Commentaries #9

Human Rights Jeopardized in Turkey: Governmental and Judicial Intentions to Erode Due Process and the Right to a Fair Trial

Prof. Hasan Aydın, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL, USA

Executive Summary:

Executive Summary: Human Rights Watch and other human rights organizations have drawn attention to abusive persecutions, the erosion of the right to a fair trial and torture during detention in Turkey. The government has ignored or sidestepped the European Convention on Human Rights’ (ECHR) decisions pertaining to pre-trial detentions and fair trials by adding new grounds to indictments and continuing pre- trial detentions.

Newsletter 07/2021

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards Prof. Kariane Westrheim Chairperson 

EUTCC Commentary #7 & #8Written by Prof. Baskın Oran #7: Minorities in Turkey I: Law and Reform#8: Minorities in Turkey II: Ideology and Discrimination

Statement by HDP Foreign Affairs Commission Co-spokespersons Feleknas Uca & Hişyar Özsoy on the rassist attack in Konya which claimed the life of seven members of the family We call on the international community to increase its solidarity with the HDP and the Kurds, as the attacks on us are very much on the rise and becoming even deadlier.

Turkish-backed rebels leave trail of abuse and criminality in Syria’s AfrinThe serene topography of the Syrian enclave of Afrin belies the power vacuum and violence now afflicting many of the territories under the control of Turkish-backed forces in the war-torn country’s northeast.

Turkey uses child soldiers U.S. State Department added Turkey to a list of governments implicated in the use of child soldiers. For the first time a NATO ally was listed.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission Bereich mit Anhängen

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Commentaries #7+8

Minorities in Turkey I: Law and Reform

Baskın Oran

Executive Summary:

Here I uncover the relationship between the term “Turk”(an ethno‐religiousterm that, in some usages covertly, in some overtly, aversthat Turkey is the land of ethnic Turks, and that only Muslims are consideredTurk), and the concepts of race and religion. A critical period for theadvancement of human rights and minority rights in Turkey occurred in theearly 2000s, when the parliament adopted a series of reform packages inorder to harmonize the country’s laws with those of the European Union(EU). I propose to examine a case of these most radical democratic reformscarried out since the establishment of the republic, in order to understandhow these reforms have been put into practice. I also trace the deviationfrom these reforms after 2005, by examining the subsequent laws andpractices that undo or undermine them, and discuss their implications,particularly for Kurds in case of the deterioration under the state ofemergency (Olağanüstü Hal, or OHAL), declared in response to the July 15,2016 coup attempt.

Minorities in Turkey II: Ideology and Discrimination 

Executive summary: This article focuses on the ideological roots of therepressive and discriminatory mentality/philosophy that has shapeddemocracy and minority policies in Turkey. My aim is to analyze theconsequences of this mentality, with an emphasis on hate speech anddiscrimination. To this end, I summarize the consequences of the issues andpolicies discussed in the previous article, and discusstheir future implicationsfor both the state and the people of Turkey. I conclude that it is necessary torefer to citizens not through the ethno‐religious term Turk, and still less asMuslims, but through the thoroughly territorial term Türkiyeli (of Turkey),and to do all that is necessary to ensure such a transformation in mentality.
EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

Newsletter 06/2021

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards Prof. Kariane Westrheim Chairperson 

Letter to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres We hope that you as United Nations Secretary-General will step up your efforts to support the interests of the people in the Makhmour refugee camp and, along with it, find a political solution to the Kurdish question which is crucial for peace in the entire Middle East.

Urgent EUTCC Debate “US – Turkey Relations: The Makhmour Refugee Camp as a Litmus Test in the Context of Human Rights and International Law versus Interest Politics”, 13 June 2021

The speakers:
Nadine Maenza, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, USA 
David Phillips, Director of Peace-Building and Human Rights Programme, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, USA 

Bewar Ünver, Foreign relations committee of Makhmour refugee camp
Kariane Westrheim, EUTCC Chairperson, University of Bergen, Norway
Meghan Bodette, independent researcher focusing on Kurdish issues, USA

EUTCC Commentary #5 & #6Written by our Secretary-General Prof. Michael Gunter, Tennesse Technological University on Turkey’s dealing with the Syrian Kurds 
#5: This wide-ranging survey of the Kurds in Syria will evaluate the mid-term fall-out of the suddenly announced US withdrawal on October 7, 2019.

#6: This Commentary survey’s Turkey’s interaction with Syria’s surprisingly influential Kurds and explores the Turkish-US confrontation over the US support of the Syrian Kurds against ISIS.

Statement by HDP Foreign Affairs Commission Co-spokespersons Feleknas Uca & Hişyar Özsoy on Constitutional Court’s decision to accept the indictment seeking the party’s closure 
“We once again invite the international democratic community to express solidarity and to act against these unabashed efforts to destroy the HDP and deny the will of millions.”

European Council conclusions on external relations regarding Turkey, 24 June 2021“Rule of law and fundamental rights in Turkey remain a key concern. The targeting of political parties, human rights defenders and media represents major setbacks for human rights and runs counter to Turkey’s obligations to respect democracy, the rule of law and women’s rights. Dialogue on such issues remains an integral part of the EU-Turkey relationship.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission Bereich mit Anhängen

Vorschau für YouTube-Video “Urgent EUTCC Debate” ansehen


EP Conference

Letter to United Nations-Secretary General

Dear Mr. Guterres,

On the occasion of the meeting between U.S. President Biden and his Turkish counterpart Erdoğan on the sidelines of the NATO summit and the attack on the Makhmour refugee camp, the EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC) held an emergency debate on 13 June 2021 entitled “US – Turkey Relations: The Makhmour Refugee Camp as a Litmus Test in the Context of Human Rights and International Law versus Interest Politics”.

Relations between the two politicians seemed strained recently. Already during the election campaign, Biden announced a tougher course against Turkey and called Erdoğan an autocrat. Added to this is the recognition of the Armenian genocide by the U.S. president.

In the context of these tensions, reference was made to Turkey’s invasion of the territory of the Kurdistan Regional Government – Iraq which is contrary to international law. Turkey maintains dozens of military bases there. The Makhmour refugee camp was recently also targeted by Turkish attacks. Nearly 12,000 people who were expelled from the Kurdish areas of Turkey in the 1990s live here. On 5 May 2021, a Turkish drone struck in front of a playground, killing three people. Already a year ago, 3 women were killed in a Turkish attack on the camp.

The following speakers attended the debate, which was moderated by Meghan Bodette, independent researcher focusing on Kurdish issues, USA: Nadine Maenza, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, USA – David Phillips, Director of Peace-Building and Human Rights Programme, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, USA – Bewar Ünver, Foreign Relations Committee of Makhmour refugee Camp – Kariane Westrheim, EUTCC Chairperson, University of Bergen, Norway.

Bewar Ünver pointed out the multifaceted effects of the attacks on the camp and criticises the silence of the responsible states and institutions: “We have been attacked on a daily basis, for 4 years, by Turkish drones, targeting civilians in the camp. Psychologically, it has a very bad effect on children, women and society, as it is not known, when and where it will bomb civilians. This is a war crime by Turkey, but all sides are silent and are cooperating against us.”

Kariane Westrheim, who visited the camp for regarding her research three times, referred to the progressive structures in the camp and its political significance: “It is the very mindset Erdogan fear, the democratic self-governing principles that makes the Kurds independent and autonomous, that makes women consciously acting economic and political individuals on an equal footing with, and independent of men.”

Nadine Maenza referred to the links between Turkey and ISIS and Turkey’s attitudes towards Kurds and religious minorities especially in Northeast Syria. She also points out the contradictions of US policy: “The State Department seems keeping nation states allies heavy. So what Turkey is doing right now in Iraq and Syria against ethnic and religious minorities and local autonomist governments just does not raise to the level of lesser offenses against nation states”.

David Phillips underlined the importance of coordinated international actions, addressing the US and the European institutions, against Turkey “to make them know to pay a significant prize if they ignores the international order”.

Based on this, the EU Turkey Civic Commission calls upon the United Nations

  • to fulfil their obligations to the Makhmour camp
  • to implement their own regulations based on the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 protocol for the protection of the camp
  • to impose sanctions against Turkey for violating international law and committing war crimes
  • to put pressure on the Kurdistan Regional Government to lift the embargo on the refugee camp

In times of the pandemic this is even more important. In this context, you have repeatedly referred to the precarious situation of refugees and the need for peaceful conflict resolution. We fully endorse these demands.

We hope that you as United Nations Secretary-General will step up your efforts to support the interests of the people in the Makhmour refugee camp and, along with it, find a political solution to the Kurdish question which is crucial for peace in the entire Middle East.

Yours respectfully,

Prof. Kariane Westrheim
EUTCC Chairperson

Dersim Dagdeviren

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission