Newsletter September 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 


Council of Europe – Execution of ECHR Judgments in the Kavala Case The Council of Europe’s Ministers Committee deeply regret Osman Kavala’s ongoing detention despite clear judgment & urge Turkey to eliminate all negative consequences of charges against applicant, in particular by ensuring his immediate release

Council of Europe – Execution of ECHR Judgments in the Demirtaş Case The Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers underline urgent need for Constitutional Court to conclude examination of Selahattin Demirtas’ ongoing detention asap with full regard to ECHR reasoning under Art 18 violation & meantime strongly urge again his immediate release

Report on human rights violations for the month of August by CHP MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu

– 186 workers died on the job 

– 38 women died in femicides 

– 7 people died in prisons

Report on Violations of Press The Media Freedom Rapid Response, a group monitoring violations of press freedom in European Union member states and candidate countries, has published its first semi-annual report of the year

EUTCC Commentaries #20:Promoting Terror by the Turkish StateThe Case of the Turkistan Islamic Partyby Seevan Saeed, Shaanxi Normal University When it comes to the issue of terror and terrorism, the Turkish State very comfortably labels whoever is not in line with Turkey’s interest and strategy. Moreover, almost all Western states are outspokenly suggesting that they do understand Turkish concern about its national security and its struggle for counter terrorism actions. However, the other side of the coin is very rarely looked at. This article argues that the Turkish State is promoting terror through supporting the Islamist fundamentalist organisations inside and outside Turkey. The aid and support of the Turkistan Islamic party is one of the cases that Turkey has its hand in it.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
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