Newsletter August 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards Prof. Kariane Westrheim 

Statement by Save the children on Turkey’s attacks in Northern Syria The latest casualties in an upsurge of violence which has killed at least 13 children and injured an additional 27 this month, says Save the Children.

The SNA Encyclopedia: A Guide to the Turkish Proxy MilitiasThis report is a compilation of open-source information about the current state of the SNA militias active in the Turkish-occupied territories of Syria (as of August 2022).

Report by Iraq Body Count in cooperation with an international NGO coalition led from the Iraq Civil Society Solidarity on the civilian casualties of bombing by Turkey in Northern Iraq from 2015-2021The increasing harm that the Turkish Military’s crossborder operations in northern Iraq are causing to the civilian population is an issue of concern. It requires joint actions to be taken on local, regional, and international levels.

Human Rights Watch issued a Q&A document that focuses on Turkey’s threatened military incursion to parts of northern SyriaKey Concerns Include Unlawful Attacks, Worsening Humanitarian Conditions, ISIS Resurgence

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission


Commentaries #19

Some Implications of Sweden and Finland Joining NATO

|Michael Gunter, Tennessee University, US

|Executive Summary:

Sweden and Finland’s decision to abandon their longtime, famous neutrality and apply for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) indicates that Russian president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has disastrously backfired. These two new NATO members will bring tangible geostrategic benefits to the alliance, not just a token weight. NATO has suddenly gained a new and greater strength and legitimacy. As for the Kurds, they need to understand that NATO’s deal with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan to approve Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership in return for their cracking down on supposed Kurdish terrorists sheltering within their borders is not as hostile to Kurdish interests as they claim. Sweden and Finland are not likely to extradite Kurds accused of political crimes to Turkey. The Kurds should comprehend their very secondary position in the existential power struggle involving NATO and Russia and not overreact against it. As explained below, this deal with Turkey, like earlier ones, is not likely to be as inimical to Kurdish interests as first meets the eye the eye.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

Newsletter July 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards Prof. Kariane Westrheim 

EUTCC Commentaries #18: Turkish Racism Against Kurds: Colonial Violence, Racist Slurs and Mob Attacks by Güllistan Yarkın, Independent Researcher, Istanbul
This commentary focuses on how the Turkish state facilitates military urbanism as revanchist and racialized mechanisms of collective punishment to suppress grassroots mobilization, oppositional politics.

Report by Yazidi Justice Committee human rights lawyersTurkey should face charges in front of the international court of justice for being complicit in acts of genocide against the Yazidi people, while Syria & Iraq failed in their duty to prevent the killings

Bianet Male Violence Monitor July 2022 Report– 28 women killed – 12 women subjected to violence- 38 women forced to sex work

ECHR judgment in the case Kavala v. Türkiye: joint statement by the Council of Europe leadersWe urge Türkiye, as a Party to the Convention, to take all necessary steps to implement the judgment. This matter will remain under the supervision of the Committee of Ministers until the judgment is fully implemented.

Statement by HDP Central Executive Board regarding the massacre carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces in Zakho 8 Arab tourists were killed and 17 injured in a Turkish rocket attack on a village in Zaxo in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, according to the district governor.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission


Commentaries #18

Turkish Racism Against Kurds: Colonial Violence, Racist Slurs and Mob Attacks

|Güllistan Yarkın, Independent Researcher, Istanbul

|Executive Summary:

This commentary focuses on how the Turkish state facilitates military urbanism as revanchist and racialized mechanisms of collective punishment to suppress grassroots mobilization, oppositional politics, This commentary focuses on how the Turkish state facilitates military urbanism as revanchist and racialized mechanisms of collective punishment to suppress grassroots mobilization, oppositional politics, Throughout the 20th century, the modern Turkish state has dealt with ethnically, socially, historically, and religiously defined groups living in the remaining Ottoman territory with different forms of integration and authoritarianism. It built a racialized social regime based on Turkish supremacy, and the state has ruled northern Kurdistan as a colony. This article focuses on Turkish racist slurs and racist mob attacks targeting Kurds in Turkish cities and analyzes them in relation to Turkish colonial domination in northern Kurdistan. It argues that the Turkish army has an important place in making the racialized social regime and producing and disseminating the racialized ideas, slurs and practices targeting Kurds. The article also identifies the year 2005 as a milestone in the history of Turkish-Kurdish relations and Turkish racism. In that year, following the flag-provocation event in Mersin, which was carried out by the Turkish deep-state forces, ‘respect the flag’ demonstrations were organized throughout Turkey. These demonstrations mobilized thousands of Turks around anti-Kurdish sentiments, and since then, the number of racist mob attacks against Kurds in Turkey has increased significantly.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

Newsletter June 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter. 
Kind regards Kariane Westrheim EUTCC Chairperson 

Statement by S&D on the progress report prepared by MEP Nacho Sánchez Amor, the European Parliament’s rapporteur on Turkey The S&D urges Ankara to end its authoritarian drift and stop accommodating Russia. Turkey should instead align with the EU sanctions imposed against the Kremlin.

Press conference on the situation of political prisoners in Turkey in the Geneva Press clubSpeakers: Lawyers for Freedom R. Ergül, Asrın Law Office R. Sarıca & Permanent Representative to the UN, American Association of Jurists G. Fattorini

Eren Keskin, co-chair of Human Rights Association on paramilitary forces in the Kurdish majority areas of Turkey“These paramilitary structures are free to do anything while civil society considered to be terrorists.”

Briefing by World Organisation Against Torture Authorities in Turkey use anti-terror laws as a weapon against human rights work, criminalizing thousands of peaceful activists.

World Refugee DayThe number of refugees around the world has surpassed 100 million. On World Refugee Day, the EUTCC remains committed to democratisation in the Middle East and Turkey. A political solution to the Kurdish question is an essential factor here. 

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission
