EUTCC Newsletter July 2023

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our current newsletter. 

Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 

EUTCC Chairperson 

Press Briefing on the situation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan 

The U.K.-based Trade Union Campaign for Abdullah Ocalan was joined by members of the Kurdish community and over 40 trade unions, local governments, NGOs and others for a press conference in front of the European Parliament demanding international action on the case of jailed Kurdish political leader Abdullah Ocalan whom lawyers and family members had not heard from for 28 months

Arrest of journalist Merdan Yanardağ on terror charges 

The editor-in-chief of TELE1 TV, Merdan Yanardağ, who was arrested on on charges of “propaganda for a terrorist organization” and “praising criminals” had criticized the government for not allowing the imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan to meet with his family and lawyers

Website bans 

Turkey issued access bans to 712,558 websites in 2022, a recent report by the Istanbul-based Freedom of Expression Association (İFÖD) revealed.

EUTCC Commentaries 

The Kurdistan Workers Party is often considered a latecomer that miraculously survived the 1980 military coup. Yet the establishment of the party in 1978 was preceded by a long process of group formation that started shortly after the 1971 military coup in Turkey. This article presents a chronology of the PKK during the 1970s.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
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