PR: Mr Öcalan’s statement: a momentum for peace and democracy

Today, a seven-member delegation visited Kurdish Political Leader Abdullah Öcalan on the prison island of İmralı. Abdullah Öcalan’s long-awaited message was read out at a press conference in Istanbul. 

This declaration is historic and should be supported accordingly. The future not only of Turkey but of the entire region is at stake. Democratisation of the country and peace in the Middle East are urgently needed. Mr Öcalan has set the course for this. His call to create the appropriate legal and political foundations for the laying down of arms and the dissolution of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party is a moment of resolution of the Gordian knot that has tied the Turkish Republic in its first 100 years.

This momentum must be adequately recognised. The European Union and its institutions, in particular the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, should now make every effort to strengthen the process. This includes engagement to ensure that Abdullah Öcalan can freely practice his leadership role in the ongoing political process.

We welcome Mr Öcalan’s historic statement and ensure our full support.

Newyear 2025

Happy New Year.

A new year begins. Existing challenges will remain, new ones will emerge. But a new year also means new opportunities.

We must seize this opportunity together for a more peaceful & just world. As EUTCC, we are more committed than ever to peace, democracy & freedom.

PR:Towards a Democratic Syria: Stop Turkey’s Attacks & Involve Kurdish Administration in Political Processes

The decades-long rule of the Assad dynasty in Syria is over. The crucial question now is whether it will be possible to achieve a progressive, democratic transformation in Syria as a whole. Numerous factors play a determining role here.

The attacks by Turkey and its ally, the Syrian National Army represent one of the greatest threats. War crimes are committed. Numerous civilians were killed and dozens injured. The attacks are essentially directed against the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria with its democratic and gender-equal understanding of society and politics, which reflects Syria’s diversity. Minbic, in particular, is also in Turkey’s sights. It is precisely this approach that is essential for peace and reconciliation.

The inclusion of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria in the new political and constitutional discussion is also essential. The Kurdish-led administration should be an important actor in this process.

In the context of Turkey’s attacks, unequivocal responses and sanctions are needed from the international community, above all a halt to arms deliveries and the suspension of agreements in the context of refugees. The intensification of instability affects the entire region, Islamism is a global threat.

The recognition of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria is also essential.

Solidarity and humanitarian aid are the imperative of the hour.

It is important that as many people as possible draw attention to the attacks by Turkey and its Islamist proxies and the resulting dangers.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
Instagram: @eutcc1

Newsletter Nov 2024

  • The recognition of the DAANES seems essential in order to prevent an escalation in the region. Humanitarian aid to the DAANES areas is also essential.

PR: Turkish-controlled ISIS 2.0 military campaign in northern Syria

Our statement ‘Continuities of anti-Kurdish Politics: Again Trustees’

Turkey is carrying out these measures without any consequences. In particular, the European Union and the European institutions, above all the Council of Europe, tolerate this behaviour. The available options for sanctions do not apply in the context of Turkey.

PR: Continuities of anti-Kurdish politics: again trustees

Statement by Marc Cools, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, on dismissal of Kurdish mayors

Following the case of the mayor of Hakkari in June 2024, these dismissals constitute the most recent application of the long-standing practice of appointing trustees, considered by the Congress and the Venice Commission as undermining the very nature of local democracy.

Statement by @hrw on the appointment of trustees to Kurdish / Kurdish-led municipalities in Turkey.

The removal of mayors and dissolution of local councils and their substitution with Ankara appointee ‘trustees’ should be reversed immediately and elected incumbents restored to office.

Statement by Human Rights Watch and International Commission of Jurists on the new espionage law

If an international human rights organization’s “strategic interest” is to protect human rights in all countries, including Türkiye, the new provision opens the risk that a human rights professional who criticizes the actions of the Turkish government for human rights violations could be subject to criminal charges for doing their work, a situation that both violates international law and is wholly untenable, noted the groups.

Turkey Today – our daily news service on Twitter

On Twitter @EUTCC1, we publish a daily summary of news about Turkey in relation to democracy, the rule of law, human rights and international law. Follow us.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
Instagram: @eutcc1

PR: Turkish-controlled ISIS 2.0 military campaign in northern Syria

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our press release Turkish-controlled ISIS 2.0 military campaign in northern Syria.

Kind regards
Prof. Kariane Westrheim

Urgent call for international solidarity 

Turkish-controlled ISIS 2.0 military campaign in northern Syria

In northern Syria, jihadist fighters from the Syrian National Army (SNA) are advancing into the Şehba region. At the same time, the Syrian al-Qaeda offshoot Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) attacks Aleppo. The troops of the Syrian regime were withdrawn almost without a fight. Both structures are orchestrated by Turkey.

Şehba has been a refuge for hundreds of thousands of Kurds (around 150.000) since the occupation of Afrin in 2018. They have to flee again. The Kurdish-majority districts of Aleppo are also surrounded. Christian minorities are affected, too. 

The silence of the international community, with SNA and HTS classified as terrorist organizations, signals that the US has given the green light. 

War crimes and crimes against humanity – which, as experience from the time of ISIS and in Afrin shows, are inevitable – must not be tolerated.

Anyone who wants to avoid new attacks like Brussels, Paris and Batclan must intervene and put Turkey in its place with immediate sanctions. 

In the context of the migration debate, Europe should have an interest in exhausting all possibilities against Turkey in order to prevent new waves of refugees. Suspending the refugee agreement with Turkey and stopping all payments is an unavoidable sanction.

The protection of Christian minorities in particular must also be an incentive for Europe to act. 

Europe defines pluralism and democracy as their main values. It must act accordingly. The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria stands for exactly these values. It is the only democratically organized structure in a region marked by ethnic and confessional connotated as well as international conflict lines. The recognition of the regional administration seems essential in order to prevent an escalation in the region. Humanitarian aid to the DAANES areas is also essential.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
Instagram: @eutcc1