Newsletter July 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards Prof. Kariane Westrheim 

EUTCC Commentaries #18: Turkish Racism Against Kurds: Colonial Violence, Racist Slurs and Mob Attacks by Güllistan Yarkın, Independent Researcher, Istanbul
This commentary focuses on how the Turkish state facilitates military urbanism as revanchist and racialized mechanisms of collective punishment to suppress grassroots mobilization, oppositional politics.

Report by Yazidi Justice Committee human rights lawyersTurkey should face charges in front of the international court of justice for being complicit in acts of genocide against the Yazidi people, while Syria & Iraq failed in their duty to prevent the killings

Bianet Male Violence Monitor July 2022 Report– 28 women killed – 12 women subjected to violence- 38 women forced to sex work

ECHR judgment in the case Kavala v. Türkiye: joint statement by the Council of Europe leadersWe urge Türkiye, as a Party to the Convention, to take all necessary steps to implement the judgment. This matter will remain under the supervision of the Committee of Ministers until the judgment is fully implemented.

Statement by HDP Central Executive Board regarding the massacre carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces in Zakho 8 Arab tourists were killed and 17 injured in a Turkish rocket attack on a village in Zaxo in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, according to the district governor.

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