Newsletter January 2022

Dear Sir or Madam, 
Please find below our monthly newsletter. 
Kind regards 
Prof. Kariane Westrheim Chairperson 

Mourning for EP’s PresidentThe EUTCC is saddened to hear of the passing of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament. Our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. 

Commentaries #13: Turkish Paramilitaries during the Conflict with the Kurdistan Workers’ PartyBy Dr. Ayhan Işık Executive Summary: This paper focuses on how the paramilitary organisations of the Turkish state have transformed and been used over time as a ‘useful’ tool against dissidents, especially the Kurds. Paramilitary groups have been one of the main actors in the war between the Turkish state and the PKK, which has been ongoing for nearly forty years. These groups have sometimes been used as auxiliary forces and at other times made into death squads operating alongside the official armed forces, and they have mainly been used against Kurdish civilians who allegedly supportthe PKK, especially at the height of the war in unsolved murders, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings since the 1980. In this article, I argue that the Turkish state elites use this apparatus not only in domestic politics but also in conflicts in the Middle East and the Caucasus and that this paramilitary tradition of the state even extends to western Europe

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV): At least 18 people killed in armored vehicle crashes in four years, mostly in Kurdish majority southeast.

Turkey ranks first in violations of freedom of expression again, show the 2021 annual statistics of the European Court of Human Rights

Congratulations The EUTCC congratulates Roberta Metsola on the election as President of the European Parliament. The EUTCC also congratulates Tiny Cox on the election as President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 

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