Newsletter July 2024

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our current newsletter.

Kind regards

Dersim Dağdeviren
EUTCC board member

Nobel Laureates for Mr. Öcalan’s Freedom & Negotiations 

69 Nobel Laureates address the Committee of Ministers of the CoE, the ECtHR, the CPT & the UN Human Rights Committee and call for Abdullah Öcalan’s isolation conditions to be lifted, his release and renewed peace negotiations between Turkey and the PKK

Statement: Turkey’s anti-Kurdish war escalation 

The EUTCC condemns Turkey’s anti-Kurdish war escalation and calls for an end to the invasion policy that violates international law, an immediate package of measures against Turkey’s expansionist foreign policy and an immediate visit by the CPT to the prison island of İmralı.

Human Rights Watch Submission to the United Nations Committee Against Torture on Turkey 

The Committee should ask the state party to supply detailed information about the steps it is taking to halt acts of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment committed by its military forces and intelligence personnel, together with affiliated local militias, that constitute not only human rights violations but potential war crimes and ensure that all individuals under its control, including military personnel and armed groups, adhere to international human rights law and humanitarian law, in particular the absolute prohibition on torture and inhuman and degrading treatment.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
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