Newsletter 5/2021

Dear Sir or Madam, 

Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards Dersim Dağdeviren EUTCC board member 

Statement on Turkish army’s military offensive against the territory of KRG40 days ago, the Turkish Armed Forces launched another large-scale military offensive against the territory of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) – Iraq. As EUTCC, we strongly condemn this military offensive and occupation, which is contrary to international law.

European Parliament resolution of 19 May 2021 on the 2019-2020 Commission Reports on Turkey
The European Parliament strongly condemns the Turkish military interventions in Syria, which constitute grave violations of international law and risk undermining the stability and security of the region as a whole; calls on the Government of Turkey to end its illegal occupation of northern Syria and Afrin and to withdraw its military and paramilitary proxy forces; reiterates that security concerns cannot justify unilateral military action in a foreign country; recalls that there can be no sustainable military solution to the Idlib issue, but only a political one; expresses great concern about and strongly condemns the transfer of fighters and mercenaries from jihadist groups located in northern Syria to Libya and to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh; calls on the Turkish authorities to create the right conditions for displaced communities within Syria to return to their homes and allow them to do so.

EUTCC Commentaries #4By David L Phillips, Director of Peace-Building and Human Rights Programme, Columbia UniversityExecutive Summary: President Joe Biden recognized atrocities committed against Armenians as the Armenian Genocide in his statement on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day  (24 April 2021). The statement represents a watershed moment in US-Turkey relations. President Tayyip Erdogan can address US and international concerns prior to the Biden-Erdogan summit on the margin of June’s NATO meeting, or he can double down and intensify repression against Turkey’s ethnic and religious minorities. Erdogan’s course will define international relations prior to the centennial of the founding of the Turkish republic in 2023.

Male Violence Monitoring Report May 
Violence against women | May 2021

▶️ 18 women killed

▶️ 13 women harassed

 ▶️ 67 women subjected to violence 

▶️ 9 women raped

EU Turkey Civic Commission
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Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission