Newsletter 10/2021

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards 
Prof. Kariane Westrheim Chairperson 

EUTCC Commentaries #11 by Dr. Arzu Yılmaz: What Will Happen to the Kurds if the US Withdraws from Syria and Iraq?The future of the Kurds in Iraq and Syria after a US withdrawal has already begun to take shape. The containment of Kurdish political and military cross‐border mobility has been achieved to some extent by paving the way for Turkey’s military operations; it is now contingent on the recomposition of a desired ‘favorable balance of power” to fill the power vacuum in the Middle East. With an aggressive Turkish stance in the region, however, neither this containment policy nor the efforts made toward themaintenance of the “favorable balance of power” can be successful.
Key findings of the European Commission’s Report on Turkey There are serious deficiencies in the functioning of Turkey’s democratic institutions. Democratic backsliding continued during the reporting period. Structural deficiencies of the presidential system remained in place. Key recommendations of the Council of Europe and its bodies remain to be addressed. The Parliament continued to lack the necessary means to hold the government accountable. The constitutional architecture continued to centralise powers at the level of the Presidency without ensuring a sound and effective separation of powers between the executive, legislative and the judiciary.

Statement by European Parliament’s Turkey Rapporteur Nacho Sánchez Amor and Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee Sergey Lagodinsky on Erdoğan’s order to declare 10 ambassadors ‘persona non grata’
The measures announced by President Erdoğan against 10 ambassadors over their statement on the ongoing persecution of businessman Osman Kavala are incomprehensible and completely baseless.
EU Turkey Civic Commission
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