18th EUTCC Conference

The EUTCC is pleased to announce the programme of its 18th International Conference on EU, Turkey and the Kurds on 6-7 December 2023 in the European Parliament.

18th EUTCC Conference


An official “European Parliament personal badge/pass” will be available for all ALREADY REGISTERED participants to the Conference.

Your “personal badge / pass” will be available at the main entrance of the European Parliament (Place de Luxembourg – main European Parliament’s building “Altiero Spinelli”

  • Wednesday 6th December 2023, 15.00 – 16.00
  • Thursday 7th December 2023, 08.00 – 08.45

All participants must take care of their own “EP badge / pass” during both days; if someone lose the “pass / badge”, it will be impossible for the conference’s organizers to replace it, according to the E.P. internal rules.

For any additional information, please contact the conference’s secretariat:

Wednesday, 6th December 2023, 16.30-17.00

Interpretation in
English and Turkish (with possibility to speak in German, French and Kurdish)

Opening Speeches and Greetings

•Ms. Kariane Westrheim, Chair of EUTCC, University of Bergen, Norway

•Mr. Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament, The Left, Greece

•Mr. Andreas Schieder, MEP, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Austria

Wednesday, 6th December 2023, 17.00-20:00
Panel I – Room SPAAK 04B01

Post-election Turkey

Moderator: Ms. Ayça Çubukçu, London School of Economics and Politics, UK

Interpretation in
English and Turkish (with possibility to speak in German, French and Kurdish)

Introduction: How & Why Erdogan Won in the May 2023 Elections
•Mr. Michael Gunter, EUTCC Secretary General, Tennessee Technological University, US

Turkey Has Voted: Quo vadis?
•Mr. Irfan Aktan, journalist, Turkey

Turkey After The Elections: Democracy (Im)possible
•Ms. Çiğdem Kilicgün Uçar, MP, former Co-Chair of the Party of Greens and the Left (YSP)

The (Lack of) Opposition in Turkey
•Ms. Aslı Erdoğan, writer, Germany

Turkey and the European Union: A Critical Approach
•Ms. Ana Miranda, MEP, The Greens/EFA, Spain tbc

Questions and Discussion with Moderators and Speakers

Thursday, 7th December 2023, 09.00-10.15

Panel II – Room SPINELLI 1G2

100 Years of the Treaty of Lausanne: Claim and Reality of a ‘Peace’

Moderator: Ms. Nil Mutluer, University of Leipzig, Germany

Interpretation in
English, Turkish, French, Spanish, German (with possibility to speak in Kurdish)

The Treaty of Lausanne: History and Political Continuities
•Mr. Hans-Lukas Kieser University of Zurich, Switzerland

Reassessing the Republican Practices and the Kurdish Alter-Politics
•Mr. Jan Yasin Sunca, Bielefeld University, Germany

Europe and the Kurdish Question: Historical Responsibility and Expectations
•Mr. Amed Dicle, journalist, Belgium

The European Union and Turkey: At the Crossroads?
•Mr. Brando Benifei, MEP, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Italy

Questions and Discussion with Moderators and Speakers

Thursday, 7th December 2023, 10.15-11.45

Panel IV – Room SPINELLI 1G2

Transition Period in World Politics

Moderator: Ms. Eda Bektas, KURD-AKAD, Germany

Interpretation in
English, Turkish, French, Spanish, German (with possibility to speak in Kurdish)

Ecocide and Climate Change – Local Responses to Multi-layered Crises in North East Syria
•Ms. Şermin Güven, Free University Berlin, Germany

The New World Order: Contradictions and Truths
•Ms. Nursel Aydogan, former HDP MP, Germany

Sweden, the NATO and the Kurds: Challenges and Options
•Ms. Lindsey Snell, journalist, US

The Middle East between Status Quo and Democratic Transition: Obstacles and Perspectives
•Ms. Asya Abdullah, PYD Co-Chair, Syria

Europe and the New World Order: Positions and Perspectives
•Mr. Nikolaj Villumsen, MEP, The Left, Denmark

Questions and Discussion with Moderators and Speakers

Thursday, 7th December 2023, 11.45-13.00
Panel IV – Room SPINELLI 1G2

Lasting Peace: Raising Voices

Moderator: Ms. Kariane Westrheim, EUTCC Chairperson, University of Bergen, Norway

Interpretation in
English, Turkish, French, Spanish, German (with possibility to speak in Kurdish)

Beyond the Island: The Systematics of Isolation
•Ms. Raziye Öztürk, Asrın Law Office, Turkey

The Conditions on the İmralı Prison Island in the Context of Health
•Ms. Dersim Dağdeviren, KURD-AKAD, EUTCC Board Member, Germany

The Causa İmralı: Open the Gates
•Ms. Laura Quagliuolo, Author of children’s books, Italy
•Ms. Zülfünaz Coskun, Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe, Belgium

Questions and Discussion with Moderators and Speakers

Thursday, 7th December 2023, 15.00-16:30

Panel VI – Room SPINELLI 1G2

Living Freedom – Women’s Perspectives

Moderator: Ms. Shilan Fuad Hussain, Middlesex University London, UK

Interpretation in
English, Turkish, French, Spanish, German (with possibility to speak in Kurdish)

Feminist Foreign Policy: Contradictions and Options
•Ms. Dastan Jasim, German Institute for Global Area Studies, Germany

Women’s Revolution and the Middle East
•Ms. Soheila Shahriari, University of Paris, France

Jin, Jiyan, Azadî: A Call to World Democratic Women’s Confederalism
•Ms. Elif Kaya, Jineoloji Center Brussels, Belgium

Women & Politics: United Against War
•Ms. Özlem Alev Demirel, MEP, The Left, Germany

Questions and Discussion with Moderators and Speakers

Thursday, 7th December 2023, 16:30-17:30

Panel III – Room SPINELLI 1G2

The European Union and Turkey: Cooperation and Contradictions

Moderator: Mr. Naif Bezwan, University of Vienna, Austria

Interpretation in
English, Turkish, French, Spanish, German (with possibility to speak in Kurdish)

Interview with

•Mr. Nacho Sanchez Amor, MEP, Turkey Rapporteur, Spain

Questions and Discussion with Moderators and Speakers

Thursday, 7 December 2023, 17:30-18.00

Closing Session – Room SPAAK 05B01

Conclusions, Recommendations and Final Resolution
Board of EUTCC

Interpretation in
English, Turkish, French, Spanish, German (with possibility to speak in Kurdish)

•Mr. Miguel Urban Crespo, MEP, The Left, Spain
•Ms. Kariane Westrheim, Chair of EUTCC, University of Bergen, Norway
•Ms. Dersim Dağdeviren, KURD-AKAD, EUTCC Board Member, Germany

Stop Turkey’s war on Northern Syria

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below and attached our statement regarding Turkey’s war on Northern Syria.

Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 

EUTCC Chairperson 

Stop Turkey’s war on Northern Syria

Turkey has been bombing northern Syria since October 4, 2023. Civilians and critical infrastructure are targeted in the attacks. The day before, the Turkish Foreign Minister and former head of intelligence Hakan Fidan openly announced these attacks.

While the international community rightly speaks of crimes against humanity and international law in relation to Russia’s war against Ukraine, condoning silence prevails in relation to NATO member Turkey.

This double standard is intolerable. International law and human rights are universal.

The international community and all international organizations, first and foremost the United Nations, the European Union, and the Council of Europe, are called upon to react immediately. These crimes against humanity must be internationally outlawed and met with sanctions.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

Commentaries #25

Commentaries #25

Chronology of the PKK: From group formation to party (1973–1980)

By Prof. Joost Jongerden, University of Wageningen 

Executive summary: 

The Kurdistan Workers Party (Partîya Karkêren Kurdistan, PKK) is often considered a latecomer that miraculously survived the 1980 military coup. Yet the establishment of the party in 1978 was preceded by a long process of group formation that started shortly after the 1971 military coup in Turkey. This article presents a chronology of the PKK during the 1970s. 

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

EUTCC Newsletter July 2023

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our current newsletter. 

Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 

EUTCC Chairperson 

Press Briefing on the situation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan 

The U.K.-based Trade Union Campaign for Abdullah Ocalan was joined by members of the Kurdish community and over 40 trade unions, local governments, NGOs and others for a press conference in front of the European Parliament demanding international action on the case of jailed Kurdish political leader Abdullah Ocalan whom lawyers and family members had not heard from for 28 months

Arrest of journalist Merdan Yanardağ on terror charges 

The editor-in-chief of TELE1 TV, Merdan Yanardağ, who was arrested on on charges of “propaganda for a terrorist organization” and “praising criminals” had criticized the government for not allowing the imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan to meet with his family and lawyers


Website bans 

Turkey issued access bans to 712,558 websites in 2022, a recent report by the Istanbul-based Freedom of Expression Association (İFÖD) revealed.


EUTCC Commentaries 

The Kurdistan Workers Party is often considered a latecomer that miraculously survived the 1980 military coup. Yet the establishment of the party in 1978 was preceded by a long process of group formation that started shortly after the 1971 military coup in Turkey. This article presents a chronology of the PKK during the 1970s. 


EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission


EUTCC Newsletter June 2023

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our current newsletter. 

Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 

EUTCC Chairperson 

European Parliament’s report on Turkey

European Parliament’s Turkey Rapporteur Nacho Sanchez Amor presented the first draft of this year’s on Turkey. 

The Council of Europe’s annual penal statistics on prison population for 2022

Turkey is the country with the highest total number of inmates. 


Security service vehicles kill Kurdish children

Statement by HDP Foreign Affairs Spokespersons Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy: It should be underlined that in incidents of death or injury resulting from actions of the security forces, there are often no investigations launched, or perpetrators may receive “penalties” that seem more like rewards. 


Turkey’s targeted assassination of civilians in North and East Syria 

Statement by HDP Foreign Affairs Spokespersons Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy: We call on everyone to make sure that these attacks are not forgotten and allowed to fade, un-noticed, into history, and ask the national leaders and international organisations to ensure that Turkey stops such attacks that violate both the international and humanitarian law.


EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

Bereich mit Anhängen

Vorschau für YouTube-Video “(05/06/2023) Presentation of the European Parliament Annual Report on Türkiye.” ansehen
