Newsletter 08/2021

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
The latest developments in Turkey around human rights, democracy and the Covid pandemic can be found as a daily summary on our social media channels Twitter and Facebook and as a weekly summary on our homepage.

Kind regards Prof. Kariane Westrheim Chairperson 

EUTCC Commentary #9 Written by Prof. Hasan AydinHuman Rights Jeopardized in Turkey: Governmental and Judicial Intentions to Erode Due Process and the Right to a Fair Trial

Murder case of HDP member Deniz Poyraz Türkan Aslan, an attorney for Deniz Poyraz, who was killed in the HDP İzmir Office, says that the Historical Traffic Search (HTS) records of the armed assailant’s phone shows that he was not acting alone.

Solitary confinement on Imrali prison island continues Attorney of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan: 251 unanswered applications since August 2019

EU Turkey Civic Commission
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Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission