June 2023

Turkey Weekly 26 June – 2 July 2023

Turkey Today – 02.07.2023

33 people who lost their lives in the Madımak massacre were commemorated with a march in Sivas on 30th anniversary. 

HDP, which published a message on the 30th anniversary of the Madımak Massacre, said: “The state and the government, which did not confront the massacre, still discriminate between peoples and beliefs today. An effective confrontation is essential for social peace and tranquility.

CHP MP Tanrıkulu has stated that “so-called” opposition politicians contributed to the arrest of journalist Merdan Yanardağ without explicitly mentioning any name. I a live Tele1 broadcast he said that some opposition figures engage in politics “within the boundaries drawn by the Justice and Development Party (AKP).” 

Turkey Today – 01.07.2023

HDP co-chair Pervin Buldan has stated that they will field mayoral candidates “everywhere, especially in metropolitan cities” for the 2024 local elections. 

Saturday Mothers were again prevented by the police to gather at Galatasaray Square despite the Constitutional Court’s decision. Participants were handcuffed behind their backs and detained. Journalist were prevented from covering news again this week. 

Although there is a suitable donor candidate for Fırat Nebioğlu, whose two kidneys failed in prison, who fell from 63 kg to 44 kg and lives on dialysis, the application for kidney transplantation is pending. 

Stating that they will be on the streets against the decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, members of Women’s Advocacy Network said: “It is not over for us yet and we will continue their legal struggle. 

Turkey Today – 30.06.2023

Director, writers and musicians from around the world demanded that the imprisoned Kurdish musician Nudem Durak be released. 

A raid was carried out on the home of the Democratic Regions Party Izmir former provincial co-chair Melis Akgül in İzmir. After a search of the house, Akgül was taken into custody.

The gendarmerie battered and detained journalist Mehmet Yalman, owner of news outlet Malatya Haber24, for wanting to take photos of a train accident in Malatya’s Yeşilyurt district.

An Islamist group attempted to disrupt the exhibition in the “Art Istanbul Feshane” opened by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, claiming it was promoting “LGBTI+ and socialism propaganda.”

Turkey Today – 28.06.2023

An İstanbul court has ruled to block access to 93 websites and Twitter accounts which published the special report of Reuters regarding a preliminary probe into President Erdoğan’s son Bilal Erdoğan. 

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that the legal regulation in Turkey requiring 300 days to pass before women can remarry after divorce is “directly a gender discrimination.”

The World Bank has announced its approval of 1 billion US dollars in financing to assist Turkey in the reconstruction of rural housing and essential public services in earthquake-affected regions.

Turkey Today – 27.06.2023

Journalist Merdan Yanardağ, who was detained due to his remarks on TELE1 that the solitary confinement of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan is unlawful, was placed under arrest by a Judgeship.

Turkish warplanes bombed the Amediye countryside in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 

Journalist Mehmet Yetim, who posted footages of harassment against a 2-year-old boy, was detained in Urfa’s Siverek district.

The release of Nevzat Öztürk, who has been in prison for more than 31 years, has been postponed for 3 months on the grounds of “not reading enough books” and “not using electricity sparingly”.

Jailed film producer and journalist Çiğdem Mater, who was convicted in the Gezi Park trial last year, has explained that her request to acquire tampons was denied by a male doctor who said “Turkish women don’t use tampons.”

Turkey’s Communications Directorate has dismissed a recent Reuters report allegedly revealing bribery talks between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son and a subsidiary of an American company based in Sweden.

Turkey Today – 26.06.2023

Merdan Yanardağ, editor-in-chief of the TELE1 channel, has been detained in an investigation for “making propaganda for a terrorist organization”. In a TV programme he said “There is no legal basis for the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan. It should be lifted. He cannot even meet with his family or his lawyers. How a penal execution system is this?” 

Stating that Turkey has systematically violated the prohibition of torture, HDP Law and Human Rights Commission said: “Torture and ill-treatment practices have been moved from detention centers to the streets.”

Ferit Orak from Bolu Type F Closed Prison has been released after his release was postponed twice. 

Turkey Weekly 19 – 25 June 2023

Turkey Today – 25.06.2023

Democratic Regions Party (DBP) held its 5th Extraordinary Congress in the Ankara World Trade Center. Saliha Aydeniz and Keskin Bayındır were re-elected as co-chairs.

While some of the prisoners protesting the violations of rights in Kırıklar No. 1 Type F Prison were transferred to a different prison, an investigation was launched against some of them.

Due to the 31st Istanbul LGBTİ+ Pride Week, Istanbul Governor’s Office closed all the subway stations in Beyoğlu district. The police blockaded the entire Taksim Square and all the roads leading to İstiklal Avenue. The riot police continue to blockade some of the participants and detained 60 people. They tried to prevent journalists from taking footage.

Turkey Today – 24.06.2023

Despite rulings of the Constitutional Court, the police blockade in Galatasaray Square continued in the 952nd week and Saturday Mothers were prevented and detained again.

Meral Akşener was re-elected as the İYİ Party chair during her party’s convention in which she ran as the only candidate. She made a very aggressive speech attacking the party cadres and other opposition figures criticizing İYİ party for the defeat in the presidential elections.

An official from the AKP claimed that they would be able to close all LGBTI+ associations in Turkey with the constitutional amendment proposal prepared for the “protection of the family.” 

Music Interpreters Chamber on June 23 announced that the Turkish government lifted the ban on music past midnight which was introduced as part of the COVID-19-related measures in 2021.

Turkey Today – 23.06.2023

Three police officers arrested in the torture investigation of 14-year-old Y.D. in Diyarbakır’s Lice district have been released.

Eight of the 17 Kurdish politicians in the KCK trial in Istanbul were sentenced to a total of 50 years in prison for “being members of a terrorist organization”. 

Can Atalay, the imprisoned MP of the Workers’ Party of Turkey (TİP), was elected as a member of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights Investigation during yesterday’s session.

Peace Mother Hayriye Türkekul was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison for “being a member of a terrorist organization”.

Turkish authorities have banned a commemoration program planned by Alevi organizations in Istanbul’s Sultangazi district to remember victims of the Sivas Massacre. 

Journalist Sezgin Kartal charged with “being a member of a terrorist organization” was released after 160 days of detention. JINNEWS reporter Beritan Canözer has also been released. 

Ankara Architects Chamber chair Tezcan Karakuş Candan has not been notified about the cancellation of her service passport and found out about it as she was preparing to go to Copenhagen to attend the World Congress of Architects.

Erdoğan’s ally and New Welfare Party’s leader Fatih Erbakan has supported removing the theory of evolution from the curriculum in the schools since it makes people “PKK members” and “communists” because “the PKK also teaches the theory of evolution.” 

Turkey Today – 22.06.2023

The lawyers of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to the Bursa prosecutor’s office for a meeting with their client. 

In the lawsuit filed against Kurdish politician and former MP Emine Ayna on the allegation of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization”, the prosecutor demanded a penalty from 1 to 5 years. 

Seriously ill prisoner 84-year old Mehmet Emin Özkan was not released despite the “relegation” decision in the Lice Massacre case. 

It was stated that political prisoners in Kırıklar No. 1 Type F Closed Prison set the ward in the B block on fire twice to protest their rights violations. 

An investigation has been launched into 26 people over their press release in front of Bayramiç District Governor’s Office, protesting against the cancellation of Kazdağı Ecology Festival for the fourth year in a row.

President Erdoğan spoke at his party’s parliamentary meeting for the first time after the elections and continued his rhetoric by accusing the opposition politicians including CHP chair Kılıçdaroğlu of “being pro-LGBT.”

Turkey Today – 21.06.2023

Yesterday, the Hakkari Governorate declared a ban on various public activities and events for 15 days. 

Saturday Mothers, whose actions in Galatasaray Square are prevented every day despite the decision of the Constitutional Court, will apply to the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court. 

Kurdish musician Cafer Alp, who was on trial for the songs he sang, was sentenced to prison for secret shootings considered “unlawful evidence”.

Turkish Airlines has reportedly dismissed its pilot Evren Kaptan over sharing support messages for main opposition CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu and Istanbul Mayor İmamoğlu on his social media account. 

The Education Ministry has dismissed a teacher and principal from duty after former Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek’s targeting of them due to a rainbow decoration used at one of the classrooms at the report card ceremony.

Turkish authorities have cancelled Kazdağı Ecology Festival for the fourth year in a row, again citing the “risk of fire.”.  

Osman Kavala made a statement about Turkish state television TRT’s depiction of him as the main character of a black propaganda series called “Metamorfoz” and said that public resources are being used to create the perception that he is a criminal.

Turkey Today – 20.06.2023

AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik criticized the Constitutional Court’s decision of rejecting the request to block Treasury aid paid to the pro-Kurdish HDP and said it will “create weakness” in the fight against “terrorism.”

In a Turkish drone attack on Northern Syria Yusra Derweş, co-leader of Kamishlo Canton, her deputy Liman Şiweş, and driver Firat Tuma lost their lives. 

Yesterday evening a military operation was launched in Hakkari’s Yüksekova district. Clashes were reported. 

With the start of the legislative period for newly elected parliamentarians, investigations will begin against former MPs, among them CHP chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who have files prepared against them during their term. 

Ömer Salimoğlu, who has been recently appointed to the presidency of Karadeniz Technical University (KTÜ)’s Health, Culture and Sports Directorate, previously shared on social media posts that praised ISIS. 

Turkey Today – 19.06.2023

The Constitutional Court has rejected the Court of Cassation’s request to block Treasury aid paid to HDP over not entering the 2023 parliamentary elections.

The General Directorate of Security (EGM) filed a criminal complaint against Green Left Party Istanbul MP Özgül Saki on the grounds that she made an “invader” analogy. Prior to the criminal complaint, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya had made a statement and said: “I strongly condemn the HDP MP who insulted our police officers who tried to prevent an unauthorized demonstration by calling them ‘invaders’.”

4 people, including Social Freedom Party (TOP) Central Coordination Member Hatice Göz, were detained in house raids in Ankara and İzmir. 5 people were detained in house raids in Hakkari’s Yüksekova district. 

In a statement on Twitter, mafia leader Alaattin Çakıcı has celebrated Father’s Day of President Erdoğan and MHP chair Devlet Bahçeli. 

Turkey Weekly 12 – 18 June 2023

Turkey Today – 18.06.2023

President Erdoğan has deemed CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu “dictator” for not resigning from the party leadership following the election loss. Erdoğan also likened the row between CHP Istanbul Mayor İmamoğlu and Kılıçdaroğlu to “throne fights between father and son.” 

Yesterday Anti-LGBTI+ groups tried to attack İzmir Bar Association’s pride month breakfast while the police did not intervene. At the same time, the anti-LGBTI+ platform organized a press statement full of hate speech at the Culture Ministry’s museum.

AKP-led Denizli municipality cancels concerts of two singers over their support for LGBTI+s. 

Turkey Today – 17.06.2023

Police raided HDP Şişli District Office in İstanbul at night.

Journalist Sinan Aygül, who has been writing about the corruption and land sales of the municipality for a while, was attacked by the bodyguards of the AKP’s Tatvan Municipality Mayor Emin Geylani. Aygül. 

The indefinite and nonrotating hunger strike of 6 prisoners in Kırıkkale Type F High Security Closed Prison continues on its 6th day.

Police detained the Saturday Mothers at Galatasaray Square during their weekly vigil and blockaded the press release of HDP and Green Left Party MPs who came to support the group.

The imam of a madrassa in Urfa where a 12-year-old found dead has been released. 

The president of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD), Orhan Turan, on June 16 said that they expect the Parliament to return to the İstanbul Convention. 

Turkey Today – 16.06.2023

CHP chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has dismissed all of his advisors that he had appointed prior to June 4, the party announced.

Turkish warplanes bombed the countryside of Amediye in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 

Gökay Başcan, an editor for the daily BirGün, has been sentenced to 23 months and 10 days in prison over allegations of insulting President Erdoğan and a member of the Court of Cassation.

An investigation has been launched on the news of MA’s “Garrison Commander arrested for sexual abuse of 15 soldiers”, whose access was blocked, upon the complaint of the commander mentioned in the news. 

Former HDP Dersim Provincial Co-Chair Hıdır Çiçek was detained as a result of the raid on his house. 

Two police officers in Turkey have been dismissed from duty after pulling the car of then AKP MP Zeynep Gül Yılmaz during a traffic stop back in 2021. In the incident, Yılmaz was seen insulting the police officers. 

Turkey Today – 15.06.2023

The fourth meeting of the Permanent Joint Mechanism where delegations of Turkey, Finland, Sweden, and NATO participated was held in Ankara yesterday. “We will not allow Sweden [to join NATO] on July 11,” Erdoğan said. 

The Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) has launched an investigation into judge Ahmet Çakmak over his objection to Erdoğan’s third-time presidential candidacy. 

11 regions in Şırmak and its districts were declared “security” zones for 15 days by the Governor’s Office. 

6 prisoners in Kırıkkale Type F Prison started an indefinite nonrotating hunger strike against rights violations. 

Remzi Bayram, who is being held in Kırşehir Type S Covered Prison, said that his ward was raided and some of his belongings were confiscated.

Diyanet-Sen’s Amasya Merzifon district head Hüseyin Kayıkcı has targeted graduation ceremonies, saying that they have been evoking “erotism” with dances and “clothes that trample on our religious and national values.”

The Eskişehir Governor’s Office banned all outdoor activities of the LGBTI+ community within the province for a month on the grounds of protecting “public morality.”

The Bursa Metropolitan Municipality led by AKP cancels singer Melike Şahin’s concert after her remarks on violence against women. 

Turkey Today – 14.06.2023

According to the ANHA, a Turkish drone targeted the military points of the Damascus government in Til Rifet district. The number of soldiers who lost their lives in the attack increased to 5. 

5 people, including members and administrators of the Green Left Party, were detained in house raids in Tekirdağ.

Ill prisoner Sinan Karer, imprisoned in Erzurum, has not been allowed to meet with his family for about 6 months due to the 16-month communication penalty. 

Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey Nikolaus Meyer Landrut stated that Turkish visa holders are more likely to seek asylum in recent years, and they have seen Turkish Erasmus students applying for asylum when their visa expires.

A new indictment has been prepared against Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu following a report filed by the Interior Ministry. The prosecutors accuse him of “using fraud in tender” during his reign as Beylikdüzü mayor and ask from three to seven years in prison for the politician. 

Turkey Today – 13.06.2023

HDP Party Council member Doğan Erbaş, who has a final sentence of 12 years in prison, was detained. 

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that Turkish authorities had violated the rights of former HDP MP Osman Baydemir by imposing a penalty on him for using the term “Kurdistan” during a speech in parliament in 2017.

Many houses were raided in Bitlis early in the morning. HDP Bitlis Provincial Co-chair Berivan Birlik and Green Left Party Provincial Director Mahmut Arukbağ were detained in the raids. 

Socialist Re-Establishment Party (SYKP) Mersin Provincial Co-Chair Gülten Kotanoğlu was detained in a raid on her house early in the morning on charges of “being a member of a terrorist organization”. 

The police prevented LGBTI+ students from İzmir Demokrasi University from organizing a pride month picnic and temporarily detained two of them who attended the event.

Turkey Today – 12.06.2023

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), Turkey’s artillery bombardment in northern Syria hit a Russian military vehicle, killing one soldier and wounding a few others. 

A motorcycle was targeted by a Turkish drone on the Kobanê-Aleppo road. There are people injured in the attack.

Dismissed Diyarbakir Municipality Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı whose sentence to 9 years in prison was quashed by the 3rd Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court was not released in the trial in which he was retried. 

The acquittal of HDP politicians on trial for “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” in Bursa was overturned on appeal.

The police raided many houses in Muş early in the morning. At least 18 people were detained. 12 people, including HDP local district co-chair Zarife Borak as well as district administrator Emrah Yacan, were detained in house raids in Şırnak.  

To protest her being ill-treated by jail authorities, Gezi Park trial prisoner Mücella Yapıcı, 72, has taken a decision not to go to hospital. 

In the case of the attack on the cemevi in Ankara, the defendants’ request for arrest was denied. 

Law Office of the Oppressed member lawyer Gülhan Kaya, who has been detained for two days, has been arrested on charges of “being a member of a terrorist organization”.  

Turkey Weekly 5 – 11 June 2023

Turkey Today – 11.06.2023

The Turkish Defense Ministry stated that two soldiers lost their lives in the military operation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

In a Turkish drone attack on a vehicle in Northern Syria 3 fighters of People’s Defense Units died and two were wounded.

Mesopotamia Agency journalist Fırat Can Arslan, who was taken into custody on 7 June, was released on condition of “judicial control”.

Turkey Today – 10.06.2023

The number of those arrested in Şırnak’s Cizre district has risen to 15.

Despite the ruling of the Constitutional Court Saturday Mothers were again prevented by the police to gather at Galatasaray Square. At least 20 people were detained.

Journalist Ahmet Kanbal, who shared on social media about the lost ballot box in Mardîn, was prosecuted for “publicly spreading misleading information”.

Eight members of TIP who protested the protocol for imams to give lectures in schools were detained.

The Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) rectorate on June 9 invited hundreds of police to the university campus over the LGBTI+ pride march organized by the students. The police raided the university buildings and detained 15 students on campus.

Turkey Today – 09.06.2023

Abu Hatem Shaqra, one of the commanders of Ahrar al-Sharqiya, known for many rights violations, and condemned by the international society for committing “war crimes,” has studied and now graduated from the Mardin Artuklu University in Turkey.

HDP’s Patnos Municipality Co-Mayors Müşerref Geçer and Emrah Kılıç were detained. The Human Resources Manager of the municipality was also detained.

Families of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and other prisoners in Imrali prison applied to the Bursa prosecutor’s office for a meeting with their relatives.

The National Security Council discusses repatriating Syrian refugees. In the council’s inaugural meeting following Erdoğan’s win, they emphasized Syrian refugees’ safe and dignified return to their homes.

The rector’s office of Ankara’s Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) has sent an e-mail to students saying that it did not allow the annual LGBTI annual pride march scheduled for June 9.

Turkey Today – 08.06.2023

HDP Youth Council member Dilan Karakoç was detained in a raid on a house in İzmir’s Menemen district.

Emine Şenyaşar, who was on sit-in in front of the Urfa Courthouse, was fined 8 thousand TL for allegedly “insulting” AKP’s İbrahim Halil Yıldız.

İHD Headquarters stated that the death of 5-year-old Erdem Aşkan as a result of the collision of the vehicle used by the expert sergeant in Gever was not an accident but a murder and demanded that the perpetrators be prosecuted.

Ill prisoner Serhat Karsu in Dumlu High Security Prison No. 1 said that his treatment was blocked and the prison doctor told him, “I am not sending you anywhere. If you die, you will die here.”

Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç has said that TİP lawmaker MP Can Atalay’s conviction lies outside the scope of parliamentary immunity and the decision to release him or not was in the Court of Cassation’s hands.

Istanbul’s Kadıköy District Governor’s Office on June 7 banned the screening of an LGBTI+ themed movie on the grounds that it is against the “constitutional rule,” and police detained those who came to the screening.

Turkey Today – 07.06.2023

2 people were detained in house raids in Şırnak’s Cizre district.

On the website of the Municipality of Artemêt, it was written that the cemeteries belonging to Armenians were destroyed by building TOKİ houses and roads.

As part of the investigation launched in Kırşehir, Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporter Fırat Can Arslan was detained in a raid on his house in Ankara on the grounds of “terrorist propaganda”.

FOX TV and Halk TV have been penalized by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) due to comments made during their elections coverage.

Journalist İdris Yılmaz, who was attacked while trying to report on the coastal road project of the municipality under the management of the trustee, was sentenced to 4 months and 15 days in prison for “deliberate injury” by using the camera as a weapon.

An Istanbul court has sentenced four Boğaziçi University students each to 10 months in prison on allegations of throwing plastic bottles with paint inside in front of the rectorate building during a protest in November 2021.

Turkey Today – 06.06.2023

TÜGVA, an Islamist foundation which has President Erdoğan’s son Bilal Erdoğan on its advisory board, will use the spaces of 238 schools across Istanbul to hold trainings for students. Among the trainings to be held are also Quran courses.

Former HDP MP and former mayor of Dersim, Edibe Şahin, has been released from prison. The Kurdish politician was arrested at the end of 2016.

In the village of Oyalı in Şırnak’s İdil district, the inhabitants were attacked by the military and police, and their electricity is to be cut off.

Turkey bombed mountains in the Amediye district of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Continuing their struggle for justice, tagged the new Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç on their Twitter account,the Şenyaşar family said: “If he is going to bring justice to the country, he should start from Urfa.”

Turkey Today – 05.06.2023

The case of Yusuf Ziya Gümüşel, the founder of the Hiranur Foundation, who married his 6-year-old daughter and exposed her to rape for years has been postponed to July 17.

It was stated that a Turkish drone attacked two people on motorcycles in the Sharbajer region of Sulaymaniyah.

Yesterday, in a television interview HDP’s co-chairs, Mithat Sancar and Pervin Buldan, announced that they will step down in an upcoming congress after conceding disappointing results in the recent dual elections.

Boğaziçi University’s trustee management has announced that the university will not hold a collective graduation ceremony this year, as has been the case for 2021 and 2022.

Turkey Weekly 29 May – 5 June

Turkey Today – 03.06.2023
Yesterday, in Istanbul, the Saturday Mothers’ vigil was once again violently prevented and many were taken into custody by the police.
İYİ Party executives have held a meeting during which they reportedly said that the opposition Nation Alliance was the reason why their party performed worse than expectations in the elections on May 14.
Students graduating from Istanbul’s prestigious Cağaloğlu Anatolian High School on June 2 protested against the school principal who defended child abuse in the past by turning their backs during his speech in the graduation ceremony.
İzmir Provincial Directorate of Education assigned religious officials to one-third of the schools in the province after a protocol was signed with the Religious Affairs Directorate’s office.

Turkey Today – 02.06.2023
It was stated that a clash broke out between the soldiers who went into operation in Lice district and HPG members. 

Turkish warplanes bombarded the Amediye countryside in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
The police attack İzmir Bar Association with tear gas over LGBTI+ protest. 
Diyarbakır’s Yenişehir Municipality trustee put 3 plots of land in Dökmetaş neighborhood up for sale for 79 million 873 TL.
Ahmet Özkan, accompanying his ill prisoner father, Mehmet Emin Özkan, who was released the other day, stated that his father is confined to a wheelchair. 
State-run Anadolu Agency files lawsuit against İmamoğlu over manipulation accusations. 

Turkey Today – 01.06.2023
14-year old Emirhan Gelgir, who was wounded by gunfire during the celebrations after the presidential run-off elections in Urfa, lost his life.

Şırnak Governor’s Office declared that 14 regions in the rural areas have been declared “special security zones”. 
The 28th term legislative year of the Parliament will begin with the oath-taking ceremony to be held tomorrow.
6 members of HDP İzmir Youth Council were detained. 
Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General announced that he will be visiting Ankara soon in order to discuss Sweden’s NATO membership. 
A verdict was given this morning in the trial where Attorney Efkan Bolaç was accused of “insulting the president”over two social media posts.The judge ruled that the posts were not of an insulting nature and acquitted Bolaç. 

Turkey Today – 31.05.2023
CHP vice chair Seyit Torun has announced that CHP mayors were not accepted into the management of the Union of Municipalities of Turkey (TBB).
A new ban on visits by his family and lawyers has been imposed on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. 
On the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Gezi Park protests, the police have cordoned off the vicinity of the park in Taksim Square, Istanbul.
CHP chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will have his immunity lifted with the start of the new parliamentary term, as he is no longer a MP. If prosecutors approve one of the 40 criminal complaints filed against him, he will appear before the court. 
İstanbul MHP MP Feti Yıldız invites prosecutors to start criminal cases against Kılıçdaroğlu. 
Imprisoned Kurdish journalist Zeynel Bulut was forced to speak in Turkish by soldiers while receiving medical treatment due to his illness.
Istanbul Municipal Council (İBB)’s members from AKP battered Medyascope journalist Ali Macit. 

Turkey Today – 30.05.2023
HDP Party Council member İlker Murat Aydın who was accused of “being a member of a terrorist organization” was arrested on the grounds of witness statements.

The Hakkari Bar Association requested an effective investigation into the police violence in Yüksekova. 
Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) announced that an investigation was launched against opposition channels Fox TV, TELE1, Halk TV, KRT, TV 5, Flash Haber, and Szc TV for their election night broadcasts on May 28.
In his retrial, Fethi Gümüş, the former chair of the Diyarbakır Bar Association, has been sentenced to the same penalty after his prison sentence (7,5 years) was previously overturned. 
Journalist Hakkı Boltan was detained yesterday when he went to the Police Department to give a statement as part of a “terror” investigation in Diyarbakır. Today he was released on juridical control measures. 

Turkey Today – 29.05.2023
Standing on the balcony in Beştepe, Erdoğan continued his intervention in the judiciary over Selahattin Demirtaş and said: “It is not possible for him to get out of prison under our rule.” During Erdoğan’s speech his supporters chanted “death penalty” for Demirtaş. 

Dozens of young people were detained in house raids in Hakkari’s Yüksekova district. 

Mother of Mustafa Bor, detained in Yüksekova, said that her son locked in a room at home and subjected to police violence for two hours. She added that the police said “We came to kill your son.” 
İYİ Party member Erhan Kurt has been killed in a knife attack in Ordu during the election celebrations.
Berkant Doran and Süleyman Yeral, who were observers at Demirköprü Muhtar Abdurrahman Çetiner Primary School in Hatay’s Antakya district, objected to the irregularities of entering the voting cabinet together and voting without identification. Both were beaten by other observers. 



t doctors in the AKP period.