Newsletter September 2024

Our statement: CoM failed to push Turkey to implement the ECHR judgment 

We urge the Committee of Ministers to put pressure on Turkey to implement the demands – a review mechanism for everyone in the light of the standard set out by the ECHR and the adoption of legislative measures to secure a mechanism with the possibility of release – urgently and to use all available mechanisms for this.

Press conference of layers regarding Mr. Öcalan’s solitary confinement 

More than 1500 lawyers worldwide have sent a letter to the Turkish Justice Ministry regarding the restriction of Mr. Abdullah Öcalan’s right of access to his llawyers and submitted their application for a meeting with him.

Report by UN Syria Commission of Inquiry 

The United Nations Syria Commission of Inquiry published its new report. It is noted that Turkey continued to target civilian settlements in Northern & Eastern Syria.

World Peace Day

On World Peace Day, let’s keep doing all we can to encourage more peace, democracy and freedom in the world. 

In the context of Turkey, we will continue to work for a political solution to the Kurdish question and a democratisation of the country & thus the region.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
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Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
Instagram: @eutcc1
