EUTCC Newsletter May 2023

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find below our current newsletter. 

Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 


Our Statement on the run-off election in Turkey

A clear stance is needed from Europe and its institutions for the opposition, which has fought for change despite the strongest repression. Turkey’s policy under Erdoğan must not remain without consequences. If judgments of the European Court of Human Rights continue to be disregarded, the Council of Europe must take the necessary measures for violation of the convention.

Press conference by Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Mithat Sancar and Green Left Party co-spokespersons Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and İbrahim Akın on the presidential run-off elections

Society and politics are not hopelessly at the mercy of the downward spiral, but have the chance to consciously and actively intervene in the process of change.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission


Statement: Election in Turkey

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find attached our statement regarding the run-off election in Turkey.
If you need further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. 
Kind regards 
Prof. Kariane Westrheim EUTCC Chairperson 

Statement on the run-off election in Turkey
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was declared the winner of the run-off election, which was neither free nor fair. He won by a narrow margin. His challenger Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu achieved very high vote shares especially in the Kurdish provinces, despite the deep nationalist tones. The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and The Green Left Party (YSP) had called for his election in order to pave a way out of autocracy.
European heads of state and government did not wait to congratulate Turkey and to express their hope for good cooperation, as did Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. The restraint in the run-up to the elections already indicated that people were prepared for Erdoğan to carry on as usual.
What the country’s politics will look like in the future was hinted at in Erdoğan’s speech after the election. “It is not possible for him [Selahattin Demirtaş] to get out of prison under our rule.” He will not care about European court rulings in the future either. He will also make the refugee agreement paid even better. The entire Middle East will continue to be marked by instability. An end to the expansive foreign policy is not in sight.
A clear stance is needed from Europe and its institutions for the opposition, which has fought for change despite the strongest repression. Turkey’s policy under Erdoğan must not remain without consequences. If judgments of the European Court of Human Rights continue to be disregarded, the Council of Europe must take the necessary measures for violation of the convention.  

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

EUTCC Newsletter April 2023

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 


Our statement on the wave of arrests against journalists, lawyers, artists and politicians in Turkey in the run-up to the elections

Statement by HDP Foreign Affairs Co-Spokespersons Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy on the wave of arrests against journalists, lawyers, artists and politicians

Justice Ministry says visits to imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan were disrupted due to ‘unavoidable reasons’

bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report April 2023 Men killed at least 24 women, inflicted violence on at least 56 women and abused at least four children in a month in Turkey

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

Press release

Wave of arrests in Turkey

Police raids took place in several cities today. More than 150 people, among them numerous journalists, lawyers and politicians were arrested. This marks a new and worrying stage in the election campaign, showing that Erdoğan’s AKP-MHP coalition is using all means to stay in power. Especially the Kurdish and the democratic electorate are the focus of the attacks.

Precisely these circles – the Green Left alliance with the HDP – are decisive for the outcome of the elections and thus also for the imperative need to vote out President Erdoğan and his AKP-MHP coalition.
These repressions are unacceptable and require a clear response from the European Union and the European institutions. The Council of Europe, which will accompany the elections with a 40-member delegation led by Social Democrat Frank Schwabe, must take the above aspects into account.
The EUTCC calls on the Council of Europe and the European Union to take a position without delay. The Council of Europe must adapt its plans for election observation accordingly.

Prof. Dr. Kariane WestrheimEUTCC Chairperson
Dersim DağdevirenEUTCC Board member

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission

EUTCC Newsletter March 2023

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find below our monthly newsletter.
Kind regards 

Prof. Kariane Westrheim 


Final resolution 17th EUTCC Conference The Annual International Conference on the EU, Turkey, the Middle East and the Kurds was hosted by the EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC) in cooperation with the The Left Group, the Greens-European Free Alliance (GREENS/EFA), the Groups of the Free Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) and the Kurdish Institute Brussels. The conference was successfully held on 8th and 9th of March 2023 in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Report by Human Rights Foundation on rights violations in quake zone17 people were subjected to torture and ill-treatment, one person died, and at least 10 people were injured in nine separate incidents in the region.

Solidarity statement of the Socialists and Democrats, the Greens/EFA and the Left Groups in the European Parliament with the Peoples’ Democratic Party in Turkey The closure of HDP would be an irreversible blow to the democratic system of Türkiye and its relations with the EU.

Statement by the Council of Europe on Osman Kavala and Selahattin Demirtaş The Council of Europe has again urged the Turkish authorities to immediately release Osman Kavala and Selahattin Demirtaş, in line with judgments from the European Court of Human Rights.

Commentaries 23: The Implications of Turkish Interventions in Rojava for US and EU Foreign Policiesby Dr. Veysi Dağ, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and SOAS
This essay focuses on the anti-intellectualism in Turkey in relation to the oppression, persecution, and discrediting of critical academics. It shows how this anti-intellectualism affects the reproduction and re-legitimation of war policies in regards to the Turkish-Kurdish conflict. To this end, first it presents excerpts from in-depth interviews with academics who were dismissed from universities by presidential decrees for This paper examines how Turkish invasions into Northern Syria’s Kurdish enclave undermine US and European policy objectives. It argues that the Turkish state, obsessed with Kurdish hostility, endangers American and European foreign policies by further destabilising war-torn Syria, facilitating the empowerment of Islamist extremist groups, impeding a peaceful resolution to Syria’s protracted conflict, and assisting Russia’s anti-Western interests. The paper suggests that the US and Europe could rather deploy a dual strategy aimed at exerting pressure on Turkey to discontinue its disruptive and belligerent actions. To cease targeting anti-ISIS Kurdish forces, Turkey must either resume the Kurdish-Turkish peace process or risk being designated as a rival state, analogous to Russia, and subjected to punitive sanctions.

EU Turkey Civic Commission
Twitter: @EUTCC1
Facebook: Eu Turkey Civic Commission