PR: Turkey’s Anti-Kurdish War Escalation

In recent weeks, Turkey has significantly stepped up its military attacks in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Over 1000 attacks have been registered since the beginning of the year. The inhabitants of 162 villages have already been displaced, and a further 602 villages are threatened with displacement. In today’s bombardments, one civilians lost his live and another was injured. These developments go hand in hand with a massive expansion of the Turkish military presence in the KRI. With Turkey’s 71 military bases, this must be considered as nothing other than the occupation of foreign territory. In addition, the ongoing attacks are causing massive ecological destruction. A few days ago, the journalist Murat Mîrza İbrahim died in a Turkish drone attack in the Yezidi region of Şengal. The attacks on the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) also continue unabated and is met with silence from NATO. Erdoğan’s endeavour to meet his Syrian counterpart Besar al-Esad is nothing other than the admission of a failed Syria policy.

Against the backdrop of increasing wars and crises worldwide, these developments must not go unchallenged. There is an urgent need for intervention by the international community, above all the European Union and its institutions. The universality of international law must also apply when it comes to Turkey.

All possibilities and mechanisms must be used to persuade Turkey to enter a dialogue process with the Kurds. The Kurdish side has repeatedly declared its willingness. An important prerequisite for a forward-looking dialogue is the end of the incommunicado detention of Kurdish political leader Abdullah Öcalan, from whom there has been no sign of life for 40 months.

The EUTCC condemns Turkey’s anti-Kurdish war escalation and calls for

– an end to the invasion policy that violates international law

– an immediate package of measures against Turkey’s expansionist foreign policy

– an immediate visit by the CPT to the prison island of İmralı

Newsletter June 2024

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our current newsletter. 

Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 

EUTCC Chairperson 

PACE visit to Turkey 

Following a fact-finding visit to Ankara and Istanbul on 11-14 June 2024, PACE’s co-rapporteur for the monitoring of Turkey, Stefan Schennach (Austria, SOC), has again called on the Turkish authorities to implement the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and to continue their high-level dialogue with the Council of Europe.

International crime organization leaders in Turkey

During a plenary session of the parliament, CHP MP Cevdet Akay presented a 20.5-meter-long list of names of international crime organization leaders who were wanted with red notices and had been captured in Turkey.

Travel ban on DEM Co-Mayors

DEM Party has announced that the Interior Ministry has banned the party’s many co-mayors from traveling abroad without a court order.

Bianet Male Violence Monitor June

Men killed at least 34 women and five children in June. Additionally, 30 women died under suspicious circumstances. 

Men killed 193 women in the first six months of the year.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
Instagram: @EUTCC1

Newsletter Mai 2024

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our current newsletter. 

Kind regards 

Dersim Dağdeviren 

EUTCC board member 

EUTCC statement: Verdict in the Kobane Trial: Ignoring European Rulings

The EUTCC calls on the European institutions to immediately impose political sanctions out of respect for their own decisions.

Statement by DEM Party Co-Chairs on the verdict in the Kobane Trial 

The court has shown its alignment with ISIS and fascism

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
Instagram: @EUTCC1

PR: Verdict in the Kobane Trial: Ignoring European rulings

In the show trial known as the “Kobanê trial” in Turkey against 108 people, including leading HDP politicians, the verdicts were pronounced. As expected, the defendants were sentenced to long prison terms.

The trial was political, and so is the judgement. It reveals Turkey’s attitude towards ISIS. The defendants had shown solidarity with the fight against ISIS in Rojava. The judgement is an acquittal for ISIS. Even though the coalition of AKP and MHP is decisive, the way was paved with the votes of the CHP, which agreed to lift the immunity of numerous HDP deputies. 

After a retrial in the case of Osman Kavala was recently rejected, this anti-democratic judgement now follows. 

The signals from Turkey in favour of a European rapprochement have now been deciphered. Unambiguous answers are now needed from Europe, above all from the European Union and the Council of Europe. Expressing concern and acting hesitantly strengthens authoritarianism. Those who want a democratic Turkey have to support the democratic forces and act now. 

The judgement shows that Turkey is ignoring the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights and the resolutions of the Council of Europe and the Council of Ministers of the European Union, all of which call for the release of detainees. The EUTCC calls on the European institutions to immediately impose political sanctions out of respect for their own decisions.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

Newsletter April 2024

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our current newsletter.

Kind regards

Kariane Westrheim

Our statement: Anti-Kurdish Policy from Turkey to Europe
We call on the European Union member states not to support Turkey’s anti-Kurdish policy. Freedom of the press & international law are universal values that must be protected and defended.

Council of Europe Congress statement on election observation mission to Turkey:
“However, we regretted that, for the first time in over 120 Congress missions, one delegation member was not granted accreditation…. In line with the Council of Europe principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights, more needs to be done to ensure a political and media environment where there is genuine freedom of expression and a reasonable and well-implemented framework overseen by an independent judiciary.”

Statement by DEM Party: We urge the AKP Government to respect the will of the people of Van!
We call upon all supporters of democratic principles to condemn this course of action. Respecting the will of the people is fundamental to the essence of democracy.

Our statement: Turkey has voted against AKP & Erdoğan
A democratic transformation process can be initiated only if the causality between the democratisation of the country / region & a political solution to the Kurdish question is seen.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
Instagram: @EUTCC1
