June 2022

Turkey Weekly 27- 30 June 2022

Turkey Today – 30.06.2022

Taken into custody again following the appeal of the prosecutor’s office against his release from detention on probation, Muhammed Cihad Cemre, the son of HDP İstanbul MP Hüda Kaya, has been arrested. 
Zülküf Kaya, who is being held in Patnos Type L Prison, was tortured by 20 guards for 2 hours while he was en route to the infirmary, his attorney filed a criminal complaint. 

The 6th hearing of the trial in which journalist Abdurrahman Gök faces “membership of a terrorist organization” and “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charges was held in Diyarbakır. The court’s unanimously acquitted Gök of “membership of a terrorist organization” charge but sentenced him to 1 year 6 months and 22 days in prison for “making propaganda for a terrorist organization”. Gök photographed the murder of Kemal Kurkut during the 2017 Newroz celebrations in Diyarbakır. 
The first hearing of the trial of 5 police officers who had violently detained journalist Gökhan Biçici during the Gezi Park protests face multiple charges was held in İstanbul. In his final opinion, the prosecutor requested that the case be dropped citing statute of limitation. Giving additional time for Biçici and his lawyer to prepare their argument’s against the prosecutor’s opinion, the court adjourned the trial until September 13th.
The 16th hearing of the trial in which the distributors of Azadiya Welat and Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspapers Mikail Tunçdemir and Ferhat Duman face terrorism-related charges was held in Van. The panel of judges overseeing the case did not attend today’s hearing after having submitted excuses. Trial adjourned until September. 

Turkey Today – 29.06.2022

According to CİSST Advocacy Coordinator Berivan Korkut gendarme in Bakırköy Women’s Prison remains in the room during gynaecological examination. 
Stating that the military operations in Yüksekova aims to empty the villages close to the border, HDP MP Sait Dede said: “They are trying to turn Kurdistan into a war zone and create a buffer zone.”
The 13th hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayko Bağdat faces “insulting the president” charge upon complaint by the General Secretariat of the Presidency was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against Bağdat. Trial adjourned until February 2023.
The 12th hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayri Demir faces “membership of a terrorist organization” charges was held in Ankara. The court’s decided that it is not necessary to file a criminal complaint against H.Ş. and that it is not necessary to hear H.Ş. again as it will not benefit the case. Witness H.Ş. had claimed that he saw journalist Demir in Syria in 2015. Trial adjourned until September. 
A lawsuit has been filed against journalist Uğur Dündar upon a complaint of Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu over Sedat Peker tweets. Dündar has been charged with “praising a crime and a criminal” and facing up to 2 years in prison.

Turkey Today – 28.06.2022
Former HDP MP Aysel Tuğluk diagnosed with dementia attended the 14th hearing of the Kobane trial. Lawyer Kenan Maçoğlu stated that she is in no condition to defend herself. 
Behçet and Birhat Engüdar brothers who have been detained in Yüksekova were referred to Yüksekova State Hospital. Folowing their examination, it was revealed that both were exposed to battery and ill-treatment.
80-year-old Makbule Özer, who was arrested with her husband in Edremit on “aiding a terrorist organization” charges and referred to the hospital almost every day due to her health problems, has been in prison for 51 days. 
A lawsuit has been filed against Xwebûn Newspaper Grant Holder Kadri Esen for allegedly “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” for his post in social media. 
The 1st hearing of the retrial of Evrensel daily’s former managing editor Çağrı Sarı and former proprietor Arif Koşar face “publicly degrading the military or security organizations” charge was held in İstanbul. The trial is adjourned until because Arif Koşar was not served the Court of Cassation’s ruling which overturned their convictions. 

The 7th hearing of the retrial of since shuttered Zaman newspaper columnists was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to remove the international travel ban imposed upon the defendants and to issue a writ so that the confiscated digital materials belonging to the defendants be returned. Trial adjourned until November. 
The 1st hearing of the trial in which 19 people including journalist Zekine Türkeri, the Co-chairs of the HDP in İstanbul Elif Bulut and Erdal Avcı face “defying the Law no. 2911” charge was held in İstanbul. Trial adjourned until December.

Turkey Today – 27.06.2022

It was stated that the soldiers who raided a village in Yüksekova battered at least 20 people including women and children and took them to the military operation zone. While 13 of them were detained, what happened to the rest of the villagers remain unknown.
Many people, including HDP Provincial Co-chairs Helin Kaya and Mehmet Karakış, were detained during the raids on Binevş Culture and Art Association and houses in Adana. 

While 3 people were detained in Diyarbakır within the scope of an investigation launched by Adana Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, a raid was also carried out on the Dicle Culture and Art Association.
The 3rd hearing of the trial in which the Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu listed as complainant and in which the Co-Chair of the Human Rights Association Öztürk Türkdoğan faces “insulting a public official” charge was held in Ankara. Reasoning that the elements of the offense Türkdoğan was charged with did not occur, the court ruled to acquit Öztürk Türkdoğan.

373 LGBTI+ activists have been detained at İstanbul’s Pride Parade, 30 of them were under the age of 18. According to the statement made by lawyers on social media, detainees were tortured on buses and were denied food or water. 

Turkey Weekly 20 – 26 June 2022

Turkey Today – 26.06.2022
In the run-up to the İstanbul Pride March at least 52 LGBTİ+ activists have been taken into police custody. 
The police encircled the journalists preventing them from covering the incidents at the Pride March. AFP photojournalist Bülent Kılıç has been taken into police custody while covering the İstanbul Pride. His hands were cuffed behind his back. 
It was learned that a new three-month visit ban was imposed on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan as part of a disciplinary sanction. 
Forensic Medicine Institute gave a report again that 83-year old seriously ill prisoner Mehmet Emin Özkan could remain in prison. 
A military operation was launched in Hakkari’s Yüksekova district. 
Şenyaşar Family’s search for justice continues on day 475. The family lost three members as a result of the attacks of AKP Deputy İbrahim Halil Yıldız and his relatives. 

Turkey Today – 25.06.2022
Saturday Mothers made their 900th demonstration in Galatasaray Square to ask the whereabouts of their relatives disappeared in custody and for the punishment of the perpetrators. The police, who blocked the streets with barriers, detained many of the protesters.
The Justice Ministry has given its approval for an investigation to be launched against Diyarbakır Bar Association executives over their April 24 statement marking the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.
The Governorship of İzmir stated that 226 refugees were deported yesterday in a statement regarding the refugees who were  removed from the Removal Centers (GGM) by force.
Peace activist Muhammed Cihad Cemre, son of HDP MP Hüda Kaya has been detained by the anti-terror police in Çanakkale.

Turkey Today – 24.06.2022
DFG Co-chair Serdar Altan, who is among the 16 journalists arrested in Diyarbakır, stated that Kurdish journalists were targeted and said, “We did not know what we were accused of when we were detained, and unfortunately we still do not know what we are accused of.”
Journalists in İstanbul expressed solidarity with arrested Kurdish journalists and demanded their immediate release. 
Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu called for higher punishments against those initiating forest fires, even bringing up the issue of the death penalty.
Turkey’s ruling AKP and MHP have voted down two separate motions submitted by the opposition calling for an investigation into forest fires in an effort to find long-lasting solutions to the issue. Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has denied the claims that Turkey is involved in the illegal trade of Ukraine’s grains. 
A Turkish local court has refused to abide by the Court of Cassation’s ruling that had reversed a fine imposed on main opposition CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in a lawsuit known as the “Isle of Man case.”
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which 6 rights defenders face “defying the Law no. 2911”, “insult” and “prevention of public duty” charges was held in İzmir. The police notified the court that the footage that the court requested at the previous hearing could not be found. Trial adjourned until November. 

Turkey Today – 23.06.2022
Yesterday 20 people were taken into custody during house raids in Tarsus.
A CHP MP has submitted a parliamentary question inquiring about the financial audit records of SADAT — a private military firm with close ties to President Erdoğan. In his answer, Finance Minister Nebati drew attention to the Tax Procedural Law’s article on the “Secrecy of Taxes” and said that government cannot share the information that needs to stay “confidential.” 

The body of HPG member Mehmet Süleymanoğlu was taken by his family from Diyarbakır Forensic Medicine Institute after the DNA test matched the family’s one and brought to Hazro.  At the entrance of the neighbourhood, the soldiers stopped the convoy and did not allow anyone other than family members to attend the funeral. 
The 1st hearing of the trial in which the President of the Ankara Branch of the Chamber of Architects Tezcan Candan and 6 former members of the Executive Committee face “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” charge was held in Ankara. Trial adjourned until September. 
The 5th hearing of journalists Ahmet Memiş, Ali Akkuş, Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Ünal Tanık, Yakup Çetin and Yetkin Yıldız’s retrial was held in İstanbul. Lifting the international travel ban imposed upon Çulhaoğlu, the court’s decided to send the case file to the prosecution so that they can prepare their final opinion as to the accusations. Trial adjourned until November.

Turkey Today – 22.06.2022
During yesterday’s detention of a citizen in Van’s Başkale district, where soldiers fired into the air for minutes and battered women, 400 shell casings were collected. A committee of Human Rights Association and Van Bar Association examining the village will release a report. 
While the Kurdish journalists are behind bars for the last week, Piya and Ari Production companies are still under police blockade. The lawyers of the journalists are still not informed about the search that continues since June 8. 
The 3rd hearing of the trial in which the Bar Associations Chair Erinç Sağkan face “insulting a public official” charge is was held in Ankara. In his final opinion, the prosecutor requested that attorneys be sentenced up to 2 years 4 months. The prosecutor had been replaced. Giving additional time for the defense to prepare their arguments against the prosecutor’s final opinion, the court adjourned the trial until November.
Court of Cassation overturned the decision on 71 military students, who were sentenced to life imprisonment within the scope of the Sultanbeyli file, in the trials related to the July 15 coup attempt. 
Bar associations and human rights organizations have called for the immediate release of 84-year-old seriously ill prisoner Mehmet Emin Özkan. 
Mehmet Erbey, who is being held in Düzce Type T Prison, stated that his belongings were stormed and they were subjected to a strip search during the raid on the wards, and that the draft of the book he had been working on for one and a half year was also confiscated.
ECHR has ruled that Turkey violated the rights of Syrian refugee Muhammad Fawzi Akkad by expelling him under the guise of a “voluntary return” and fined Turkey to pay 12,250 euros. 

Turkey Today – 21.06.2022
Private military units that came to detain a citizen named K.A in the Başkale district of Van opened fire into the air and battered the women who protested the situation.
A new military operation was launched in Şemdinli. 
Journalist İbrahim Karakaş, who is being held in Kürkçüler F Type Closed Prison, stated that ill prisoners have not been referred to the hospital for 10 months 

15 days before the statue of limitations the hearing of the case brought against the murder of Kurdish scholar Musa Anter on September 20, 1992 in Diyarbakır was held in Ankara. Trial adjourned until September. 
The third hearing of the trial in which former HDP MP Sırrı Süreyya Önder faces “insulting the president” charge was held in Diyarbakır. 
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which journalist Evrim Kepenek faces “insult” charge because of her news article about Refik Y. who allegedly assaulted minor sexually, was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to wait for the result of the case in which Refik Y. stands trial for “sexual abuse of a minor” and adjourned the trial until November 1st. 
The 5th hearing of the SLAPP case brought against journalist Hazal Ocak by President Erdoğan’s son-in-law Berat Albayrak was held in İstanbul. The judge held the hearing in the absence of Ocak’s lawyer who was waiting outside the courtroom and was not told that the hearing began. Albayrak’s lawyers attended the hearing via “electronic hearing.” The judge responded attorney Çaltepe’s objections by saying “We held it, it’s over.” The judge also refused to inform attorney Çaltepe about the date of the next hearing and said “You’ll get the minutes over UYAP.” 
All events within the scope of the 30th İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week have been banned by Istanbul’s Beyoğlu and Kadıköy District Governorates. 

Turkey Today – 20.06.2022
With a new decree published by the Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK), 5,575 judicial and 351 administrative judges and prosecutors were replaced. 
Prosecutor Ahmet Altun, who prepared the Kobanê Case indictment, was appointed as Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor.
Bismil Public Prosecutor Nilgül Kürkaya, who is conducting the investigation regarding Kurdish journalists, has been assigned to the İzmir Public Prosecutor’s Office, and the judge who made the arrest warrant was assigned to Sakarya.
The judge who opposed decision in Gezi Trial was relegated to Tokat. 
Journalists who are members of the DİSK/Basın-İş union traveled from Istanbul and Ankara to Diyarbakır in solidarity for the 16 journalists who were arrested last week. Journalists said, “We are here to say Kurdish journalists are not alone.”
The office of journalist Osman Şahin was raided after he reported on the allegations about a doctor employed at the Ordu State Hospital. Şahin was asked to reveal his sources. When he refused to do so, his phone and computers were seized. 
The signboard of the “Saab” restaurant, which serves Arabic and African meals in Ankara, had to change its colors after police intervention. The signboard was previously yellow, red, and green. 

Turkey Weekly 13 – 19 June

Turkey Today – 19.06.2022

According to reporting by Halk TV, statements of secret witnesses from previous years form the basis of accusations against the recently arrested 16 Kurdish journalists.

The Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria announced that Ferhat Şiblî, Vise President of the Executive Council, lost his life in Turkey’s attack on the Kelar district of Suleymaniye on June 17.

It was reported that prisoner Abdo Şeyh in Elazığ prison was forced to strip search and beaten by the police. The Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 457. The sit-in was launched on March 9, 2021 by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attack carried out by AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguards and relatives in 2018.

Turkey Today – 18.06.2022

In the village of Keste in Duhok’s Amediye district, fire was opened against the villagers from a military base belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces. 2 villagers were injured.

HDP Youth Assembly member Serhat Irlan was taken into custody in Izmir. Irlan was arrested while sitting in a cafe in Konak Alsancak with his friends, but was not told the reason for his detention.

Islamist and nationalist groups on June 17 attacked a picnic which Istanbul University students wanted to hold on the Beyazıt Campus as part of the LGBTI Pride week activities.

Last week 10 people have been detained during a wedding in Istanbul’s Esenyurt district for wearing traditional Kurdish scarves in the colors of the Kurdish flag.

Saturday Mothers came together in week 899 to ask those responsible for the death of Ferhat Tepe who disappeared after being detained on 29 June 1993.

Turkey Today – 17.06.2022

The summary of proceedings against HDP MP Saliha Aydeniz has been sent to the Ministry of Justice. Aydeniz’s immunity might be lifted.

Resul Temur, the attorney of the arrested journalists, stated that his clients, who were asked about their journalism activities, were arrested with “forced comments”.

The Family and trustee of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and İmralı Prison Directorate to urgently meet with their relative.

Bekir Güven, who was imprisoned for allegedly spreading “terror propaganda”, 98 per cent disabled and seriously ill with Huntingdon, has died after his release.

Mehmet Yıldırım, brother of Medeni Yıldırım who was murdered by Turkish soldiers during a protest against the construction of a military outpost in Amed’s Lice district in 2013, received a prison sentence for “insulting” Turkish President Erdoğan.

Turkey Today – 16.06.2022

16 journalists were arrested out of 22 people detained in Diyarbakır on June 8 and sent to prison.

Many people, including journalists and HDP executives and members, were detained in simultaneous police raids in Istanbul.

Journalist İnci Hekimoğlu was detained in İzmir. She was taken to the İzmir Provincial Security Directorate Anti-Terror Branch.

The sixth hearing of the trial in which journalist Cengiz Çandar face “praising an offense and an offender” charge was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to wait for the response to the rogatory letters issued for Çandar’s statement to be taken. Trial adjourned until September.

The first hearing of the trial in which journalist İnci Aydın faces “identifying an official on anti-terror duty as a target” charge upon complaint by Musa Çitil was held in Aydın. The hearing started almost 5 hours late because a SEGBİS room could not be found. The court’s accepted the intervention request by Çitil and exempted journalist Aydın from attending hearings. Trial adjourned until October.

The 22nd hearing of the trial in which journalists Hüseyin Aykol, Zana Bilir Kaya, İnan Kızılkaya and politician Hatip Dicle face Article 301 charges was held in İstanbul. The court’s decided to wait for the arrest warrant issued against politician Hatip Dicle. Trial adjourned until November.

The Justice Commission of the Turkish parliament has approved a bill seeking up to three years in jail for those spreading so-called “disinformation” on internet.

Turkey Today – 15.06.2022

The prosecutor is taking the statements of arrested journalists. He referred journalists Safiye Alagaş, Elif Üngür, Gülşen Koçuk, Mehmet Ali Ertaş Mehmet Şahin, Esmer Tunç, Ömer Çelik and Aziz Oruç to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace and requested the journalists to be arrested.

The 2nd hearing of the trial in which 8 MPs of the HDP, including the imprisoned former Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ face multiple charges was held in Silvan. The court’s decided to wait for the responses to the writs issued previously and to issue another writ so that Figen Yüksekdağ can attend the next hearing via SEGBİS. Trial adjourned until September.

Akif Çağatay Kılıç, an AKP MP and the head of the parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said Turkey may delay the accession of the two Nordic countries for as long as a year.

Kadir Karademir, who was held in Patnos Type L Closed Prison, died under suspicious circumstances.

The body of HPG member Zindan Yeni, who was reported to have died in the clashes in Pirejman, was delivered to his family in a plastic container.

At today’s hearing of the Tahir Elçi murder case, the court’s decided to hear former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu as a witness. The next hearing will be held on November 23.

The first hearing of the trial in which journalist Can Ataklı faces “publicly degrading a section of the public” was held in İstanbul. The court rejected the intervention request by the Rize Associations Federation on the grounds that they cannot be harmed by the alleged offense directly. Trial adjourned until October.

Turkey Today – 14.06.2022

The Court of Cassation has revoked CHP Istanbul chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu’s party membership. Kaftancıoğlu was sentenced to 4 years and 11 months imprisonment and a political ban was also imposed against her.

The police has started taking the statements of 20 journalists and 2 media employees who have been held in custody since June 8. They are expected to be brought to the courthouse tomorrow.

The fourth hearing of the “Özgür Gündem Solidarity” retrial in which Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Erol Önderoğlu and Ahmet Nesin face multiple charges was held in İstanbul. There is a change in the panel of jduges. The controversial Gezi Case judge Murat Bircan has been replaced. The court’s decided to wait for the rogatory letters issued for Ahmet Nesin’s statement to be taken. Trial adjourned until October 19.

The 4th hearing of “the Özgürlükçü Demokrasi” retrial where several journalists face multiple charges was held in İstanbul. The court’s adjourned the trial until September 15th to review the case file as well as the petitions submitted by the defense lawyers.

The hunger strike in Afyon Type T No 1 Closed Prison enters day 22. It was stated that other prisoners will join if the demands are not met.

The Dersim Associations Federation (DEDEF) has issued a statement drawing attention to ongoing military operations in the villages of Dersim: “Warplanes bombard rural areas in Dersim, entrances and exits to villages are banned”

Turkey Today – 13.06.2022

The lawyers of 20 journalists and 1 media employee who are being held in police custody since June 8th, spoke with the prosecutor who is leading the investigation. No information has been shared with the lawyers about when the statements of 21 people will be taken.

62 press organizations and 837 journalists made a statement to support the 22 people, 20 of whom were journalists, who were detained on June8 in Diyarbakır calling on everyone who intends to prepare for the Turkey of the future, to show solidarity with the detained colleagues and to take a stand against the violence of the government.

25 people who were detained for organising a march from Kadıköy to Gemlik were referred to the courthouse after their statements were taken without an attorney.

Journalists Rozerin Gültekin and Ergin Çağlar, who were detained while following the Gemlik March in Bursa, were released after giving their statements.

The Ministry of Interior announced the launch of a new operation on Mount Cudi where clashes have been taking place infor 44 days.

Turkey Weekly 06- 12 June

Turkey Today – 12.06.2022
Today, a march from different cities to Gemlik was planned. In the harbour town near Bursa, ships travel to the prison island of Imrali, where PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan is being held. 
The police attacked the demonstration to Gemlik in İstanbul’s Kadıköy district. At least 46 people, mainly HDP officials, have been arrested. 
Journalists Rozerin Gültekin and Ergin Çağlar have been taken into police custody while covering the Gemlik March in Bursa. 
Van’s Governor’s Office extended the ban on actions and activities in the city for another 15 days. The ban has been in place since 2016. 
Students were beaten and detained in ÖDTÜ university campus for taking part in the local Pride Parade, organised for the tenth time. 
Two university students have been detained in Eskişehir at graduation ceremony for holding banner commemorating Gezi Park victim Ali İsmail Korkmaz. 
Locals residents whose facilities such as water, electricity, and gas were cut off due to urban transformation in İstanbul, have held a protest in front of the AKP led Beyoğlu Municipality.

Turkey Today – 11.06.2022
The detention period of 21 people, including 20 journalists, detained in Diyarbakır on June 8 has been extended by 4 days.
Ten more HDP politicians have been arrested on terror charges in Tekirdağ in western Turkey.
Families of the prisoners in Imrali Island Prison, Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş have once again applied to the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and the management of Imrali Island Prison to meet with their relatives.
The prosecutor remanded 16 people in custody who have been detained on 3 June in a police raid carried out by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, including the Immigration Monitoring Association (GÖÇİZDER) co-chairs Kamile Kandal and Mehmet Boğatekin.
The Turkish army pulls together further troop contingents in the Cudi mountains in Şırnak. There are intense air movements over the massif on the border with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Turkey Today – 10.06.2022
The Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) held a press conference in Diyarbakır and announced that 775 lawyers registered to 29 bar associations, including representatives of institutions and bar association presidents, have applied to the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office to be allowed to pay a visit to Imrali Prison between June 10-17.
The military operation, which started on 30 April on Mount Cudi, continues.Military shipments were made to the region where there was constant air movement.
The 25th hearing of the case, known as the “KCK Press Case”, in which 46 journalists and media workers are on trial, was held in İstanbul. Announcing its interim decision, the court decided to wait for the arrest warrant issued earlier against Kayhan and to accept the excuses of some attorneys of the journalists. Trial adjourned until November. 

A drone belonging to Turkey bombed a warehouse in the Meyselon district of Qamishlo. Five people were injured as a result of the attack.

Turkey Today – 09.06.2022
While the restraining order in the files of 21 people, including 20 journalists detained in Diyarbakır yesterday continues, the journalists are being held in solitary confinement.
Journalist Barış Pehlivan has shared that he’s been receiving serious threats from those who claim to be affiliated with Fırat Delibaş, the leader of an organized crime group after having written about Delibaş in his column yesterday. 
The 25th hearing of the “KCK Press” trial in which 46 journalists face terrorism-related charges was held in İstanbul. The court accepted the request by journalist Rawin Sterk’s attorney Sercan Korkmaz for the court to inquire about the disciplinary proceeding by the High Council of Prosecutors and Judges against Chief Public Prosecutor Bilal Bayraktar. Trial adjourned until November. 
Human skeletons and bones were found near Saraykapı Prison which was once known as a JİTEM base in Sur district.
Police today prevented Birleşik Kamu-İş public employees union members from gathering in front of the Turkish Statistical Institute office in the capital city of Ankara. 
SADAT, a military firm close to Erdoğan sues Kılıçdaroğlu for damages after the CHP chair has defined it as a paramilitary organization. Kılıçdaroğlu visited the headquarter of SADAT on May 13. 
Erdoğan has warned Greece not to arm demilitarized islands located near Turkey, saying that otherwise Athens will “regret its actions just like a century ago.”
TELE1 Editor-in-Chief Merdan Yanardağ has announced that TV channel faces confiscation and sale of license if the debt of 1 million 800 thousand lira is not paid. 

Turkey Today – 08.06.2022
21 journalists were taken into custody during today’s police raids. 
A restriction decision was brought on the files of the detained journalists. 
Releasing a joint statement, 23 international groups, including the International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists, have called on the government to withdraw the “disinformation law.”  
The Council of State yesterday heard the case filed by 15 organizations against the country’s withdrawal from the İstanbul Convention. The prosecutor denanded the reversal of the President’s decree. 
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has described the “Turkey report” adopted by the European Parliament as “biased and unrealistic. …of no use to us”. 

Turkey Today – 07.06.2022
HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan appeared as a defender in the proceedings before the State Council regarding Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention. 
Dicle Fırat Journalists Association Co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu has been released after four days in detention. 
Erdoğan has called on Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson to fire her Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist as a condition for Turkey to approve of Sweden’s bid to join NATO, according to Swedish media.
Police raided the house of 70-year-old retired teacher Hasan Irgat, living in the Tatvan district of Bitlis, early this morning. Irgat, who had health problems, was detained.
Condemning the three-month delay of his son’s release due to the decision of not being in good behaviour, Ramazan Yıldırım said: “The Turkish state imposes that Kurds should give up their identity and language, or the they will not release the prisoners.”
Despite previously permitting the Kurdish adaptation of Molière play, the Mersin Governor’s Office canceled the event 20 hours before the scheduled time.
The ODTÜ management has banned a planned gay pride march on the campus for June 10, saying that “all kinds of security measures will be undertaken” if students choose to attend the march.

Turkey Today – 06.06.2022
President Erdoğan on swearing at Gezi protesters: “Sometimes I have to use strong words”. 

Emine Şenyaşar was fined 7.040 TL for “insulting” Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu and AKP member İbrahim Halil Yıldız.

After almost 4 days in detention, the Co-chair of the Dicle Fırat Journalists’ Association Dicle Müftüoğlu has been transferred to the Diyarbakır Courthouse where her statement was taken remotely by the Van Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office via the SEGBİS.

The Adana Governor’s Office canceled a theater play by the Amed City Theater, which was a Kurdish adaptation of Molière’s “Tartuffe.” 
Erinç Sağkan, the chair of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations said recent concert, event bans in Turkey “unconstitutional and totally arbitrary”.
Covid-19: The figures have not been updated since one week.  

Turkey Weekly 1 – 5 June

Turkey Today – 5 June 2022 
A military operation was launched in the villages in Idil, province of Şırnak. 
In the wave of arrest that has been rolling since two days 36 of more than forty wanted people are in police custody. They are to be referred to the public prosecutor’s office at the beginning of the week.
Serdar Altan, the Co-chair of Dicle Fırat Journalists’ Assocation has shared that Dicle Müftüoğlu who has been taken into police custody on June 3rd, was asked about why she’d sent money to the imprisoned journalists Nedim Türfent and Ziya Ataman.
Erdoğan has argued that Turkey’s economy would have been much better now if Gezi Park protests hadn’t taken place in 2013.
The Justice Watch carried out by the Şenyaşar family has reached day 453. Emine Şenyaşar said “I will continue to demand justice for everyone put behind bars unjustly and unlawfully, especially my son who is held in a cell alone for 4 years.”
Covid-19: The figures have not been updated since Tuesday.

Turkey Today – 4 June 2022 
The family of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office for a visit on Imrali Prison island. 
Three activists of the Kurdish women’s movement have been arrested in Batman on terror charges. 
Detention period of Dicle Fırat Journalists Association Co-Chair and MA Editor Dicle Müftüoğlu has been extended for 4 days. 
According to TurkStat, in May 2022, the annual consumer inflation rate was 73 percent in Turkey while the Inflation Research Group (ENAG) has estimated the same rate as 160 percent. 
Foreign Ministry has summoned Greek Ambassador Christodoulos Lazaris and complained to him about what it said was Greece “providing opportunities for terrorist groups” including the PKK.
Turkey-backed jihadist groups are attacking the village Um Al-Kef in western of Tal Tamir. More than 100 mortars and howitzers have hit the village so far while the power was cut off during the shelling.
Saturday Mothers came together in week 897 to ask those responsible for the death of Veysel Güney, who was executed 41 years ago and whose body was not given to the family. 
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 3 June 2022 
As part of a new operation in 10 provinces against HDK and HDP, several politicians including party executives have been detained.
9 people were detained in Van during police raids. Before arresting HDP Provincial Administrator Ömer Işık, the police opened fire inside the house. 
Dicle Fırat Journalists Association Co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu was detained. Müftüoğlu’s house was raided early in the morning. 
The 30th hearing of the trial in which 67 people including since-shuttered DİHA’s former reporter Engin Eren face multiple charges was held in Batman. Separating the files of 3 defendants from the case file, the court decided to subpoena defendants who are yet to provide their statements and to give additional for the defense to prepare their arguments against the final opinion. Trial adjourned until October.
The 35th hearing of the trial in which the imprisoned and gravely ill journalist Devrim Ayık faces “membership in a terrorist organization” charge was held in İzmir. The hearing’s started almost 90 minutes late. Journalist Devrim Ayık has been brought to the hearing from Eskişehir.
The 8th hearing of the trial in which 6 people including DFG chair Dicle Müftüoğlu and journalist Aziz Oruç face terrorism-related charges was held in Ağrı. Continuing the international travel ban imposed on the defendants, the court’s decided to exempt DFG Co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu from attending the hearings and to wait for the results of the confiscated digital equipment investigation. Trial adjourned until September.
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published. 

Turkey Today – 2 June 2022 

Akın Gürlek, the head of the heavy penal court that sentenced Selahattin Demirtaş, Canan Kaftancıoğlu and Şebnem Korur Fincancı, has been appointed as the Deputy Minister of Justice.
The first hearing of the trial in which the CHP İstanbul Chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu faces “insulting the president” charge was held in İstanbul. She is acquitted of all charges. 
It was stated that 5 of the women detained in Batman were poisoned by the food in the police station. 
Attacking the families staging a  sit-in for justice in front of the Istanbul Courthouse , the police battered and detained scores of people.
A criminal investigation has been launched against Mesopotamia News Agency reporter Berivan Altan for “provoking the public to hatred and hostility.” Altan was asked about her news report in which she reported a racially motivated attack on a Kurdish family in Ankara.
The 18th hearing of the trial in which 23 defendants, including ETHA reporters İsminaz Temel, Havva Cuştan; ESP Co-Chair Özlem Gümüştaş and attorney Sezin Uçar face terrorism-related charges was held in İstanbul. Continuing the judicial control measures imposed upon the defendants. Trial adjourned until November.
The UN has approved Ankara’s request for changing the country’s name to Türkiye. 
Covid-19: The homepage of Health Ministry has not been updated since Tuesday.

Turkey Today – 1 June 2022 
President Erdoğan has called the citizens who attended the 2013 Gezi Park protesters “sluts.” 
Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said regarding a possible military operation of Turkey in Syria: “We will not ask for permission from anyone”. 
The 2nd hearing of the trial in which Charlie Hebdo’s general director Julien Serignac, chief editor Gerard Biard, exec. editor Laurent Sorurisseau and cartoonist Alice face “insulting the president” charge was held in Ankara. In a 3-minute hearing, the court’s decided to ask about the writ issued to the Ministry of justice for rogatory letters on November 19, 2021 and adjourned the trial until December.
The 5th hearing of the trial in which İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu faces “insulting a public official” charge was held in İstanbul. Accepting the prosecution’s request, the court adjourned the trial until September 21st. 
The seventh hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayko Bağdat faces “insulting the president” and “publicly inciting the public to hatred and hostility” charges was held in İstanbul. Accepting the requests by Bağdat’s lawyer, the court’s decided to wait for the case file to be completed and to wait for the rogatory letters. Trial adjourned until December. 
Dozens of women gather in Eskişehir park in protest of “yoga ban”. Women complained about “growing reactionism” in the city, where a music festival was recently banned and leaflets advising killing LGBTI+s were distributed by religious groups.
The 6th hearing of the trial in which seven Boğaziçi University students face “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” charge was held in İstanbul. Giving time for the defense to review the report and prepare their statements against it, the court adjourned the trial until September 28th.
Covid-19: The current figures have not yet been published.