mem û Zîn” Kurdish theater play, which would be staged in Cizre on March 12. 
Turkey’s General Directorate of Security (EGM) has launched an investigation into ‘provocative’ posts about the prices of sunflower oil against 45 social media accounts. 

Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu has announced that Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov of Russia and Dmytro Kuleba of Ukraine have decided to meet with his participation on the margins of Antalya Diplomacy Forum. 

Turkey will send 3,000 police officers to Qatar for FIFA World Cup.   
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 06.03.2022

The Supreme Election Council (YSK) has started preparations for the upcoming elections, which are currently scheduled for 2023. 
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu said on Friday Turkey would keep its air spaceopen for strategic and humanitarian reasons. 
Police attacked a press release held by women in Ankara on the occasion of International Women’s Day and detained 5 women. 
In the districts of Tusba and Saray in Van, the AKP municipality does not collect the garbage. The people and shop keepers protested, saying that infectious diseases may occur in the near future. 
Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 363. Stating that it will be the first anniversary of the Justice Watch on Wednesday, Şenyaşar family said: “Come and shout with us on Wednesday, let’s say ‘End the law of the superiors in Urfa’ together.” 
HDP Antep provincial organization held its annual congress with the attendance of thousands. 
Covid-19: 27,671 new infections and 170 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 05.03.2022

Human Rights Association Co-Chair Eren Keskin said that Forensic Medicine Institute asked imprisoned former HDP MP Aysel Tuğluk who suffers from dementia the name of the Turkish President. As she could not answer the question, she was shouted at.
Police went to the house of HDP Diyarbakır MP, Semra Güzel, whose immunity was lifted with the decision taken by the General Assembly on 1 March. Güzel was not found at home. 
Turkish Air Force carried out strikes on villages located in the Berwari region of Duhok province in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 
Saturday Mothers came together in week 884 to ask those responsible for the death of Rıdvan Karakoç who disappeared in February 1995 in İstanbul. His body was found 110 days later at the cemetery in Altınşehir. 
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 32,389 new infections and 174 deaths in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 04.03.2022

A large number of houses were raided by the police in Diyarbakır and scores were detained. 
The house of Halise Aksoy, mother of HPG member Agit İpek was also raided. İpek was killed in an armed conflict in Dersim back in 2017. His bones were sent to her mother via post. 
At an event organized by the Women and Democracy Association, Erdoğan said that Turkey has a lower femicide rate than Europe. 
The Constitutional Court has concluded that “the right to life of Ethem Sarısülük was not violated” by his killing with a police bullet during Gezi, finding the judicial fine given to the police officer on trial “proportionate”. 
After a detainee reported being electrocuted under police custody in Istanbul, the Constitutional Court demanded his case be re-investigated. Prosecutors failed to do so, saying there was “no place for prosecution.” 
The 39th hearing of the trial where Taraf newspaper’s former administrators Ahmet Altan, Yasemin Çongar and Yıldıray Oğur, journalists Mehmet Baransu and Tuncay Opçin face multiple charges was held in İstanbul. Altan, Çongar and Oğur are sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison. The court sentenced Baransu to 6 years in prison for “procuring documents concerning the security of the state” and to 7 years in prison for “disclosing classified information relating to the security and the political interests of the state.” 
The 16th hearing of the trial where journalist Rüstem Batum faces Article 301 charge was held in İstanbul. The court rejected the request of his lawyers for the removal of the arrest warrant. Deciding to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant, the court adjourned the trial until June.
Covid-19: 38,283 new infections and 180 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 03.03.2022

HDP Cizre district executives Songül Küçük and Naim Inedi were taken into custody during police raids in Cizre. 
The 14th hearing of the trial where Azadiya Welat and Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspapers’ distributors Mikail Tunçdemir and Ferhat Duman face terrorism-related charges was held in Van. The court’s decided for the case file to be completed. Trial adjourned until April.
The 2nd hearing of the trial where journalist Namık Koçak faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in İstanbul 22nd High Criminal Court. Journalist Namık Koçak is acquitted of all charges. The court reasoned that the elements of the alleged crime did not occur.
The 20th hearing of the trial where journalists Huseyin Aykol, Zana Bilir Kaya, Inan Kizilkaya and politician Hatip Dicle face charges on Article 301 was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to continue the arrest warrant issued against Hatip Dicle and to wait for its execution. Trial adjourned until June.
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 49,424 new infections and 188 deaths in the last 24 hours.  

Turkey Today – 02.03.2022

13 new summaries of proceedings seeking to lift the legislative immunity of 11 opposition MPs, most of them from the HDP, have been sent to the Parliament. 
Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) will apply to Minister of Justice for a visit to PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan on Imrali prison island. 
The 3rd hearing of the trial where journalist Ahmet Kanbal faces “disclosing or publishing the identity of a public official on anti-terrorist duty” and “insulting a public official” charges was held in Aydın. The court sentenced journalist Kanbal to 1 year 3 months in prison and ruled not to suspend the sentence.
President Erdoğan has called on the EU to show the “same sensitivity” for Turkey’s application to join the bloc as it showed for Ukraine’s membership. 
Expressing determination to continue in-class education amid the pandemic, Minister of Education Özer has announced that 53 percent of teachers have received at least three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. 
Covid-19: 56,780 new infections and 189 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. 

Turkey Today – 01.03.2022

The HDP MP Semra Güzel is to be stripped of her parliamentary immunity. In the run-up to the parliamentary session, the HDP parliamentary group demonstrated solidarity. 
The 4th hearing of the trial where journalist Mete Cem Bahtiyar faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Balıkesir. Trial adjourned until June so that the case file can be completed.
The third hearing of the trial where journalist Cihan Ölmez faces “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Diyarbakır. The court’s decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against journalist Ölmez and adjourned the trial until June. 
Members of Şenyaşar family who have been protesting for justice in front of the entrance of the courthouse in Urfa for 358 days were attacked by the police. 
The Health Ministry has sent a letter to the country’s provincial health directorates threatening to issue warnings and sanctions for health workers who plan to go on strike again in March.
Covid-19: Health Ministry reported 59,885 new infections and 203 deaths in the last 24 hours.