Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our current newsletter.
Kind regards
Prof. Kariane Westrheim
Our statement: Doves of peace needed instead of hail of bombs
Turkey must immediately stop its attacks in Iraq and Syria, which violate international law. This requires condemnation, clear measures and immediate sanctions from the international community, above all the United Nations and the European Union, against Turkey.
Turkish Airstrikes on Northern Syria
Update by the Rojava Information Center
Information note following the fact-finding visit of the Monitoring Committee
Co-rapporteurs: Mr Stefan Schennach (Austria, SOC) and Ms Jill Mortimer (United Kingdom, EC/DA)
Statement by Human Rights Watch on EU’s migration support to Turkey
While Turkey is engaged in summary deportations of Syrians and Afghans, the European Union continues to provide funds for migration management to Turkey. The EU should make sure its migration support to Turkey is not used to violate rights.
EU Turkey Civic Commission
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